My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1179 Extra chapter, from now on it will be called Little Jealousy Forum

Chapter 1180: Extra Chapter, from now on it will be called Little Jealousy Forum

After falling asleep with the two silly boys, Qin Yinze got up. He walked out of the door quietly. After thinking about it, he decided to call home to report that he was safe.

He was calling his mother's phone number. As soon as he got through, the person over there answered. His mother's gentle voice came from the receiver of the phone: "Is it Aze?"

"Mom, it's me!" Qin Yinze nodded, paused and said, "Xiaojian and Xiaolimo arrived at my place safely. I will take good care of them, don't worry."

"Well, the two little guys are at your place, so I'm not worried. Aze, how are you doing?" Compared to the two little guys, it was the eldest son who worried Jian Ran more.

Last time, Qin Yinze returned to Jiangbei. He told everyone that he was married, but he did not show up with his wife, and they did not see the person he was marrying.

I don’t know if he made the excuse of getting married to reassure his family, or for some other reason.

In short, Jian Ran has been thinking about this every day for the past few months.

Originally, Jian Ran wanted to fly to Minluo City to check the situation, but Qin Yue refused. Qin Yue said that Aze didn't want them to disturb his life, so they shouldn't go. Wait until he opens up completely and is willing to let everyone go before going.

Qin Yue is the head of the family. The head of the family has said so. Jian Ran is not an unreasonable woman. No matter how much she misses her child, she can only endure it.

"Mom, I'm fine." As a child, he should take care of his parents and reassure them, but he made his family worry about him. He was unfilial.

He could have stayed with his parents and shared some of the work for his father, but some things that happened in the past made him embarrassed to stay. He also wanted to prove his abilities, so he chose this path.

Jian Ran added: "Aze, you must take care of yourself when you are out. If you need anything, you must tell your family. And your dad, he actually cares about you."

"Mom, I know everything." Qin Yinze knows very well how his family treats him.

It's just that my father has never been a person who is good at expressing emotions, and he is not very good at expressing his love for his children, but they can all feel his father's love.

"Okay, it's probably getting late over there, so go and rest early." Jian Ran smiled, "When you are willing, come back to Jiangbei for a visit. Our family now lives in Jiangbei."

"Okay..." Qin Yinze nodded again, "Mom, you have to take good care of your body. And let dad not be so tired. He must take a good rest when it's time to rest."

"Well, I will tell your father what you said. Hang up and go to bed early." She really wanted to hear her child's voice, but she didn't want to affect her child's sleep. Jian Ran was still reluctant and hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy signal from the phone, Qin Yinze hasn't put away his phone for a long time. He doesn't want to spend more time with them, but he can't do it now...

Thinking of the injuries on her body, thinking of Qin Yinze treating her as transparent... Ji Rou lay on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

"Bastard, who do you think you are!" Ji Rou silently scolded Qin Yinze countless times in her heart. If she had had her previous temper, she would have rushed out, picked him up and beaten him up.


The sound of the doorknob twisting reached Ji Rou's ears. Could it be that bastard Qin Yinze coming over?

Jirou immediately turned around and saw that the door was gently pushed open and a tall man walked in.

"Son of a bitch, you still know how to come to see me. But do you think that if you come to see me, I will forget that you ignored me? Let me tell you, there is no way." Seeing Qin Yinze coming, Ji Rou I didn't know how happy I was in my heart, but I didn't want to admit it. I muttered to myself for a long time.

Seeing Qin Yinze coming towards her, Jirou immediately closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

She felt him sitting beside her bed, and felt that his gaze fell on her face and never moved away. He seemed to be looking at her very gently.

"You, you are so old and still act like a child."

He disliked her again, and Ji Rou secretly clenched her fist. If he dared to say anything bad about her again, she would let him know how powerful her fist was.

"I should call you jealous from now on." Qin Yinze got on the bed and was about to get into her bed. Unexpectedly, the little girl suddenly stretched out her foot and kicked him down.

"Ji Rou, you..." Did this stupid woman take the wrong medicine again?

"I'm very sore here, don't come here, I might make you sore." Jirou glared at him, then got into the bed and continued to sleep.

Humph, he ignored her, he despised her, he didn't want to get into her bed if he could.

"Why don't you let me tell you if you're jealous?" Qin Yinze sat up and approached her again. As soon as he got close to her, Jirou stretched out her foot to kick him again, but this time Qin Yinze was on guard. Instead of kicking her away, he held her foot.

Jirou shouted angrily: "Son of a bitch, let me go!"

Qin Yinze: "Let you go and let you kick me again?"

Jirou glared at him: "Who told you to ignore me?"

Qin Yinze said helplessly: "Do you think you are still as old as Xiao Limo? I ignored him and he acted a crying scene for me. If I ignore you, you are going to beat someone?"

Jirou pursed her lips: "It sounds like you are quite reasonable."

"I'm not ignoring you. It's just that they haven't seen their eldest brother for a long time." Qin Yinze gently pulled open the quilt covering her body and suddenly changed the subject, "Does the injury on your body still hurt?"

"You still know that I'm injured." She thought he only had two younger brothers in his eyes, and didn't know that she was injured.

He had noticed that she was injured a long time ago and ignored her just because she said he was annoying. He was punishing her, but Xiao Nizi had a really bad temper.

He explained to her: "One of them is my brother and the other is my cousin. I watched the birth and growth of both children. I haven't gone home to see them for a long time. They miss me." , came running."

Ji Rou is not an unreasonable person. As long as she talks to her properly, she is willing to handle problems politely. No one wants to cause trouble and fight every day.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Jirou always knew that Qin Yinze had a family, but he never mentioned taking her home to see her or introducing her to his family. If it weren't for the two of them today, A little guy came to her door automatically. She didn't even know he had so many relatives.

Could it be that he...

Jirou doesn't want to think about the good things, but there are some things before her eyes that make people want to explore why?

"They are my brothers, and you are my wife." Qin Yinze lay down next to her and held her in his arms. "Don't be jealous of children like children."

"Who's jealous?" Jirou didn't push him away and nestled comfortably in his arms, "I'm just, just dissatisfied with you. You can't even see me when I'm such a big person."

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