My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1107: Extra chapter, is she pregnant?

Chapter 1108: Extra chapter, is she pregnant?

Could it be that I haven't eaten meat for too long and my stomach has become accustomed to light food, but after suddenly eating nearly a roast goose, my stomach can't stand it?


Just as she was thinking about it, the feeling of being so sick that she wanted to vomit but couldn't spit it out came again. Jirou hugged the toilet but still couldn't spit anything out.

After struggling for a long time, her stomach still felt uncomfortable. If this continued, she might not be able to sleep tonight. She had to drink some water and ask Aunt Qiao if she had any medicine.

Ji Rou came downstairs. As expected, Aunt Qiao hadn't rested yet. When she saw her going downstairs again, she hurriedly asked, "Miss Ji, do you need anything?"

"I feel sick in my stomach and want to vomit." Ji Rou pressed her stomach, "I'm going to get some water to drink. It might make you feel better."

"Do you feel sick in your stomach and want to vomit?" Aunt Qiao opened her mouth wide. Thinking of some possibility, her hands trembled with excitement. "Miss Ji, do you feel sick in your stomach and want to vomit, but you can't vomit it out?"

Ji Rou's face turned pale and she nodded in pain: "That's probably what it feels like. Aunt Qiao, do you know what's going on? If you know, then give me some medicine."

"No, no, no... Miss Ji, you can't take medicine." Thinking that Ji Rou might already have a little master in her belly, Aunt Qiao was so excited that she was a little incoherent, "Miss Ji, sit down first, and I'll give it to you." "Please pour me a glass, sir... Oh, no, I'm going to invite you."

"Mr. pour the cup!" Ji Rou wanted to laugh after hearing this, but her smile made her stomach ache again, making her frown in discomfort, "Aunt Qiao, don't pour me anything, sir. Please pour me a glass of water first." Bar."

"Okay, okay..." Aunt Qiao quickly poured a glass of water for Jirou and helped Jirou sit down. "Miss Ji, don't move. I'll call the husband."

"He has convulsions again, don't mess with him." Ji Rou doesn't want to look at Qin Yinze's stinky face when she feels uncomfortable.

"Miss Ji, you are probably pregnant because of your nausea and vomiting. How could you not know about this?" After saying that, Aunt Qiao turned around and ran upstairs, leaving Ji Rou with her head buzzing.



It's her who's pregnant!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

It would take at least one or two months for pregnancy reactions to occur. A month ago, Qin Yinze asked her to take emergency contraceptive pills every time afterward. Later, they also used contraceptive pills most of the time.

In a short period of time, many people and many things appeared in Jirou's mind... She never thought that she would be pregnant with Qin Yinze's child.

She raised her palm and gently placed it on her lower abdomen. If there was a new life here, would she want it or not?

She should...

When Jirou was still in the fog, Qin Yinze came to her and held her in his arms: "What's wrong with you?"

His handsome face was right in front of her, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He was very beautiful, but at this moment it was full of worry. He didn't seem to be angry with her anymore, he seemed to be really worried about her.

"Jirou, I'm asking you, what are you doing so stupidly?"

Look, this man is obviously worried about her and wants to be cruel to her. Can't he speak to her more gently?

Jirou frowned: "I feel uncomfortable all over my body. I feel like I'm going to die. Are you satisfied?"

Originally, her stomach didn't seem to be so uncomfortable just now, but when he hit her hard, she felt uncomfortable all over her body, as if she had beaten him hard.

What if, his seed really takes root and sprouts in her belly... She will be pregnant for ten months, with a big belly, her movements will not change, and she will become very ugly.

Damn it, I feel angry just thinking about it, why aren’t men the ones who get pregnant and give birth to babies?

When a man is happy, a woman will get pregnant and give birth to a baby. When the baby comes out, she will have to poop and urinate. It will take a lifetime of hard work.

The more she thought about it, the more Jirou felt aggrieved, as if she was the woman who had worked hard all her life. She punched Qin Yinze with a fist: "bastard, it's all your fault!"

Qin Yinze hugged her: "Don't be afraid, I will take you to the hospital right away."

"I'm not going!" Ji Rou pushed him, "I won't go if I say I won't go. Don't mess with me!"

"Good boy, don't make trouble!" Qin Yinze stroked her head, as if combing the fur of a pet with teeth and claws. "Let's go to the hospital to see."

Jirou is not ready to be a mother, and feels helpless. All her anger can only be vented to the culprit: "I said I didn't want to go, don't you understand?"

"Be obedient!" She was sick, and Qin Yinze couldn't let her go. He picked her up and got into the car where the driver had been waiting outside.

"Qin Yinze, you are a bastard! If...if..." If she was really pregnant, she would never be done with him.

"Don't be afraid! It'll be okay!" He hugged her and comforted her patiently, hoping to calm her down.

Jirou, who had lost her mind, couldn't listen to anything, and her mind was full of conspiracy theories: "You just want to kill me! You must be happy to see me like this."

No matter what he said, this little girl had the ability to misunderstand him. Qin Yinze stopped talking and just held her slightly harder.


When Qin Yinze arrived with Ji Rou, there was already a row of doctors waiting. The scene was huge, as if there was a big battle going on.

Qin Yinze gets out of the car with Jirou in his arms, and gently puts Jirou on the bed: "Jirou, don't worry, I will always be by your side."

A professional and highly qualified doctor examined Jirou and quickly found out what was wrong. Jirou was not pregnant as Aunt Qiao thought, but she had acute gastritis and felt like vomiting after eating too much.

"Aren't you pregnant?" It was Ji Rou who asked. She glanced at Qin Yinze quietly. Damn, she just hit him so fiercely. Now there is no amulet. This man will definitely take revenge on her.

Thinking of his revenge, Ji Rou suddenly felt pain in her neck and quickly shrank her head, wanting to turn into a turtle and hide in her shell.

But Qin Yinze seemed to have no reaction. He still held her hand tightly and talked to the doctor: "No matter what the reason is, treat her well."

The doctor said: "Ms. Ji's condition is not serious. I will prescribe some medicine for her first. While taking the medicine, she must have a light diet."

Want a light diet?

Damn it, is there any mistake? She has given up eating oil for a month. Today she finally eats meat, but she wants to eat light food again?

Ji Rou immediately thought of Qin Yinze and glared at him angrily: "Qin Yinze, tell me honestly, did you bribe this doctor?"

Qin Yinze does have the ability to bribe doctors, but just now he was worried that she had forgotten the doctor. It was really not him who did it.

He said helplessly: "Don't get excited, listen to the doctor."

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