My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 223 He Comes Again

Hogwarts, Gryffindor common room

Although there were many people standing in the lounge at this time, no one spoke, and everyone looked at Ronald with surprised eyes.

After a moment, Percy spoke.

"Nonsense!" said Percy, also looking terrified. "You eat too much, Ronald, and you're having nightmares.

"I tell you...."

"Okay, that's enough, stop talking!"

Then Professor McGonagall came back. Once she entered the common room, she slammed the hole in the portrait behind her and looked around furiously.

"Gryffindor won the game, I am very happy, but you are so ridiculous now! Percy, I expected you to do better!"

"I'm sure I didn't let them do it, Professor!" said Percy, puffing himself up with righteous indignation. "I'm telling them all to go back to bed! My brother Ronald had a nightmare."

"It's not a nightmare!" Ronald screamed. "Professor, I wake up, Sirius Black is standing in front of me, holding a knife!" Professor McGonagall glared at him.

"Don't be a joke, Weisley, how can he get through the hole in the portrait?"

"Ask him!" said Ronald, pointing with a trembling hand at Sir Cadogan's portrait, "ask him if he has seen it."

Professor McGonagall gave Ronald a suspicious look, pushed the painting away again, and walked out by himself. The entire common room held its breath.

"Sir Cadogan, did you let a man into Gryffindor Tower just now?"

"Of course, ma'am!" cried Sir Cadogan. Everyone was speechless in astonishment, both in and out of the common room.

"You, did you do that?" Professor McGonagall asked. "But, but what about the password!"

"He has a password!" said Sir Cadogan proudly. "A whole week's password, ma'am! Read it from a little piece of paper!"

Professor McGonagall came back from the portrait hole, her face as chalky in the face of these stunned silent students.

"Which one," she said, her voice trembling, "what utterly ignorant fool wrote down all this week's passwords and left them lying around?"

There was silence, and then a tiny, frightened voice broke the silence. Shaking from his head to his feet in fluffy slippers, Neville Longbottom slowly raised his hand.

No one in Gryffindor House slept that night. They knew the castle had been searched again, and the whole of Gryffindor Yard was waiting in the common room, waiting to hear if Black had been caught. At dawn, Professor McGonagall returns to tell everyone that Black has escaped again.

Early the next morning, Richard discovered that the security measures at Hogwarts seemed to have been strengthened. Professor Flitwick was holding a large photo of Black and teaching everyone who guarded the front door to identify. From the small cracks to the mouse holes, he threw planks and nailed them to death.

After breakfast, Ravenclaw went to History of Magic class with Gryffindor, and Richard pulled Hermione out of the front row where he had always been, and sat next to Harry and Ronald.

Just as Cuthbert Binns was monologue on stage without the slightest expression and in a flat tone.

"Did something happen to you again~.?" Richard asked Harry.

Before Harry and Hermione had time to say anything, Ronald immediately started talking.

He vividly described what happened last night.

"I fell asleep and I heard things ripping and I thought I was dreaming, you know? But then there was a draft and I woke up and one side of the curtain by the bed was ripped off and I rolled over , I saw him standing in front of me like a skeleton, a big mess of dirty hair, holding a big long knife, must have been twelve inches long, and he looked at me

I looked at him and then I yelled and he ran away. "

"However, why?" Ronald continued to express his doubts, "Why did he escape?"

Harry was also puzzled by this. Black went to the wrong bed, why didn't he kill Ronald and continue looking for Harry? Twelve years ago, Black showed that he didn't care about killing innocent people, and this time he faced five unarmed boys, four of whom were still alive. In deep sleep.

"He must have known that if you woke everyone up, it would be very difficult for him to get out of the castle." Harry said thoughtfully, "To get back through the hole in that portrait, he would have to kill the whole courtyard, and then return to the castle." Might meet a teacher."

Harry thought for a moment before speaking.

"The witch's statue remains unguarded and closed. Do you think we should tell anyone?"

"We know he's not from Honeydukes," Ronald said dismissively, "if anyone breaks into that store, we'll hear about it.

Harry was glad Ronald felt that way. If the one-eyed witch was also boarded up, he would never be able to go to Hogsmeade again.

"No, we should tell Professor McGonagall, what if Black came in through that tunnel? This time he didn't hurt anyone, but next time...


Hearing Hermione's words, Harry immediately became entangled. Although he didn't want to think about it, Hermione was right.

"Let me talk to George and Fred first, they gave me the map after all."

At this moment, Harry just wanted to bury his head like an ostrich, and wait for a while.

The happiest thing about this is Ronald, who has become an instant celebrity. People were paying more attention to him now than to Harry's, and it was the first time in his life that Ronald had encountered such treatment, and he clearly enjoyed the experience. Ronald, while still reeling from the events of that night, was more than happy to tell people what happened, with many details, if asked.

It was Neville who suffered the most. Professor McGonagall was so angry because of him that he was not allowed to go to Hogsmeade village in the future, he was locked up, and no one was allowed to give him the password to enter the tower. Poor Neville had to wait in the common room every night to see who would take him in.

However, none of these punishments compare to what his grandmother was prepared to await him. Two days after Black broke into the tower, she sent Neville the worst thing a Hogwarts student could ever get for breakfast, a Howling letter.

The school owl flew into the hall, delivering the mail as usual, and Neville was dumbfounded when a huge barn owl landed in front of him with a scarlet envelope in its beak.

"Run, Neville," Ronald advised him.

Neville didn't need to tell a second time. He grabbed the envelope and sprinted out of the hall like he was carrying a bomb, and the students in the other houses laughed when they saw him.

They heard the bellowing letter speaking in the front hall, it was Neville's grandmother's voice, a hundred times louder than usual "She screeched at him for the disgrace he had brought on the whole family.

Harry was so busy feeling sorry for Neville that he didn't notice that he had a letter too. Hedwig pecked Harry hard on the wrist to get his attention. "Ouch! Oh, thank you, Hedwig."

Harry tore open the envelope while Hedwig ate some of Neville's cornflakes without waiting for an invitation. The note in the envelope reads: Dear Harry: Would you like to have tea with me at around six o'clock tonight? Please inform Richard, Hermione and Ronald, I will pick you up at the castle and wait for me in the hall, will you You can get out of the castle by yourself. Hagrid

"He probably wants to hear everything about Blake!" Ronald said.

At six o'clock that night, Richard, Hermione, Harry and Ronald arrived in the front hall.

By this time Hagrid was already there waiting for them.

"Okay, Hagrid!" Ronald said, "I think you want to hear about Saturday night, don't you?"

"I've heard it all," Hagrid said, opening the gate and leading them out of the castle.

"Oh." Ronald said, a little downcast.

The first thing they saw when they entered Hagrid's cabin was Buckbeak, lying on Hagrid's patched sheets, his huge wings tightly folded at his sides, enjoying a plate of dead ferrets. Harry deliberately didn't look at the unpleasant sight, and he saw a huge furry brown suit and a hideous yellow and orange tie hanging on Hagrid's wardrobe door.

"What are these things for, Hagrid?" Harry asked. "Buckbeak's case against the Commission on the Disposal of Hazardous Creatures," said Hagrid, "this Friday. I'm going to London with my wife. I've booked two berths on the Ten bus."

That's when Richard suddenly remembered that he hadn't told Hagrid about the trial yet.

Lucius has written back to Richard through Draco, saying that there will be a trial now, but he will definitely do his best (good, good) to calm things down.

Richard still believed in this point, after all Draco was still studying at Hogwarts, he didn't dare mess around.

"Hagrid, have you read all the documents I gave you?" Hermione said hastily.

"I see, but I don't know what to do?" Hagrid said with a full face.

An uncomfortable feeling of guilt surged through Harry. With Buckbeak's trial so close, he had completely forgotten about it, and judging by the look on Ronald's face, he forgot too. They also forgot their promise to help prepare Buckbeak's defense, and the arrival of the Firebolt made them forget all about it.

Hagrid poured them tea, and offered them a plate of bath fruit bread and rock cakes.

Everyone became jealous immediately, they had learned enough about Hagrid's craft.

At this moment, Richard first winked at several people, and then said to Hagrid.

"Hagrid, I've already told someone that this is just a formality. Don't worry, Buckbeak will have nothing to do with you."

Hearing Richard's words, Hagrid immediately stood up excitedly. Although Richard said it before, he never took it to heart. He thought it was Richard who comforted him.

Seeing Hagrid approaching Richard, Hermione hastily put away the plate of Bath Fruit Bread and Rock Cake. .

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