My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 138 A New Member Of Richard's Family

In fact, today Richard proposed raising a house elf is not a whim, but a long-term consideration.

Especially now that Olivia is pregnant and will soon give birth to a baby girl, the safety issue cannot be underestimated.

The house elves not only know how to do housework, but also their strength is obvious to all. I didn't see Dobby easily knocking Lucius Malfoy several meters away in the original book.

Therefore, it is still possible to use the strength of house elves to protect their own family members.

As for where to get house elves, it is more troublesome. In the original book, there are only two free house elves, one is Dobby after the second grade, and the other is Winky after the fourth grade.

Compared to these two house-elves, what Richard wanted more was Winky. In Richard's opinion, Dobby's temper was not very much. At least it still belonged to the Malfoy family, but he had been betraying the Malfoy family, so Li Suo was even more concerned. I like sparkle.

But it was too late for Winky to be free.

At this moment Richard suddenly remembered the question Harry asked himself, was there any house-elf in the Foley family.

After hesitating for a while, Richard decided to ask the welfare family. Although the wool can't catch one, Richard really has no channels now, and the safety of his parents and unborn younger sister really needs to be taken seriously.

Thinking of this, Richard couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He originally planned not to contact the protagonist group, but why did he get involved so deeply? Whose problem is it?

Forget it, Richard took out a pen and paper and wrote a letter directly to the owner of the welfare family, Da Ya was asking the house elf that the welfare family did not have.

Why young house-elves are needed? On the one hand, it is a matter of loyalty, and on the other hand, it is a problem of ideology. You must know that house-elves have always been slaves of wizards, and many older house-elves will also have certain problems. The phenomenon of discrimination against ordinary people, and the Harris family currently has only one wizard and that is Richard, and Richard will soon go back to Hogwarts to go to school, so there will be no wizards in the family, so it is still necessary to find a young house elf They can be trained to obey their parents' orders.

After writing the letter, Richard asked Barnaby to deliver the letter, and then Richard went to bed.

The next morning, Richard had just finished breakfast. The person who came to Richard's house last time came, but this time he didn't come alone, and brought a house elf.

"Mr. Harris."

Richard and Wilson looked over at the same time.

"Just call me Richard, I'm not Mr. Harris yet." Richard knew he was calling himself and said hastily.

"Okay Richard, the owner asked me to send you this house elf, and a letter." The middle-aged man handed Richard a letter.

"What's its name?" Richard asked as he opened the envelope.

"It doesn't have a name right now, we have to wait for you to give it a name, as long as it has a name, it will be loyal to you~." The middle-aged man pushed the house-elf to his side as he spoke.

At this time, the house elf was wearing a brand new pillowcase and a pair of socks on his feet, looking at Ji Luo with trepidation.

"Are you a boy or a girl?" Richard asked the house-elf.

"I, I'm a girl." The elf stammered and answered Richard's question.

"Well, then your name will be Phoebe from now on? How do you like it?"

"Phoebe likes this name very much, thank you master." Phoebe replied timidly.

"You wait here now, I have something to tell you after I read the letter.

Then Richard ignored Phoebe, took out the letter and read it carefully.

Rhode's reply was not long, but concise.

The main content is that this house-elf was born in their family not long ago, and the training on housework has been perfected, and adhering to the tradition of the Welfare family, their house-elves did not discriminate against Muggles, but the house-elf only Allegiance to the wizard is only engraved in their bones. At the same time, Rhodes told Richard that the sock on it was given by him and he did not give it a name because it was too small, so this house elf only needs Richard to give it a name. will be loyal to Richard.

Richard took out a pen and paper, wrote a letter of thanks to Chief Rhodes, handed it to the middle-aged man, and asked him to hand it to Rhodes.

Then Richard took Phoebe out of the house and into the garden.

"Phoebe, first tell me what you think of ordinary people." Richard felt that this was important.

"Ordinary people? Phoebe doesn't understand the meaning of the master. What is an ordinary person?" As a young house elf, Phoebe has been staying in the Welfare Village since she was born, and she doesn't know the concept of Muggles at all.

Richard also understood, pointed to his parents and asked Phoebe.

"Then do you see the difference between those two and me?"

Phoebe looked at Wilson and Olivia carefully, and then replied.

"Those two people who don't have magic power are not wizards, and they can't be Phoebe's master, but the master has magic power and is a great wizard, so they can be Phoebe's master."

"Then I told you to listen to those two people, will you listen?"

"Of course, although Phoebe is still relatively young, no matter what the master asks Phoebe to do, Phoebe will do it."

Hearing Phoebe's answer, Richard is still very satisfied, as long as he is obedient.

"By the way, what did you do in the Fuhe family before?" Ji Suo asked curiously.

"Phoebe has always been with her mother. Whatever mother asked Phoebe to do, Phoebe did. Until this morning, an older wizard suddenly called her mother and Phoebe over and gave Phoebe a pair of socks. At that time, my mother cried and kowtowed to the master wizard, but the master wizard said that he would give Phoebe to the master. The master is very important to their family. It is an honor for mother and Phoebe to be the slave of the master. , is also the mother's greatest contribution to the welfare family. After hearing that, my mother was very happy

She also told Phoebe to be a good master. "

Seeing Phoebe's fear when she first arrived in a new environment, and the longing that leaked out when she mentioned her mother, Richard had a feeling that he was a bad person, and quickly shook his head.

"Phoebe, do you want to see your mother?" Richard asked.

"No, no Phoebe, Phoebe is the master's slave now, Phoebe will always be by the master's side, the master don't drive Phoebe away." Hearing Richard's words, Phoebe immediately knelt down in fright and kept talking Kowtow to Richard.

Seeing the elf's excited performance, Li quickly pulled it back.

"I'm not trying to drive you away. What I mean is that from Monday to Friday, you have to stay at home. On weekends, if you have nothing to do, you can go back there to see your mother and be with your mother."

Hearing Richard's words, Phoebe couldn't stop crying.

"Phoebe is so lucky to have such a good master, ten thousand times better than mother's master."

"By the way, Phoebe, do your house elves usually stay with their masters?"

"No, we usually stay in the kitchen, and we only show up when the master calls.

"Then how did you hear your master call you?" Richard has always been curious about this.

As long as the master gives us a name, we can hear the master calling no matter where we are. "

"Only the master can?"

"Yes, only the master can, others can't."

"Then do you know Hogwarts? If I call you at Hogwarts, can you hear me and pass?"

"Phoebe knows Hogwarts. Mom once gave something to a wizard named Gemma. She is in Hogwarts. But Phoebe can only hear it now, but she can't get over it. Phoebe is too young. , cannot be transmitted over long distances.”

Speaking of which, Phoebe yelled that she was useless and slapped herself on the head with her hands.

"Okay, Phoebe, I don't blame you, and you have to know that you belong to me now, so without my order, you are not allowed to have any behavior that hurts yourself, and you are not allowed to kowtow."

Phoebe quickly stopped punishing herself, still muttering in a low voice, master is the best master in the world.

"So can you teleport to your mother now?" Richard continued.

"Should work, but Phoebe hasn't tried,

"Then try it now."

"Good master." With that, Richard heard a loud pop and Phoebe disappeared.

Without keeping Richard waiting, Phoebe returned soon after, and not only was she back, but she was accompanied by a house-elf who seemed to be a little older than her age.

"Master, master Phoebe can do it. Phoebe can be sent from home to mother. You (Wang Wangzhao) saw that Phoebe brought her mother too."

"Hello, dear wizard, I am the house elf of the Foley family. You can call me Thatcher. Master Foley asked me to come with Phoebe and ask me what you need to ask me."


The house-elf of the Foley family, Thatcher?

Richard couldn't help feeling, well, your elf has the same name as that Iron Lady.

"You came at the right time. I was just about to ask when Phoebe can go to Hogwarts directly from here." Li Sheng asked Thatcher.

"According to Phoebe's age, it will take two to three years, she is still too young.

Richard was a little disappointed when he heard this time, it would take such a long time, and he might have a way to return directly from Hogwarts by then.

"So is there anything else Phoebe needs to learn now?"

"No need sir, I have taught her everything. Of course, those are the rules of the Foley family. Now Phoebe is your slave, sir, and you need to hand over your rules to her."

"By the way, my lord, Phoebe said that she can visit me on weekends. Is this your permission?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I said."

Hearing Richard's answer, Thatcher bowed deeply to Richard, "My lord, you are so kind.",

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