My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1143: Extra chapter, what kind of woman do you like?

Chapter 1144: Extra chapter, what kind of woman do you like?

Being woken up in the middle of the night has long been a part of Dr. Tong's life. She rushed to Qin Yinze's residence as quickly as possible.

But she never expected that the person who asked her to visit the doctor in the middle of the night was not Qin Yinze, but Ji Rou who was sleeping in Qin Yinze's bed.

That little girl slept so soundly in the movie, and even if an outsider broke into the room, she didn't show any signs of waking up. What could be wrong with her?

When Dr. Tong had this question, Qin Yinze gave her the answer: "She has blisters on both palms. Please find out what the cause is."

There were just a few blisters on the palms of his hands. How could such a small thing make him so nervous? Can he also call her in the middle of the night?

Although there was quite a bit of criticism in his heart, Dr. Tong did not dare to waste a moment and immediately went forward to check on Jirou in bed. Qin Yinze picked up Jirou before her and opened Jirou's hands: " Look, don't let anything happen to her."

Just by looking at it, Dr. Tong knew that it was a minor burn. Even without medication, the blisters would disappear in a few days and the injury would heal naturally.

But it happened that such a tiny injury made the man in front of him, who was indifferent to his own life and death, extremely nervous.

Over the past three years, Dr. Tong has seen him hovering on the edge of life and death countless times. He has seen that his injuries made him suffer so much that he would rather die than die, but he has never seen panic in his expression.

When his own life was in danger, Dr. Tong didn't see him even the slightest bit nervous or panicked. However, little things like Jirou, a little girl, could make this man who was always calm and self-possessed panic.

"Why are you still standing there?" It was Qin Yinze's roar that brought Dr. Tong back from her thoughts. She immediately said, "Miss Ji has a burn. I'll give her some medicine to treat it. It will be gone by tomorrow morning."

"Is it that simple? Is there anything else?" Qin Yinze held Ji Rou's hand tightly and asked Dr. Tong repeatedly, "Will it be infected? Are there other conditions?"

"Sir, this is really just a minor injury. I'll give her some medicine and she'll be fine when she wakes up in the morning." Dr. Tong turned around and took the medicine from the medicine box and said, "Sir, there are some things I know I shouldn't talk about. , but I still have to say, Miss Ji’s injury is a minor injury, and your injury is a major injury. If you don’t take good care of your body...who will take care of Miss Ji in the future?”

"Nothing!" Qin Yinze scolded and took the medicine from Dr. Tong's hand. "There is nothing for you to do here. You can leave."

"Sir, you insist on exercising and your body looks very strong, but your gunshot wound was not far from your heart. You should know better than any of us how fatal the injury that gunshot left you. I You must take the medicine prescribed for you on time, and you must adjust it slowly, otherwise, even the gods will not be able to save you if you delay. "Dr. Tong wanted to say these things before, but did not have the courage to say them. Now he dares to say them bravely. It's because she knows that there is someone in this world that makes him want to live, and there is someone in this world that he can't let go of.

Qin Yinze said coldly: "Get out!"

Doctor Tong has already said what needs to be said, and there is no point in staying any longer. Doctor Tong glanced at him, picked up the box and went out, and thoughtfully closed the door for them when he went out.

However, she couldn't understand, really couldn't understand, why Jirou, that yellow-haired girl who caused trouble all day long, got so much attention from him?

Haha... Thinking of this, Dr. Tong felt a little funny. When did he act according to common sense? No, he has been doing whatever he wants, and no one can guess what he is thinking.

Shaking his head, Dr. Tong smiled bitterly, then turned and left.

in the room.

Qin Yinze applied the medicine to Ji Rou according to the instructions on the ointment. As he applied it, Ji Rou suddenly opened his eyes and said angrily: "Qin Yinze, you are shameless!"

It turned out that this girl was pretending to sleep. Qin Yinze's face darkened, but his hand movements did not slow down at all: "What are you talking about again?"

"Hmph..." Ji Rou glared at him, "You rely on your good looks to go around and flirt with women every day. Why do you say you are shameless?"

It was late at night and he called the beautiful Dr. Tong over. He said it was because of her. Who knows if he wanted to see her.

It's just that these words are so sour that Ji Rou really can't say them out. Once she says them out, Qin Yinze, the bastard, will self-righteously think that she is jealous of him.

What's so delicious about his vinegar?

She didn't want to be jealous of him.

This girl often talks nonsense, and Qin Yinze doesn't take it seriously. He only thinks about the injury on her hand: "Extend your hand and don't move it."

Ji Rou obediently stretched out her hands without moving, but she couldn't stop her mouth: "Qin Yinze, let me ask you, what kind of woman do you like?"

Qin Yinze applied ointment to her seriously: "What do you think?"

"She's gentle, mature, sexy and charming." Ji Rou thought of Dr. Tong, who was in her early thirties and had the gentleness and maturity of a woman, as well as the sexy charm of a woman. As a woman, she couldn't help but look at such a woman. After two glances, she didn't believe Qin Yinze wouldn't like it.

Gentle, mature, sexy and charming?

Qin Yinze looked up at her. What about her whole body was related to these adjectives?

If this man doesn't deny it, he is acquiescing. Jirou is very dissatisfied: "Dr. Tong is a typical gentle, mature, sexy and charming person. You must like her?"

She asked seemingly indifferently, but while waiting for his answer, she was so nervous that her breathing became cautious. To be honest, she was really worried that he would admit that he just liked Dr. Tong.

"Hiss..." As soon as the words fell, his palm was pinched hard by him, and a blister was burst by him. The pain made Jirou open her teeth and claws, "Qin Yinze, you want to murder!"

"You know it hurts?" When she was in pain, did he know how uncomfortable he felt when she said those bastard words?

"I'm a living person, do you think it hurts?" This man is really hateful. "Did I speak to your mind and make you angry? hurts..." This bastard Dan squeezed another blister in her palm and burst it, which made Ji Rou burst into tears from the pain.

It must be, it must be, she spoke his mind, so he used this method to retaliate against her. This bastard has a crush on Dr. Tong, but Dr. Tong is not interested in him, so he found her.

Therefore, her role for him is most likely to stimulate Dr. Tong, and another possibility is to satisfy his hormones that have nowhere to vent.

Thinking of this possibility, Jirou's heart ached, and two tears fell from the corners of her eyes without warning, but she stubbornly bit her lip and wiped away the tears, not wanting to be so weak in front of him.

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