My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1265: Extra chapter, being fed dog food by his father

Chapter 1266: Extra chapter, being fed dog food by his father

Jirou pursed her lips, pretending to be dissatisfied and said: "Dad, if you continue to spread dog food in front of me, I will ignore you."

Ji's father was amused by Ji Rou's cute appearance and laughed loudly: "But my Xiaorou is not a single dog. What kind of dog food can I spread with you?"

"Who said I'm not single anymore?" During the first snowfall last year, Jirou hadn't officially dated her brother Feng. In her opinion, she was just a single who was often fed dog food by her parents.

Dad Ji looked at his daughter's red face and became playful: "I guess your brother Feng will ask you to go skiing in a while. How dare you say that you are single?"

"Brother Feng came to me for skiing. Why am I not single anymore?" Ji Rou clearly knew what her father meant, but she pretended not to know because she was shy. The more important reason was that Brother Feng didn't confess to her. Where could she be? She knows whether Brother Feng's love for her is between brother and sister or between a man and a woman.

Dad Ji smiled and said, "So our Xiaorou doesn't like Brother Feng?"

Ji Rou immediately said: "Of course I like it!"

"Just like it."


"But what?"

"Will Brother Feng like me?" Even though she knows that Brother Feng loves her and takes care of her, Ji Rou is still like a girl who has just begun to fall in love. If she likes a boy, she will worry that the other person doesn't like her.

"Silly girl, if Xiang Lingfeng doesn't like you, then why does he treat you so well? He treats you so well that sometimes, as your father, I feel inferior to myself." It is said that the daughter is his father's lover in his previous life. , any father is reluctant to hand over his little lover to another man early. Dad Ji regards Xiang Lingfeng as his future son-in-law because he sees Xiang Lingfeng's kindness to his daughter in his eyes.

As the father of a daughter, I guess the greatest satisfaction in this life is to see my daughter meet a man who loves her more than her father.

"Dad, do you really think so?"

"If you don't believe me, ask him later."

"He didn't say he was coming today."

Jingle Bell--

Just as he was talking, Xiang Lingfeng's call came. When Jirou saw the three words "Brother Feng" displayed on the screen of her mobile phone, her face turned red, "Dad, Brother Feng called."

"Silly boy, what did I say?"

"He just called. He didn't say he was looking for me, let alone looking for me to go skiing with him."

In fact, when Xiang Lingfeng called, Ji Rou knew that he must have asked her to go skiing at the east ski resort. Since she could remember, she had spent the first snowfall every year like this, and it seemed that this had become a tacit agreement between the two of them.

Ji's father said, "Then you can get through and ask."

Ji Rou quickly answered the phone: "Brother Feng..."

Xiang Lingfeng's voice, as warm as the sun, came from the mobile phone receiver to Jirou's ears: "Little girl, it snowed last night. Did it keep you cold?"

Ji Rou said with a smile: "The heater at home is keeping me warm, so I can't get cold."

Xiang Lingfeng added: "You're not cold, so why haven't you gotten up at this time?"

Ji Rou said in surprise: "Brother Feng, are you clairvoyant?"

Xiang Lingfeng laughed softly and said: "It's not that I have clairvoyance, but you are like this every year. When it snows for the first time, you will find various reasons to stay in bed and not go to school."

Jirou pursed her lips: "Haven't you heard that a snowy day goes better with a warm bed?"

Xiang Lingfeng was also amused by her absurd reasoning: "Well, whatever you say is right. But you have to get up. I will pick you up to go skiing at the east ski resort in a while."

Jirou nodded: "Well, I'll get up right away. Brother Feng, I'll see you later."

Jirou hung up the phone and met her father's jealous eyes. She also saw her father shaking his head and sighing: "I asked you to get up, but you couldn't get up. Your brother Feng called and you rolled out of bed. It’s so sad that the daughter I worked so hard to raise was taken away by a pig so quickly.”

Ji Rou smiled and said, "Dad, I will always be your daughter. This identity cannot be taken away."

Dad Ji rubbed her head: "Get up quickly. I'll take the glutinous rice balls to the kitchen to warm them for you. You must eat them before going out soon. Don't go hungry."

Ji Rou playfully gave a military salute to Ji's father: "Yes, my dear father!"


Her mother's voice brought Jirou back to reality from her memories. She looked back and saw her mother standing at the door, staring at her intently. She quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Come out for breakfast." Maybe Ji's mother also thought of the past, with looming tears in her eyes, "The fruit dumplings I just made are your dad's and your favorite."

"Well, I'll come." Ji Rou smiled at her mother.

At this time in previous years, my mother would make fruit dumplings. You can’t eat too much of this kind of food because you’ll get tired of it, but your father doesn’t want to waste your mother’s efforts. He eats as much as her mother makes, leaving no one left.

Ji's father and Ji Rou always thought that their mother liked to make fruit glutinous rice balls, so they cooperated and pretended to like eating fruit glutinous rice balls. Today, Ji Rou learned that her mother thought that the father and daughter liked to eat fruit glutinous rice balls, so every year during the first snowfall, Ji Rou always Get up early and make fruit dumplings for the father and daughter.

This is a misunderstanding, a beautiful and warm misunderstanding. Jirou knows it, but she doesn't plan to tell her mother, so she just lets this beautiful misunderstanding remain as it is.

It’s just that her father can no longer accompany her to eat the fruit dumplings made by her mother, and he can no longer tease her and brother Feng while eating the fruit dumplings.

Where is Brother Feng?

Brother Feng is still alive, but she can't see him. She doesn't know if he's doing well or how his injuries are doing.

She wanted to help him, but she couldn't do anything.

She even dared to think that she could go skiing with Brother Feng to the east ski resort during the first snowfall like in previous years. She did not dare to think about having a snowball fight with Brother Feng, nor did she dare to expect that Brother Feng could take her to the frozen place. There are fish in Xiaoshaxi River.

Brother Feng, are you okay? Is your injury healed? You must be having a bad time now, right?

Although every household in Minluo City has heating, it is uncomfortable to stay in a heated room every day. Such weather should have a great impact on Brother Feng's recovery from his injury.

Ji Rou took a deep breath and tried to put Brother Feng's matter behind her for the time being. What she had to do now was to spend time with her mother.

What has passed away has passed away, so we should cherish the people in front of us, cherish the present, live every day as the last day of our lives, and live the splendor of every day.

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