My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 274: Happiness To Mention A House-Elf

After everyone left, only Richard remained there.

"Richard, do you really want to keep Winky?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Of course, but please don't call her Winky anymore, she's called Cupid now, right, Cupid."

"Yes, master, I will be Chubby from now on. Chubby must obey the master's words, master, please don't dare Qiubi to leave.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, Chubby, I won't drive you away. By the way, your current clothes don't suit the style of the Harris family. You need to change."

"No, master, Chubby doesn't want clothes." Hearing that Richard wanted to give him clothes, Chubby fell to his knees in fright.

"Don't worry, Chubby, I'm not giving you clothes, but..." Seeing that Chubby was still in shock, Richard didn't intend to say anything, and directly took out his wand, and then looked at Chubby's terrified eyes After casting the spell, her dirty pillow cover instantly turned into a mini maid outfit, and by the way, Richard cleaned her up, so that the originally dirty Kewpie was cleaned immediately.

"Okay, open your eyes, that's all."

Hearing Richard's words, Chubby opened his eyes anxiously, and then gave himself a large amount, and immediately opened his copper bell-like eyes even wider.

"How about it, do you like Cupid?"

Chubby immediately burst into tears, "Master is so kind", and Chubby planned to kowtow, but was stopped by Richard.

"Okay, Chubby, I'll take you home first. There is also a house elf at home. Although she is younger than you, she can teach you the rules of the Harris family."

"Mr. Weasley, you guys go back first, I'll send Cupid back first, and then go directly to the camp. 207"

"Ah? Okay, then what do you..." Weasley hadn't finished speaking when he saw Richard suddenly disappear in place with Cupid.

"My God, he sure didn't pass the Apparation exam to get a legal license."

"Let's go, let's go back first, Sirius and the others should be in a hurry." After speaking, Mr. Weasley led Hermione and the three of them towards the camp.

On Richard's side, he took Cupid directly to Harris's house, but because it was early in the morning, he didn't disturb the Wilsons and brought Cupid directly to the kitchen.

"Debbie, come out."

In an instant another house-elf in a maid outfit appeared in front of Richard.

"Master? You're back." Debbie looked at Richard in surprise.

"No, I have to wait a little longer. I brought back a house elf first. She is Chubby, and she will be the elf of the Harris family in the future. You are responsible for teaching her the rules of the Harris family. By the way, don't go there went."

Although Richard didn't say it clearly, Debbie knew what the owner meant. The owner once said that only the owner and Debbie can know about that place, and no one else can say it.

After speaking, Richard pulled out Chubby who was hiding behind him.

"Qiubi, this is Debbie. You can just listen to her from now on. By the way, Debbi, let Qiubi rest a little bit for the next two days. She must be very tired because she has been exposed to a lot of things recently." Richard finished speaking Just touched Kebi's head.

Suddenly Chubby's tears flowed down without money. (cafe)

Richard didn't intend to say anything, and directly teleported to the outside of the camp tent.

At this moment, Charlie in the tent heard the sound and stuck his head out.

"Oh, Richard, why did you come back by yourself, where are they?"

"Mr. Weasley brought theirs and should be back soon. I'll go first. By the way, is there any hot cocoa? I'm starving to death.

"Of course, come in, I'll heat it up for you."

As he spoke, he retracted his head in, and when Richard came into the tent, the whole tent was already filled with the sweet smell of hot cocoa, and Richard couldn't help swallowing.

But he still managed to restrain himself. After all, when Richard came in, he saw that Bill was not in a good condition. At this time, Bill was sitting by the small dining table, with a sheet wrapped around his arm, but blood was still coming out.

Richard cast a healing spell directly at Bill, and the blood stopped immediately. Bill untied the bed sheet and found that the original wound had healed now.

After hitting Bill, Richard hit Percy on the nose again, but Percy wasn't very happy.

Then Richard smothered the hot cocoa that Fred handed over.

"Is there any more? I think I might need another glass."

Hearing Richard's words, George immediately brought another glass over. Although this glass was drunk a little slower, it was gone soon.

Come over for a drink.

Richard took a shallow sip, then let out a long breath, "It's comfortable."

At this time, another voice came in from outside the tent, and Charlie got out immediately.

"Dad, you are back."

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Weasley, Harry, Ronald and Hermione followed him into it one after another.

"Richard? You're back so soon." Seeing Richard, Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes, he already drank three cups of hot cocoa, do you need it?" George said funny.

"Let's have a drink." Under the arrangement of Mr. Weasley, the three of them came to the table with a cup of hot cocoa.

"Arthur, have you caught those people who conjured up the Dark Mark?" Sirius asked nonchalantly.

"No, when we got there, we only found Barty Crouch's house-elf holding Harry's wand, but who put the Dark Mark on it is unknown

"What?" Everyone in Sirius was shocked. Immediately after, Sirius pulled Harry over and checked up and down. If Harry hadn't vowed to die, he would have taken off Harry's pants to have a look.

Then, just as Mr. Weasley gave the lecture, Harry, Ronald and Hermione added and told everyone all the things that happened in the woods.

"Can anyone explain what that skull is? It's just an image, why is everyone scared?"

"That skull is called the Dark Mark, which is Voldemort's symbol. It has not appeared for many years, but now it suddenly appeared. Why do you think they are afraid?" Richard took a sip of hot cocoa and said lazily to Ronald.

"Yes, I read about it in The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts." Hermione followed suit.

"However, I still don't quite understand. It was just a sign of the past. Now that the mysterious people are dead, why should everyone be afraid?"

Mr. Weasley took the initiative to say to Ronald, "Ronald, you are too young to know the horror at that time. Think about it, if you came home from work and found the Dark Mark floating above your house, what would you think? If you Opening the door and seeing your family... At this time, everyone's greatest fear." Mr. Weasley trembled as he spoke.

Everyone in the tent was silent, only Richard was still drinking the hot cocoa in his hand.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the mysterious man is dead now. By the way, Richard, why did your Patronus Charm affect ordinary people? It's just because of you today. Otherwise, the Muggle family." Bill was curious. asked Richard.

"Maybe it's a mutation, I don't know, since I found out that my Patronus Charm can destroy dementors last time, I have experimented and found that it can actually affect people.

"What? What's going on over there?" Hermione asked curiously.

"The situation was already very dangerous at that time, and it was completely out of control, but at this moment, Richard summoned his patron saint, that strange creature, and rushed directly into the rioting crowd, and immediately most of the rioters collapsed On the ground, and the four Muggles were also rescued by Richard and handed over to..." Charlie was interrupted by Richard before he could finish speaking.

"Okay, don't talk about me anymore. How many people did you catch in the end? Are there any interesting people?" Richard quickly changed the topic, after all, should he tell Hermione that I left you to be with Penelope? Not going crazy.

Hearing what Richard said, everyone looked forward to it.

"This may have disappointed everyone. As soon as the black devil sign came out, everyone was stunned. Most of them fled away one after another. There were only a few dozen or so people left. After taking off the mask, they found that they were all magicians. Most wanted dark wizard."

Hearing this, everyone showed a look of disappointment.

"Malfoy's lucky, it made him run away." Ronald said angrily, and the rest nodded.

"Well, stop talking, it's getting late, and if your mother hears about these things, she will be terribly worried. Let's hurry up and sleep for a few hours, and then get the portkey early and get out of here."

Under the urging of Mr. Weasley, everyone climbed into the bed one after another. This time, everyone stayed in a tent and did not separate.


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