The identity is not revealed either, which is the right thing to do. As for that gentleman, I don't think he was someone who couldn't get along if he was thrown abroad. If he still wants to do things without hesitation, it can only be said that he is too ignorant. "

Well, with All Might's qualifications and age, there is indeed the capital to say that a gentleman.

After a few more simple chats, All Might hung up the phone and went to work on his own business.

Renault also put away his phone and went back to the kitchen.

At this time, Yuriko Suzuka was being asked by Misaka Mikoto to cut vegetables. However, Yuriko Suzuka, who is extremely talented in combat, does not seem to have any talent in cooking. It is really difficult for her to simply rely on the hand to hold the kitchen knife to cut vegetables.

After taking the kitchen knife in the other's hand, Reno was not going to make things difficult for her: "Okay, you won't use it for chopping vegetables in the future. It's enough to help wash vegetables occasionally, okay?"

Suzuka Yuriko didn't have the consciousness of "you have to learn to cook well" like other girls, so after agreeing to Renault's small request, she left the kitchen.

Soon, Renault and Misaka Mikoto were left in the kitchen.

Looking at the carrots on the cutting board, Renault smiled bitterly: "I thought you just asked her to cut something simple, but you just asked her to shred?"

"Hey hey, I just tried it, I didn't cut it a few times." Misaka Mikoto also spread her hands and continued to handle the hamburger meat in the pot.

While cooking, Misaka Mikoto was still humming a tune, looking relaxed and happy.

Although she said that her home is next door, her mother has to travel from time to time because of her work, so Misaka Mikoto is now more used to living in Renault's house.

Anyway, you have to live in sooner or later, what's the difference?

This was a joke when her mother urged Misaka Mikoto to pack her clothes and come to live at Renault's house before a business trip. However, it can be seen that Misaka Mizuno is still very satisfied with Renault's future son-in-law, otherwise she would not be so relieved to allow her daughter to live here.

As for eating and cleaning, Japan is relatively loose in this regard. Coupled with personality and the current status of the superhuman society, young people are also more precocious, which is not a problem.

ha? You said Misaka Mikoto is only 14 years old? At least from Misaka Mizu's side, it's no big deal.

After dinner, Misaka Mikoto was very interested in training today because of things in the afternoon, and she literally dragged Renault for more than an hour of combat training in the training ground.

And it's time to sleep.

Since I accompanied Misaka Mikoto for combat training at night, it's time for the other party to accompany Reno well.

This night, the two made trouble very late before they embraced each other and fell asleep.

Early in the morning on Sunday, because he was busy for a while at night, Reynolds also slept a little longer.

It's just that this extra sleep made him forget something.

At 9 o'clock, Yuriko Bell Branch, who was already up and eating salad and drinking coffee downstairs, felt that someone came to the door and rang the doorbell.

Putting down the coffee and books, she glanced upstairs, and finally she chose to open the door.

The door opened, and eight million hundred dressed in a dress saw the person appearing in front of him, and said with a smile, "Lei... eh?"

Reno-kun doesn't have long hair, right? Does he have a femininity?

"Are you that sister of Renault-kun?"

Frowning, 8 million looked at each other vigilantly.

She never thought that she would see the person who invaded Xiongying here. Although this person is Renault's twin sister and did not hurt anyone, she is indeed a member of the enemy alliance.

For the vigilance of Eight Million Hundreds, Lily of the Bell Branch didn't care either. After all, only a few senior officials and teachers of Xiongying, as well as those who are very close to Xiongying, know the news about her here.

"You're here for Reno? He's still sleeping, come in first."

After speaking, regardless of the reaction of Eight Million Hundreds, he turned and walked into the room.

"The slippers are on the shoe rack. I changed them myself. I'll call him."

"..." Looking at the back of Yuriko Suzuka, the tightly frowned brows of Eight Million Bai slowly loosened. It seems that there are a lot of things she doesn't know yet.

After entering the door, he changed his slippers and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Looking at the dining table in the living room, she saw that there was a breakfast there, and it seemed that the other party was eating just now.

Soon, the sound of footsteps came, and Yuriko Lingke went downstairs and said to the eight million hundred: "Wait a few minutes, that guy just got up and wants to change clothes and wash his face."


Nodding, eight million hundred was not in a hurry, she watched Yuriko Suzuka sit back in her seat, and while eating breakfast, she opened a book and looked at it as if no one else was there.

Yes, as if 8,000,000 did not exist.

Such a scene made 8 million hundred even more curious.

Chapter 236 Don't Worry At All

Eight million people have seen Yuriko Suzuka once, and that was when the enemy alliance invaded Xiongying.

When Yuriko Suzuka appeared that time, she directly attacked All Might, and it even seemed to be evenly matched. But looking back now, eight million can be considered to understand, at that time All Might

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