My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 210: How To Fight Dementors

Hogwarts, inside the infirmary.

Hearing Harry's question, both Hermione and Ronald turned their heads to Richard.

Richard filtered the relevant information about dementors in his head, and then said to Harry.

"Harry, remember what I told you on the Hogwarts Express~?"

"Of course, I remember you said that dementors feed on the happiness of human beings, sucking away all happy memories and making people recall all the most terrible things, and my resistance to dementors is due to childhood accidents. The force is very weak.

Hearing Harry's words, Richard couldn't help feeling that Harry was more reliable when it came to key matters.

"That's right, that's it. In fact, no one can completely resist dementors. As for me..." Richard recalled the scenes of encountering dementors several times. To be honest, he didn't feel anything at all.

"As for me, in fact, I can't give you any advice. Remember the first time you were in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

Harry and the others nodded, and Hermione suddenly realized.

"I remember that Boggart had no way of knowing what you were really afraid of, and you said it was your talent, didn't it...?"

"That's right, I can't help but the Boggart has no way of knowing what I'm afraid of, and even the dementors can't absorb my happy memories, so I probably can't overcome the dementors, so, I have no way to give Harry advice, I can't I don't know how you feel, it's really a pity."

Hearing Richard Versailles' speech, Harry felt jealous of his companion for the first time, if only he could be like this.

"And the Patronus Charm?" Hermione asked sharply.

"The Patronus Charm can indeed ward off dementors, but are you really going to learn the Patronus Charm from me, Harry?"

Hearing Richard's words, Harry immediately nodded excitedly and replied.

"Of course, I mean, if you'd like to teach me."

"Teaching you is no problem," Richard thought for a moment, and then said to Harry, "but my progress may be a bit fast, I don't know if it's suitable for you."

"In this way, you recall your happiest memory first, and it must be the happiest."

Hearing Richard's words, the three little wizards closed their eyes, and then desperately remembered.

Harry's happiest memory must be at Hogwarts, he desperately remembered his happy moments in Hogwarts,

Ronald's happiest memories are all with Harry.

As for Hermione, she felt that she had a lot of happy memories since she was a child, until she met Richard at Hogwarts, and Hermione realized that the happiness she had before was not real happiness, and that being with Richard was the happiest Yes, I went shopping with Richard, Richard gave me a gift, I knit a scarf for Richard, I was really happy from the bottom of my heart, do you like Richard?

For the first time, Hermione began to really face her feelings for Richard.

"Remember this happy feeling, you must remember it firmly, and then take out your magic spells, recite the spells, and call on the gods for protection." Richard's voice suddenly rang in the ears of the three.

Both Harry and Ronald drew their wands immediately, while Hermione blushed pretty before pulling out her wand.

"Calling God's Guard", "Calling God's Guard", "Calling God's Guard"

Three voices came from the mouths of the three, and then they opened their eyes.

What made them look at each other was that the wands of the three didn't respond at all. Even Hermione, who had always been a super fast learner, didn't respond to her wand at all.

"Is it because your memories are not happy enough, or you can try again, that's what Professor Flitwick taught me at the time." Richard said helplessly.

Both Harry and Ronald were about to start closing their eyes and remembering again, but Hermione stopped them.

"Richard's approach doesn't work for us."

Both Harry and Ronald stared at Hermione with wide eyes.

"You all know that Richard's talent is really terrifying, so as long as he has a spell and his emotions are in place, he can cast a spell, but we are all just ordinary wizards, we have to match a series of operations related to wands, gestures, etc. ,My memory just now is the happiest, but there is no reaction at all, which proves that it is not that our magic power is not enough, but that the method is not correct."

Hearing Hermione's words, Richard nodded and said pretendingly.

"That's what I said, my progress is a little bit fast, and it's not necessarily the reason for you guys.

"Then what should I do." Harry asked anxiously, Ronald and Hermione didn't care, but Harry wanted to learn as soon as possible, after all he didn't want to lose in Quidditch at all.

"Actually, you can ask the professor, Dumbledore is the wizard who is best at the Patronus Charm, and the deans of the four colleges also know the Patronus Charm."

"That's right, Harry, Professor McGonagall also has a Patronus Charm, and her Patronus is a cat," Hermione continued.

But Harry wasn't interested at all. He could think that if he asked Professor McGonagall for advice, she would definitely say that he hadn't reached the age to learn spells yet, and that the professor would teach him when he was old.

Seeing Harry's listless look, Richard said suddenly,

"Actually, if you don't want to ask Professor McGonagall for advice, there is another professor who should satisfy you.

"Who is it?" Harry asked hastily.

"Professor Lupine, he also has a Patronus Charm"

"Professor Lupin!!!" Harry jumped up immediately, he didn't know why he could feel a kind of care from Professor Lupin, it was a kind of care from the heart, so if he asked Professor Lupin for advice, he would be very happy .

"When will we have Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Harry hurriedly asked Hermione, he thought only Hermione could answer this question, and he didn't count on Ronald's words.

"Next Monday, which is tomorrow."

"That's great..." Before Harry could finish, Ronald interrupted him.

"Are you sure it's Professor Lupine teaching us? Don't forget he's sick, what if Snape is our substitute?"

"Or you can ask Professor Snape, his Patronus is a doe." Richard said maliciously.

Seriously, he kind of wanted to see Harry ask Snape for the Patronus Charm, after all, Snape's Patronus was the same doe as Harry's mother Lily.

Hearing Richard's suggestion, Harry rolled his eyes directly, and asked him to ask Snape for advice, he would rather never use the Patronus Charm.

On Monday, Harry was relieved to be back in the hustle and bustle of the main school.

Although he also had to endure Malfoy's taunts, he could only think about other things at school.

Malfoy sees Gryffindor lose the ball game.

Almost delirious with joy, he finally took off the bandages and celebrated his full use of both arms again by doing a feisty imitation of Harry falling off his broomstick.

In the Great Hall at lunch, Malfoy walked through the keep trying to imitate the Dementors so many times that Ronald finally got angry and threw a big slippery chocolate pudding at Malfoy, hitting him in the face.

0 for flowers... 0

If it weren't for what happened to Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, Richard believed that Gryffindor and Slytherin would definitely fight each other.

"If Snape comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts class again, I'll call in sick," said Ronald, as they had finished their lunch and were heading to Professor Lupine's class.

"Harry, who's coming to class."

Harry looked around the classroom door.


Professor Lupine is back in class, and he does look sick.

His old robes hung more baggy and he had dark shadows under his eyes; nonetheless, he smiled at the class as they sat down, and they immediately complained bitterly about what Snape had done when Lupine was sick. for.

"It's not fair, he just came to substitute for the class, why did he give us homework?"

"We don't know what a werewolf is."

"There is still homework that requires two rolls of parchment!"

"Didn't you tell Professor Snape that we haven't learned that yet?" Lupine asked, frowning slightly.

Everyone talked again.

"Said, but he said we were too far behind."

"He didn't listen to anything at all."


"Two rolls of parchment!"

Everyone was indignant, and Professor Lupine just smiled.

"Don't worry. I'll tell Professor Snape. You don't have to write that paper."

"Oh, no," said Hermione. Disappointed, "I've already written it."

This class is very enjoyable. Professor Lupine brought a glass tank containing Shinpunk, a one-legged guy who looked like it was made of wisps of smoke, was fragile, and didn't look like he wanted to hurt anyone.

"Luring the traveler into a swamp." Professor Lupine said as the students took notes. "Did you notice that light dangling from its front feet? Jumping in front, people follow the light, so...  

Sinkpunk made a horrible creaking sound against the glass above his head.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and everyone packed up their things and walked to the door, Harry was among them.

"Wait a minute, Harry," Lupine called to him, "I have something to tell you."

Harry folded back. Watch as Professor Luhu covers the box containing the Hinkpunk with a cloth.

"I heard about the race," Lupine said, turning to the podium table to pack the books in his briefcase. "I'm sorry about your broomstick too. Can it be repaired?"

"No more," said Harry, "that tree smashed it to pieces."

Lupine sighed.

A ray of winter sunlight streamed into the classroom, illuminating Zhanping's gray hair and the wrinkles on his young face.

"Professor, can you teach me how to use the Patronus Charm?"

"Oh, how did you know about the spell?"

"Richard told me, and he taught me a bit, but none of us could learn it." Then, Harry told Lupine about Richard's teaching method.

After Lupine heard it, he didn't know how to describe Richard. Is the Patronus Charm so easy? He thought of the difficulty of learning the Patronus Charm.

"I don't want to pretend to be an expert in warding off dementors, Harry, it's the opposite."

"But if they come again during a Quidditch match, there must be a way to deal with them.

Lupine looked at Harry's determined face, hesitated, and then said, "Well, that's fine. I'll try to help you. But I'm afraid I'll have to wait until next semester. I have a lot of things to do before the holidays. I'm sick It's really not the right time."

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