My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1004 Extra chapter, encounter

Chapter 1004: Extra chapter, encounter

After the heavy rain, the sky has been washed, the air is particularly fresh, and the stars hanging in the night sky look brighter than usual.

Jirou sat on the rattan rocking chair on the balcony, looking up at the stars in the sky in a daze, all she could think about was how to escape.

There was no TV, computer or any communication equipment in this villa, completely cutting off her contact with the outside world.

She has been here for five days. It has been five days. She has not received any news from the outside, and her heart is getting more and more panicked day by day.

She wonders what happened to the company her father worked so hard to create? I don’t know what happened to my mother lying in the hospital bed?

She was afraid that by the time she escaped, those ungrateful people from the Ji family would have taken over the company her father had left her, and she was even more afraid that her mother's illness had not been treated in time.


Jirou wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corners of her eyes and sat up suddenly.

She is Ji Rou, the daughter of Ji Houkun, the founder of Qianshui Company. Her father died unexpectedly and her mother is bedridden. Now she is the only supporter of the family.

No matter what dirty tricks those in the Ji family resorted to, she couldn't sit still and wait for death. She had to find a way to save Qianshui Company, and she had to take good care of her mother for her father.

However, if you want to save Qianshui Company, you must escape from here first, but leaving here is not easy.

This morning, she hid in the trunk of the car and escaped. Unexpectedly, she was discovered before she had run a few miles and was captured by them as expected.

The method of escaping by hiding in the trunk of the car was obviously useless, so she had to think of another way.

In the past few days, she had carefully observed the terrain of the villa. This villa is a three-story villa with a small yard. It does not occupy a large area.

While observing, she found that this villa was closely connected to the villa next door, and she could climb directly to the roof of the next door building from this building.


What did she think of?

She can climb directly from the roof of this villa to the bottom of the building next door. So she can climb to the next door first and then find a way to escape?

Jirou clapped her hands in excitement. Why didn't she think of this method earlier? If she had thought of it earlier, she might have escaped long ago.

She has always been a person of action and will do whatever comes to her mind.

Ji Rou went back to the room and rummaged through the entire wardrobe before finding a set of black clothes. She quickly put it on and prepared to run away.

Her room is on the third floor. Turn left when you go out and go up to the stairwell on the top floor. Ji Rou successfully reaches the top of the building without disturbing anyone.

There were some flowers and plants planted on the roof. Jirou didn't have the time to appreciate them, so she flipped over them to the roof of the villa next door.

Strangely enough, the door on the roof of the building next door was not locked, so she successfully sneaked into someone else's home.

Breaking into someone else's house in the middle of the night and not knowing who the family was, Jirou was still a little panicked and leaned against the wall and quietly took a few deep breaths.

Now, she just hopes the family doesn't find her.


She didn't dare to turn on the light. It was very dark in the corridor. She tripped on something when she took a few steps, sprained her foot, and fell to the ground with a thud.


The floor was so hard that her bones almost fell apart when she fell, but she didn't even dare to notice the ouch.

She lay on the ground to steady herself, and was about to get up when a pair of feet wearing slippers appeared in front of her.

To be more precise, these are a pair of men's feet.

Oops, someone found out!

Jirou wailed and covered her eyes with her hands, pretending that others couldn't see her.

After a while, there was no sound coming from above her head. Ji Rou thought she was dazzled and saw wrongly. She quietly opened her eyes and took a peek. The feet in front of her were still there.

She lay on the ground and looked up. From her feet up, she saw two long legs.

The man's legs were very long. Her gaze slowly moved upwards, and it took her a long time to see his face, but there was no light, so she couldn't see clearly.

"That..." Ji Rou rolled her eyes and had an idea, "That one I traveled through time accidentally, and if I accidentally fell on the roof of your house, do you believe it?"

The man didn't respond.

Ji Rou endured the pain in her feet and climbed up holding on to the wall, finally seeing his face clearly through the moonlight.

This is a good-looking face, not so good-looking that it can make a woman swoon, but it is definitely a very masculine face, but the face is not good-looking, gloomy, as if he wants to eat people.

"I'm sorry to bother you!" She smiled at him and spoke to him as if she had been a friend for a long time. "Where is the staircase to go downstairs?"

The man still didn't respond to her, but he still pointed out his hand kindly.

"Oh, thank you, you are such a good person." Ji Rou put on the sweetest smile in her life, "I'll take my leave now."

"Hiss—" As soon as she took a step, her ankle hurt so much that she gasped.

Damn it, her ankle is sprained, how is she going to escape now?

Is this what people often say when the house leaks and it rains all night?

But in order to escape, no matter how painful it was, I could only grit my teeth and endure it. She held on to the wall and walked downstairs step by step, feeling a sharp pain in her heart with every step she took.

"Girl from time travel, do you need me to take you out?" Behind him, the man's deep and powerful voice sounded like the sound of nature.

"Is that okay?" Happiness came so suddenly that Jirou was so happy that she forgot all her life mottos, "Then I'll bother you, sir."

How dare she!

Qin Yinze looked at her calmly. Under the moonlight, the woman's eyes were as bright as a pool of autumn water, full of autumn water and full of beauty.

"Everyone search separately, try not to make any noise and don't wake up sir."

Ji Rou's familiar voice came from next door, it was the one named Chu Yuan who was talking.

Depend on!

Didn't they sleep in the middle of the night?

It seems that I can't escape now, I have to find a way to stay here, and then I can find a way to leave after I have escaped the limelight.

If you want to stay, of course you need the consent of the owner of the house.

Jirou rubbed her eyes, her eyes turned red, and she squeezed out two tears: "Sir, I haven't eaten for a few days. Can you let me eat something before I leave? Don't worry, I've eaten as much as you can , I will pay."

Seeing that he didn't respond, Ji Rou quickly touched her pocket to find money, but she couldn't find a single coin.

"Sir, I traveled too suddenly and forgot to bring money in my pocket. But I can write an IOU and I will definitely pay you back the money in the future." The situation was so embarrassing, but Jirou didn't feel embarrassed at all, because she Thick skin.

After speaking, in order to make her pity more real, she sniffed and squeezed two more tears. If possible, she would also like to ask him to borrow some money for self-defense.

Qin Yinze looked at her calmly.

The play was really well done.

Even worse than what is written in the data.

He wanted to see how else she could act?

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