My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1233 Extra chapter, we met two years ago

Chapter 1234: Extra chapter, we met two years ago

Facing Dr. Tong's fierce gaze, Jirou not only was not afraid, but also gave Dr. Tong a bright and harmless smile, indicating that Dr. Tong could leave easily.

Ji Rou's smile ignited the cord of fire hidden deep in Dr. Tong's heart. Now that Ji Rou has decided that she wants to rob Qin Yinze, it is useless no matter how she pretends.

Dr. Tong walked up to Ji Rou and whispered in a voice that only Ji Rou could hear: "Ji Rou, don't get too damn happy. It's not sure who will win."

"Deer?" Ji Rou pursed her lips and smiled softly, and also whispered in a voice that could only be heard by Dr. Tong, "He is not a deer, he is my man. Whoever wants to take him away from me is mine." enemy."

"Haha..." Dr. Tong sneered, "Yellow-haired bitch, don't get carried away. Without his protection, you are nothing. If I want to kill you, it will be easier than squeezing an ant to death."

Ji Rou smiled brightly: "You are right, I am nothing without his protection, so thank you for your warning. I will grasp his life-saving straw and never let go."

Not only was Qin Yinze driven away from him, but Dr. Tong couldn't get the upper hand in the verbal battle with the little girl named Ji. When had she, who always had her eyes high above her head, ever experienced such cowardice? Chest, sternly said: "Okay, then you have to hold on tight, otherwise I will make you die ugly."

"Well..." Ji Rou nodded, like a good student who has been taught well, "I will remember Dr. Tong's kind advice and will never let myself die before you."

"Then let's wait and see!" This bitchy girl has no skills, but she is very good at talking. Dr. Tong couldn't take advantage of her, so she turned around and left in anger.

She kept telling herself not to be angry, not to make herself angry because of what this bitch said. This bitch had such a powerful mouth. One day she would tear her mouth apart, and she would definitely let out the bad breath in her heart.

"Dr. Tong, you don't look good. Is Miss Ji's condition not good?" When she walked to the first floor, Dr. Tong met Aunt Qiao. Aunt Qiao, who was unaware of her expression, thought that something was wrong with Jirou. .

It's Miss Ji again, Miss Ji... Everyone in this family is focused on that bitch named Ji. Do they take her, Dr. Tong, seriously?

It was obvious that no one cared about her, so she was not even in the eyes of this servant, Aunt Qiao. It was obvious that she was about to be pissed off by the girl named Ji, but Aunt Qiao was still worried about that girl.

"Dr. Tong, is Miss Ji's condition serious?" Seeing Dr. Tong's face getting more and more ugly, Aunt Qiao was still thinking of Ji Rou. When she thought of something happening to Ji Rou, her husband felt distressed again, and Aunt Qiao's heart also Then it hung up.

"Miss Ji is's just that I'm a little uncomfortable." Dr. Tong worked hard for a long time before he could calmly say these two sentences.

"It's great! It's great..." Aunt Qiao said "It's great" twice in a row, and then she slowly realized that Dr. Tong was uncomfortable, "Doctor Tong, I, I mean it's great that Miss Ji is fine... You What's wrong? Do you need me to find a doctor?"

"I'm fine." Doctor Tong clenched her fists. Just now, she also had a grudge against Aunt Qiao. After she became the hostess of this house, the first thing she did was to get rid of this old woman with no eyesight. , "Aunt Qiao, by the way, is Miss Ji taking Chinese medicine to recuperate her body during this time?"

"Ms. Ji is taking Chinese medicine, but instead of boiling medicine and drinking it like ordinary patients, the Chinese medicine is processed and put into the food she likes to eat. While she is enjoying the food, she is also conditioning her body." When it comes to this matter, Aunt Qiao has endless things to say, "Our husband is so concerned about everything Miss Ji does and strives to be the best. Seeing how loving the young couple is, I am an old woman." Occasionally, girlishness overflows.”

She saw all the good things Mr. Ji did to Ms. Ji, but usually she couldn't find anyone to tell her about it. Only Dr. Tong was her comrade. She thought of sharing these happy good news with Dr. Tong. But she didn't know that Dr. Tong was not what she saw at all.

Every word of Aunt Qiao's words was like a needle pricking Dr. Tong's heart, but she couldn't let others see the pain in her heart: "Mr. Ji is really kind to Miss Ji, but Miss Ji, sir..." Dr. Tong pretended to slip up and quickly changed the subject, "Aunt Qiao, who is the doctor who prescribes the medicine for Miss Ji?"

Aunt Qiao had no doubt that he had it, and answered honestly: "It's the most famous Dr. Xiang from the First Hospital."

"Well, Dr. Xiang's medical skills and ethics are obvious to all. I believe that with her taking care of Miss Ji's body, Miss Qin will get better soon and be able to give birth to a big fat boy for our husband." Dr. Tong doesn't want to hear anymore about how painful it is for our husband. Regarding Ji Rou, she raised her hand and looked at the time. "It's getting late. I'm going back. Aunt Qiao, you should go to bed early."

"Doctor Tong, let me take you to the door." Thinking that Dr. Tong came to see the hostess so late, Aunt Qiao sincerely thanked Dr. Tong, so she thought of sending Dr. Tong at the door of the hospital.

Aunt Qiao wanted to send her off, but Dr. Tong didn't refuse. She didn't say anything along the way because Aunt Qiao kept saying in front of her that their husband loved the girl named Ji.

Finally arriving at the entrance of the hospital, Dr. Tong looked back at Aunt Qiao: "Aunt Qiao, what do you think our husband likes about Miss Ji?"

Aunt Qiao smiled and said, "Miss Ji is smart, kind to others, and very popular."

"That's the way you look at her..." Dr. Tong smiled, "I want to say that our husband is powerful. What kind of woman has he not seen in these years? Why did he suddenly see such a woman once?" Is the little girl in front of you interested?"

Aunt Qiao sighed: "Maybe this is fate. I met the right person at the right time, so they naturally came together."

Dr. Tong said: "Fate is such a wonderful thing."

"I heard from Butler Chu that he met Miss Ji two years ago, but I don't know where." Aunt Qiao is not usually a talkative person, and she said so much to Dr. Tong today. , because when she was happy for her master, she also wanted to find someone to share these joys, and this candidate could only be Dr. Tong.

"Is this really happening?" Dr. Tong has been with Qin Yinze for three years. She knows everything that happens around him, but she has never heard that Qin Yinze knew Ji Yinze as early as two years ago. The girl is here?

She always thought that the time at the black market was the first time Qin Yinze met the bitchy girl named Ji. She thought that at that time, he must have seen the little girl's delicacy, so he was kind-hearted.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

If he knew Jirou as early as two years ago, then it means that it was not a coincidence that Qin Yinze met Jirou who was auctioned at the black market auction.

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