My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1230: Extra chapter, please call me Mrs. Qin!

Chapter 1231: Extra chapter, please call me Mrs. Qin!

"Why bother you?" Although she was also working for Qin Yinze, Aunt Qiao felt that Dr. Tong was a doctor and her status was more noble than her as a servant. How could she leave this kind of service to Dr. Tong? Do it.

Dr. Tong smiled and said: "Aunt Qiao, it's not that you're bothering me, but I want to trouble you. I heard that Miss Ji has a severe stomachache, and I want to trouble you to prepare a hot water bottle."

"That's it, then I have to get ready quickly, otherwise sir will feel distressed again." Aunt Qiao handed the brown sugar bowl to Dr. Tong, turned around and left in a hurry, for fear of being delayed for a little longer.

It was obviously Dr. Tong who asked Aunt Qiao to give her the bowl of brown sugar water, but when Aunt Qiao actually handed the bowl of brown sugar water to Dr. Tong, she was extremely angry. Why should she be asked to wait on her? That bitch Ji?



Doctor Tong was shouting and roaring in her heart...but she didn't dare to show it on her face at all. She had to continue to play the role of the gentle, considerate and kind Doctor Tong.


Hearing the sound of the door opening, Jirou immediately poked her head out of the bed: "Qin Yinze, you..."

Before she finished her sentence, Jirou saw that the person who opened the door and came in was not Qin Yinze who she was waiting for, but Dr. Tong who she was bored with at first sight: "Miss Ji, it's not Mr., it's me."

Jirou's face darkened: "Who asked you to come in?"

Who let me in?

Do you know that if you hadn't appeared, the hostess here would have been me. I am free to enter any room. Why the hell do you question me?

This is the voice deep in Dr. Tong's heart, but she dare not say it. In front of Ji Rou, she continues to play the intellectual, sexy and beautiful Dr. Tong: "Miss Ji, sir, you are not feeling well. Let me come over and help you." . This is the brown sugar water that Mr. asked Aunt Qiao to prepare for you. Drink it first and you will feel better."

"Brown sugar water?" Ji Rou's eyes moved from Dr. Tong's smiling face to the bowl of medicine in Dr. Tong's hand, "Are you sure this is brown sugar water and not the poison you gave me?"

Speaking of which, Dr. Tong has not done anything to Jirou. Regardless of whether Qin Yinze is there or not, Dr. Tong is respectful and polite to her. Logically speaking, Jirou should like Dr. Tong.

But Jirou's sixth sense tells her that this woman named Tong covets Qin Yinze of her family. She can't be nice to the woman named Tong, otherwise she is likely to become the second Mr. Dongguo.

"Miss Ji, if I really wanted to poison you, I wouldn't be so stupid as to be so blatant." Dr. Tong smiled softly and put the brown sugar water bowl on the bedside table. "What's more, I never thought about poisoning Miss Ji." what you do."

"Never thought about doing anything to me?" What Jirou said next sounded false to Ji Rou, but she still sat up and picked up the brown sugar water Dr. Tong sent and drank it in big gulps.

Ji Rou doesn't believe that Dr. Tong has never thought of doing anything to her, but she absolutely believes that a smart woman like Dr. Tong will never put medicine in this bowl of brown sugar water.

This brown sugar water was sent by Dr. Tong. If Jirou drinks it and something happens, the person named Tong will definitely not be able to run away, so Jirou can be sure that Dr. Tong will never use such a stupid method to deal with her.

Seeing Ji Rou drink a bowl of brown sugar water, Dr. Tong smiled and said, "Miss Ji, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

No matter what Ji Rou said, Dr. Tong always had a decent and polite smile on his face. This kind of person who is indifferent to emotions and anger is the most terrifying. Ji Rou also learned from Dr. Tong and smiled slightly: " I didn’t feel uncomfortable physically, but suddenly the air in the room seemed to be polluted by something unclean.”

As soon as Ji Rou said these words, Dr. Tong's body visibly stiffened, but only for a moment, and she soon returned to normal: "Miss Ji, do you need me to help you open the window to get some air?"

"No need." Jirou knew that Dr. Tong was of high rank, and her two words would not excite Dr. Tong. She also did not want to spend time talking to Dr. Tong, "Doctor Tong, thank you for the brown sugar water. Now I You’ve already drank, you can leave.”

Doctor Tong still said calmly: "Miss Ji, don't you want me to check up on you?"

Jirou waved her hand impatiently: "I'm fine, I don't need you to check."

"It seems that Miss Ji's condition is not as serious as the husband said..." Dr. Tong looked at Ji Rou, "Miss Ji, are you deliberately acting for the husband to see if he feels sorry for you?"

"Dr. Tong, since you are so interested in the affairs between our husband and wife, I will tell you two things clearly. First, please call me Mrs. Qin from now on. Second, the affairs between my husband and I Stop trying to pry. Otherwise, I will let you disappear from him forever." Ji Rou said domineeringly.

She is Qin Yinze's legal wife, and she is the serious Mrs. Qin whom Qin Yinze admits. How can she allow wild women outside to run wild on her head.

"Ms. Ji, I'm not interested in what's going on between you and your husband..." As she was speaking, Dr. Tong caught something out of the corner of her eye. She changed the topic and said, "Ms. Ji, sir, I really love you. Please cherish his love for you and don’t trample on his sincerity.”

Dr. Tong didn't know that when she glanced at someone walking silently outside the room from the corner of her eye, Ji Rou also saw it.

Ji Rou could tell that Dr. Tong didn't originally want to say these words to her. She saw Qin Yinze's improvised lines... Since Dr. Tong wanted to play, Ji Rou was willing to play with her.

Ji Rou curled her lips and chuckled: "I know Qin Yinze really loves me, and I want to be nice to him, but I don't know how to be nice to him? Doctor Tong, you are older than me, Can you teach me?"

Jirou has seen too much of the kind of drama Dr. Tong wants to play in novels and on TV. It turns out that she can play it much better than Dr. Tong, because Jirou has just finished speaking, and Qin Yinze has just kicked one foot. Step into the room.

Seeing Qin Yinze appear, Ji Rou pretended to be frightened. Dr. Tong's reaction was faster, better and more exciting than hers: "Sir, Miss Ji just mentioned you and you came back. It seems that you guys are really There is a connection between the hearts.”

Jirou: "..."

It seems that in terms of acting skills, she still has to learn from Dr. Tong.

Qin Yinze did not respond to Dr. Tong. He looked at Ji Rou. When he saw Ji Rou's eyes falling on the bag in his hand, he quietly hid the things he was holding behind his back with some embarrassment.

Seeing the two people frowning in front of her and ignoring her, Dr. Tong quietly clenched his fists: "Sir, Miss Ji drank the brown sugar water and feels much better."

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