My Hero Academia: Sand-Sand Fruit

009 Long Jiu Arrives (Asking For A Wave Of Flowers)

Hearing this, Ishimura sneered: "All you have done is in vain, just one minute!"

With that said, Shi Cun raised a finger towards Su Yuan and continued.

"I only need one minute to defeat you!"


Ishimura pulled out the long sword worn at his waist, and the cold light flashed directly from the blade.

Then, he ran wildly and rushed towards Su Yuan.

His movements are very fast, if Su Yuan has not trained in the past month.

It is absolutely impossible to keep up with Ishimura's speed.

Su Yuan had no weapons and could only use his armed hands to block his slashes.

"Bang bang bang!"

Every time the sword came down, he could vaguely see sparks flickering in his hand.

Hitting, hitting, Shi Cun couldn't help but become confused.

"Didn't this kid's Quirks turn into something like sand? Why now it's turned into something like defensive Quirks. Even a knife can't cut through it."

He was thinking to himself, but he quickly discovered a pattern.

That is, every time Su Yuan catches it with his hands, not his legs or other places.


With the last impact, Shi Cun did a backflip and was some distance away from Su Yuan.

"I have already seen your weakness. In this way, your originally meager winning rate will no longer exist." Ishimura said with a grin.

Su Yuan ignored him and attacked him.

Upon seeing this, Shi Cun also waved his hands, and immediately following, two large groups of white liquid suddenly appeared on both sides of Su Yuan.

"It's over!" Ishimura said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, two dozen groups of white liquid began to merge as quickly as possible.

Once the merger is successful, Su Yuan will be in danger, because the liquid is not ventilated and trapped inside, he is likely to be suffocated to death.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Ishimura's liquid is not an ordinary liquid. It can harden instantly and turn into something like a puddle of water in an instant.

However, in Su Yuan's eyes, there are too many ways to escape from this attack.

Elementalization is a good way, but at this moment, Su Yuan wants to prove something.

I saw him opening his hands in the direction of the combined liquid on both sides.

Seeing this scene, Shi Cun laughed at Su Yuan's naivety and said: "The moment you choose to follow, you are destined to be shattered to pieces."

In just a few seconds, the liquid on both sides had reached Su Yuan's side.

However, when Ishimura was surprised, the liquid stopped doing his bidding at this moment.

"What's going on? Why can't it be softened?" Ishimura said in confusion.

At this moment, Su Yuan also knew that Armament Haki could restrain his white liquid.

"Then... the next thing will be easy to handle." Su Yuan said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the arm turned into a huge sand blade, and only the sound of 'shuashuashua' was heard, and the liquid blocks on both sides shattered directly, and finally collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up and continued to swing the sand blade in his hand to slash directly at Ishimura.

Ishimura quickly took the long knife in his hand to block the attack.


His long knife was shattered.

Ishimura frowned and quickly dodged to the side.

Sand blade. The ground cracked directly.

Even the surrounding city walls collapsed.

A heavy voice sounded among the billowing dust and mist.

"I was careless this time. Boy, I will save your life and Miyagawa Nako's. Next time we meet, I will definitely kill you two with my own hands."

After saying that, Ishimura jumped directly and wanted to jump to the roof, but unexpectedly, he suddenly found that his feet were caught.

"Want to leave? I haven't agreed yet!" Su Yuan said, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Just as he remembered a rumbling sound, thick smoke and dust flew up, and at that moment, a figure broke through the smoke and dust.

It landed on another roof.

Ishimura's face was very stiff and his brows were furrowed.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at the foot that had just been grabbed by Su Yuan. It was now skin and bones, which looked a little scary.

"What did that kid just do?" Shi Cun was confused at this moment.

His intuition told him that this person was too weird. He seemed to be full of weaknesses, but in fact, he was full of dangers.

All he could think about now was one word, 'escape'.

"I admit, you are the strangest person I have met in so many years. Do you dare to tell me your name?" Ishimura said in a deep voice.

"Haha." Su Yuan sneered and said, "Remember, my name is Baku-hao-sheng-ji!"

"Okay, Bakugo Katsuki, I will remember you. Sooner or later, I will pay back double what I have received today."

As he spoke, he waved his hand again, and a huge ball of liquid flew into the sky, followed by it, and crashed directly in the direction of Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's whole body quickly turned into sand.


At least half of the training grounds of this agency have been turned into ruins.

In the thick smoke and dust, a pile of sand merged together and finally turned into Su Yuan.

"If it weren't for the fact that the armed color could restrain his liquid, it would be really difficult this time." Su Yuan said in a deep voice.

Then he scanned the dilapidated grounds around him and couldn't help but sigh.

I waited there for about five minutes, but I still didn't see Nako Miyagawa.

Su Yuan is about to leave. Who knows if the man named Shi Cun will bring his accomplices back to get him.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Su Yuan saw something flying over that subverted his three views.

Yes, it is a Western-type dragon, and the dragon is still holding Miyagawa Nako.



The author has created a skirt, and those who are interested can join [Jiu Qi is Jiuba Zero is Bajiu]

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