My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1304: Chapter 1304: Handle your own affairs

Chapter 1305: Chapter 1305: Handle your own affairs

Aunt Qiao thought Qin Yinze would blame her for talking too much, but Qin Yinze just ate his meal with his head down and said nothing.

Did the husband tacitly allow her to talk about Miss Ji as much as she wanted?

After having this idea, Aunt Qiao became much bolder and happily told Jian Ran about Ji Rou: "Actually, in the final analysis, Miss Ji likes to eat meat. She is never picky about meat and is very easy to take care of." .”

"Aunt Qiao, do you like her very much?" Jian Ran asked gently. If she can make the servants beam with joy at the mention of her, that little girl Ji Rou must be a very lovable girl.

Aunt Qiao said with joy, "Miss Ji is not only good-looking, but also kind to people. I don't even think I like her."

" seems that everyone thinks highly of Jirou." Although she hasn't met Jirou yet, Jianran has already heard a lot about Jirou.

The two little guys at home, especially Zhan Limo, talked about Ji Rou every day after returning to Jiangbei. She was kind-hearted and cute. Jian Ran had never praised others so much before Zhan Limo.

Judging from everyone's comments on Jirou, that little girl Jirou must be really lovable. The more she thinks about Jirou's cuteness, the more Jian Ran can't wait to see her.

Aunt Qiao continued: "I really hope that Miss Ji can stay and let me take care of her for the rest of her life, but Miss Ji is unwilling. This is not..."

"Aunt Qiao, when did you become so talkative?" There are elders here. Qin Yinze puts them first in everything. Jian Ran wanted to get some information from Aunt Qiao. Qin Yinze didn't stop her, but Aunt Qiao This person is too stupid. He can't just say nice things, but he also wants to tell Jirou's departure.

"Sir... I was too talkative... I was wrong... Please don't blame me. I will never talk nonsense again." Aunt Qiao quickly shut her mouth, not daring to say another word.

"Aunt Qiao, it's okay." Jian Ran glanced at Qin Yinze. As a mother, her instinct told her that her son must be hiding something from her and was unwilling to tell her.

Jian Ran guessed that Ji Rou was not traveling with her mother, but probably had a quarrel with her son.

However, before coming, Qin Yue told her that her daughter-in-law took good care of her son. It had only been two or three days, so why was there a conflict?

Besides, what kind of contradiction can make people popular?

Jian Ran had many questions in her mind, but she didn't ask them in front of Aunt Qiao. After all, she still had to save enough face for her children.

At this time, the guard came over and said, "Sir, this gentleman wants to see you."

"Dad..." Qin Yinze looked up and saw that the person coming was Qin Yue. He stood up hurriedly, "If you don't call me in advance, I will go out and wait for you."

"They are all family members, why are you so polite?" Qin Yue took a few steps to sit next to Jian Ran and glanced at her dissatisfied, "Jian Ran, can't you see me?"

Jian Ran took the bowl and spoon from Aunt Qiao and personally served Qin Yue a bowl of soup: "You are such a big person, how can I not see you?"

"You saw me, why are you ignoring me?" In front of Jianran, Qin Yue sometimes cares about the smallest things, and he is so childish that he is not at all like the leader of the dignified Shengtian Group.

"President Qin, it was my fault just now, and now I apologize to you. Can we eat now?" Jian Ran shook her head helplessly. There are still sons and maids here. Can he pay attention to President Qin's image?

"Sit down and eat together." Qin Yue was satisfied and pulled Jian Ran to sit next to him.

Aunt Qiao: "..."

Having just seen the young, beautiful, gentle and generous Jian Ran, Aunt Qiao was already so surprised that she was talking nonsense. Now when she saw Qin Yue, she was so shocked that her eyes almost fell off.

They all said that her master was scary enough, but the father of the Qin family who came now looked even scarier. Not only did he not even look at the servants, he was also cold towards his wife and son.

No matter how scary the master is, he is so kind to Miss Ji. He looks at Miss Ji differently from other people, but this father of the Qin family is so picky and cold towards his wife. It's a pity that Miss Jian is so beautiful. A beauty.

Aunt Qiao thinks she should be able to write a note and tell some young and beautiful girls that they must keep their eyes open when choosing a husband, and don't think that good-looking and rich are enough.

However, no matter how cold this person is, it is a fact that he is good-looking. The Qin family once again used facts to prove that all the Qin family members are handsome.

After dinner, Qin Yinze invited his parents to see their room. Qin Yue did not express his opinion about the room, while Jian Ran nodded repeatedly.

After looking at the room, they went to the leisure living room on the second floor to chat.

The leisure living room is located in the middle of the second floor and has enough heating. It is the most suitable place for the family to sit, watch TV and chat in winter.

Qin Yinze also considerately asked Aunt Qiao to prepare Jianran's favorite snacks: "Mom, these are Minluo City's special snacks, try them."

"Well, let me try it." Jian Ran took a frozen candied haws and put it in her mouth. It was ice-cold and crispy, and it tasted really good. "Aze, it's very good."

"Look at you, you are such a big man and you are still greedy." Qin Yue took out a tissue and wiped the corners of Jian Ran's mouth himself, "You are not afraid of children's jokes."

Jian Ran smiled: "Aze won't laugh at me."

Seeing his parents so loving, Qin Yinze's eyes turned red with envy.

In this life, his biggest wish is not how much money to make or how big a business he wants to run, but to have a love like his parents.

Husband and wife are loving, father is kind and son is filial, family is harmonious...

Three years ago, after the shooting incident, he fled that warm family alone and came to this cold northern city alone. The weather here was cold and his heart was even colder.

He thought that he would never fall in love with another girl in this life. He thought that he would never have an enviable marriage like his parents. He thought that he had a lot of expectations until he met Ji Rou.

It was that girl Jirou who ignited the fire of love in his heart. It was that girl who made him learn to love someone again. It was that girl who made him find the meaning of continuing to live...

Just when he thought he already had a love like his parents, the secret he had hidden deep in his heart was discovered by Ji Rou. She decisively chose to leave him without giving him any chance to make amends. Clean and thorough.

"Aze, Aze..."

Jian Ran shouted several times but did not get an answer from Qin Yinze. She knew that he had something, something must have happened. She wanted to pretend not to know and continue to let him handle his own affairs, but she couldn't do it. She only had her own children. Feeling distressed.

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