"By the way, the next one seems to be the eldest sister of Erlang and Class B!"

Eight million hundred took advantage of the pause time when the cement division teacher began to repair the cement yard again, turned around and whispered to Shangming.

"If Erlang advances, then in the third round, one of the winners of the first two fights will have a second match against Erlang?"

Shang Ming was stunned for a moment, and looked at the position of the ear of the person next to him because he went down to prepare, and he couldn't see the position of the person's ear, he didn't seem to have thought about this problem.

"That's right, if I win the scorching jelly, there is really a half chance that I will have to fight with Erlang on the field!"

"Hey, hey, hey. "

Eight million hundred came a little closer, and said with a light smile: "If it's really you, do you want to do it?"


Kamimei groaned, and gave an answer after a moment.

"It's not like you will give up the game because of this, you still have to win, after all, I have set a flag in front of everyone before, and it will be a shame not to get the final first place. "

"Eh, so you're going to 'domestic violence' against Erlang?"

At this time, Ashido, who has always liked to joke about CP, interjected and asked in a surprising voice, and that little expression of disbelief was a real drama.


Shang Ming pulled a string of black lines on his head, what is 'domestic violence', what words are used?

He directly ignored Ashido's strange words and said, "I will try to win without hurting her!"

"Shangming, you may not be able to win the bomb scorch, it's better to take the fight with the bomb seriously. "

Suddenly, Chang Dark, who had always been silent, stepped into the shadows, and reminded Shangming that his original intention was very good, that is, he hoped that Shangming would not be arrogant, and the boat capsized in the gutter.

"Of course, I'll do my best against my classmates......"

Shang Ming glanced at Bang Jiao Leaning against the wall in the distance, and repeated softly again: "Hmm.... Absolutely all out!"


At this time, Bang Jiao Liang seemed to have a feeling, and his eyes also looked over, and the next second, the eyes of the two met in mid-air, and soon rubbed into fierce sparks.

A pair of indifferent ice eyes, a pair of confident golden eyes, made the atmosphere nearby solemn at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even people like Ashido Sanna and Minoru Mineta who speak loudly subconsciously shut their mouths, but it's okay.

The passionate voice of the microphone teacher, like an invisible sound wind, swept through all the untimely atmosphere, making the whole field hot again.

At the same time, Shangming Electric and Bang Jiao Jelly also looked away at the same time very tacitly, focusing their eyes on the competition field below.

"Teacher Cement Division has worked hard!"

"Then let's enjoy it again together, the final battle of the second round, the battle between Class A Erlang Xiangxiang and Class B Kento Kazuka!"

"The winner between them will become the last semi-finalist of this year's 'Xiongying Sports Festival' and participate in the semi-final battle!"

After saying that, the microphone teacher stood up directly from the chair and shouted when he lifted the microphone.



"Boom, boom, boom, boom—"

The four special effect flamethrowers on the edge of the rectangular concrete arena, under the control of the backstage staff, once again sprayed a raging flame.


At the beginning, Erlang directly repeated the old trick and inserted the 'headphone jack earlobe' into the ground in front of him.

Soon, in the midst of a buzzing sound, the ground cracked open again, and with a violent shaking effect, it struck at the fist vine that had just made his hands huge!

Other people may not feel much about this scene, but the cement teacher who was sitting on the cement seat outside the venue was very helpless in his heart.

"What's going on with the freshmen of this class, so many destructive personalities..... Eh, I have to repair it in a while, and I don't know if the cement prepared is enough. "

On the other side, in the face of the 'earthquake' attack that he had seen before, Kenteng, the eldest sister of Class B, naturally thought of countermeasures.

I saw this young girl with an orange slanted ponytail jump in place and jump into the air before the ground under her feet shattered.


Then she used her huge hands to fan her body with all her might, and soon a strong wind was fanned by her, and then she flew to Ear Lang along the wind!

"This can too?!"

Her operation instantly caused many people to be surprised, and also made many professional heroes interested in her whimsical ideas.


At the same time, Erlang's brows furrowed, but she didn't panic anything, but directly stretched her 'headphone jack earlobe' and stabbed at the attacking fist vine.

However, she also knew that her move was more dangerous, so she deliberately avoided the key points of the fist vine and only attacked his limbs.

"I've seen this trick of yours, too!"

Fist Teng's body was still in the air, but a happy smile appeared on his face, and after speaking, he waved his big hands again and slapped them in front of him.

The air in front of her was once again fanned by her into a violent wind, but this time it was blowing to her ears!


Not to mention, her trick was very effective, and the two 'stinging snakes' in Erlang were blown up directly before they could get close.

At the same time, the fist vine also came to Er Lang's side!

"I'm sorry, my personality is too restrained for you......"

Erlang looked at the huge fist that was almost pasting, pursed his lips bitterly, and then subconsciously looked up at the area where Class A was located.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to help you after being promoted to the semi-finals......."

Her previous plan was very simple, after being promoted to the next round, if the opponent drawn was Shangming, she would directly abstain so that he would not consume too much energy.

And if it's someone else, try to go all out to consume the other party's physical strength, but now..... Nothing can be done.

The battle ended quickly, and it can be said that it ended almost in one shot, which surprised many people, including Kamimei, Eight Million Hundred, Microphone Teacher, Aizawa Class Guide, etc.

Because from the perspective of basic personality, it should be Erlang to restrain the fist vine, after all, whether it is an 'earthquake' or a direct stab, it can effectively threaten the fist vine.

But the operation of Fist Teng to fan the wind with his 'big hand' not only directly made up for his weaknesses such as no displacement and no long-range attack, but also instantly formed a restraint on Erlang!

"Class B..... It doesn't seem to be weaker than us. "

'Replica Wrist' shoji Muzo looked at the fist vine who smiled delicately in the cheers, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, after all, they're heroic scientists just like us. "

Shang Ming stood up and said, at the same time he was ready to go down, firstly to comfort Erlang, and secondly, it was his turn to play the next game.

Or rather, is it your turn...... He and Boom froze!

He glanced at where the blast had been, and saw that it was empty, and then at Andva, who was also leaning against the wall in the distance.

Well..... I have to say that his tall and strong body and the flames burning all over his body are really very conspicuous.

After a moment he withdrew his gaze, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Soon I will let you see the full strength of my Shangming Electric!"

"If something happens, don't regret it, Mr. Andrew, the second in Japan......"

After Shangming left, before Eight Million Hundred, Che Island, Frog Blowing and the others could take their eyes off Shangming's back, there was an incomparably familiar belly black sound in their ears.


Okay, the kid from Class B, Ninto Monoma, climbed the fence and began to speak viciously to Class A, but this time because there was no fist vine to stop him, so he kept chattering.

"Get out!"

Banghao, who was already in a bad mood because of the defeat, stood up directly and glared at him fiercely with a pair of red eyes that seemed to be about to kill.

"Otherwise, I will kill you!"


The next moment, I accidentally met the object with Banghao's gaze, and the hairs on my body stood up all of a sudden, and my neck was even more speechless as if it was pinched.

"It's scary..... This guy!"

I have to say that the really angry Banghao is indeed too scary, especially the momentum, which is even more terrifying than most of the 'enemies'.

(PS: Thank you for the 2000 tip of the heart!Thank you for the 100 tip of the cloud dream!How do you think the fat has been written so far?, the quality is still stable, right?If you are interested, you can go to the web page to vote Oh, fat likes to read this very much.) )

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