My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1325 Extra chapter, please stay

Chapter 1326: Extra chapter, please stay

After receiving Xie Meimei's call, Ji Rou rushed to Xiang Lingfeng's residence without stopping for a moment.

When she arrived, Xiang Lingfeng was busy packing her luggage, and told Xie Meimei: "Go pack it quickly, and we will try to leave here as soon as possible. I don't want to cause trouble to Xiaorou."

How long has it been and he still wants to avoid causing trouble to her? Is this man stupid? Ji Rou didn't think much and rushed over and snatched the clothes from Xiang Lingfeng's hand: "Brother Feng, what on earth are you going to do?"

"Xiaorou, why are you here?" Xiang Lingfeng looked surprised, as if he didn't know Jirou was coming.

Xie Meimei said: "Senior Feng, I called her to come here. I also opened the door quietly so that she could come in without knocking. Now that she is here, you guys have a good talk and I will prepare lunch. "

Xie Meimei didn't want to leave, and she didn't want to leave space for the two of them, but she didn't dare to disobey Xiang Lingfeng's order.

Ji Rou looked at Xiang Lingfeng: "Brother Feng, let me ask you what exactly do you want to do? If you don't live here now, where else can you live?"

"The time to live here has expired. The landlord wants to take the house back, and I have to move out." Xiang Lingfeng was quite relieved to see Ji Rou rushing back so quickly.

Ji Rou said: "Brother Feng, I know it's not the reason. I know you want to avoid me for my own good, but I want to tell you that it's really not necessary. You living here will not affect me. You I would feel uncomfortable if you moved specially for me.”

Xiang Lingfeng: "Xiaorou..."

Jirou said again: "Brother Feng, I know that I have always been like an ignorant child in your mind, but now that I have really grown up, I am sensible. Can you please listen to me once? Stay and stay Here, live a good life again.”

Xiang Lingfeng: "Xiaorou, listen to me."

Ji Rou: "Brother Feng, don't say anything. Just listen to me, just listen to me. You don't have to be afraid of anything anymore, I will protect you and won't let anyone hurt even a hair on your head." "

Xiang Lingfeng: "Xiaorou..."

Ji Rou said bitterly: "Brother Feng, don't think I'm good. In fact, I'm not good at all. It's just because I caused you to be so seriously injured that I want to compensate you, so now I can do anything for you." It should be."

Xiang Lingfeng shook his head: "Xiaorou, my injury really has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much, and you can't blame yourself. These are all fate."

Ji Rou said: "Brother Feng, I know everything, and I have no random thoughts. Now I just ask you to promise me one thing, live here well, don't worry about anything, I said I will protect you, I won't I won’t let you get hurt at all.”

"Xiaorou, don't say such things to men easily. Such words will make men think too much and make me think that you still want to be with me. Since you already like Qin Yinze, then live a good life with him. Don't If you are so kind to me, don't let him misunderstand." Xiang Lingfeng was a little happy to hear Ji Rou say that she wanted to protect him, but no matter how happy she was, she still had to do what she should do.

"Brother Feng, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. There is no possibility between me and Qin Yinze, so don't mention him in front of me again." Ji Rou especially doesn't want Xiang Lingfeng to always persuade her like this. She knows that he is very Well, he had always been very nice to her, but he was so nice that she always felt that something was wrong.

She really liked him before and thought about marrying him and becoming his wife. He must have liked her at that time. It was not the feeling of a big brother towards his little sister, but the feeling of a man liking a woman.

If he had really liked her and really thought about marrying her, no matter how generous he was, he would never advise his ex-girlfriend to live a good life with his ex-girlfriend's current girlfriend again and again.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Ji Rou doesn't really believe that a man can be so generous and ignore past grudges, unless he has never been moved.

"Xiaorou, why? Is it because of me?"

"It has nothing to do with you. It's just that I don't get along with his personality."


"Brother Feng, there is no possibility between me and Qin Yinze, and there is still no possibility with you. I keep you because I don't want you to run around alone, and I don't want to get back together with you. As you said, even if we are not lovers, But we are friends who grew up together, and we will never let go of these feelings for the rest of our lives." These words were so straightforward that they were a bit unkind, but by showing his attitude like this, Xiang Lingfeng would no longer have any feelings for her. idea.

Jirou only thinks about what she should do, so as not to let others misunderstand her, and not to delay others from finding their partner, but she ignores that what others want to do is never under her control.

Xiang Lingfeng: "Xiaorou, what happened between you two? Is it really because of me? Xiaorou, if it is really because of me, I am really willing to leave here and never see you again."

"Brother Feng, don't ask about other things. I just beg you to stay and let me take good care of you. You should live for yourself, not for me. Really, the better you treat me, The more pressure I have, the more I can no longer calm down and live a good life." If she hadn't spoken harshly, he wouldn't have known that she was no longer the little girl he knew.

These days, she still seems to be the brave Jirou who is not afraid of anything, but in fact she has restrained herself a lot. She knows how to control her emotions and knows that the most reliable person in the world is herself.

"I promise you to stay." This time the goal was achieved so easily, and Xiang Lingfeng suddenly felt that the weather was sunny today.

"Brother Feng, thank you for staying." Ji Rou smiled and said, "Hurry up and put your luggage back. Live here well. In a few days, when we have a holiday, we can go to Xishan to find something like we did in previous years. prey."

"Okay." Xiang Lingfeng nodded and smiled.

Although Jirou did not accept him, at least Jirou said that there was no longer any possibility with Qin Yinze, which was great news for him.

As long as she is separated from Qin Yinze, based on the relationship between him and Ji Rou, as long as she sees how good he is, he doesn't believe that she won't be moved by him anymore.

"Brother Feng, your health is not good. You should rest more. I won't disturb you anymore." Ji Rou said.

"Yes. You should also prepare for the exam seriously. Try to get better grades and get more A's. It will also be beneficial to you when you graduate in the future." Xiang Lingfeng said.

"Okay, then I'll go home and get ready. If you have anything, call me at any time. Anyway, my home is right downstairs from yours, which is quite convenient."


Looking at Ji Rou's leaving figure, Xiang Lingfeng smiled softly, Qin Yinze, Qin Yinze, I want to see what else you can do to steal a woman from me.

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