My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1347: Extra chapter, buy whatever you like, I'll pay for it

Chapter 1348: Extra chapter, buy whatever you like, I'll pay for it

Unconsciously, Ji Rou is about to step back.

Qin Yinze grabbed her: "Jirou, what do you want to do?"

Just now she had vowed to him that she would not leave him, that she would love him well, and that she would let him discover her strengths... It was because he believed her words that he told her everything.

Only a short time had passed before the woman backed down again.

Ji Rou takes back her hand: "Qin Yinze, I'm sorry! I need some time to calm down!"

Qin Yinze said in a deep voice: "Jirou!"

Ji Rou shook her head: "Qin Yinze, I like you, and I really want to be with you forever, but when I think of Brother Feng being harmed like that because of me, I can't forgive myself."

Qin Yinze was angry: "What should I do? I'll find someone to do a ritual and have a ghost marriage for him?"

Ji Rou: "Brother Feng is still alive. He doesn't need a ghost marriage. I just hope he can find his happiness. I hope he is happier than me. Do you understand?"

"Xiang Lingfeng is still alive?" Why didn't he receive any news? How did Jirou know? Are all the people Pengshan sent to her like shit?

Ji Rou said: "Yes, he is still alive. I want to find the real murderer to avenge him, let him know that the murderer is not you, and let him find his happiness, so that I can be with you. Qin Yinze, you understand Do not understand?"

"Ji Rou, do you want to find the murderer?" Qin Yinze's eyes darkened, and he grabbed her tightly, holding her hand tightly in his hand, "Leave this matter to me, you don't have to worry about anything. "

The truth was crueler than she imagined, and he was worried that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

"You?" Ji Rou shook her head, "No, Qin Yinze, you have nothing to do with this matter. You must not interfere. I don't want you to be in danger."

"Ji Rou, you are my wife, and your business is my business." Qin Yinze said solemnly, "Believe me! Believe me once! I know who the murderer is, and I will let the murderer get the punishment he deserves. Give Xiang Ling Feng gave an explanation."

Ji Rou was extremely surprised again: "Qin Yinze, do you know who the murderer is? No, you should know, it's just that I was confused for a moment."

He had told her that he knew about it, and it was not surprising at all that he would know who the murderer was.

Qin Yinze holds her in his arms: "Jirou, trust me, leave this matter to me!"

Ji Rou asked again: "Who is the murderer?"

"Don't ask!" No matter what, he would not tell her who the murderer was.

"I want to know!" Ji Rou also insisted.

"Ji Chendong!" Qin Yinze reported this name. Only by talking about this person would Ji Rou believe it, and Ji Rou could not find Ji Chendong to confront him.

Ji Rou gritted her teeth and said, "It turns out it's really Ji Chendong, that bitch. He not only harmed my father, but she also harmed my brother Feng. I really want to tear him apart with my own hands."

Qin Yinze reassured: "I will tear him apart for you."

Ji Rou is still worried: "Qin Yinze, but I don't want you to be in danger."

Qin Yinze said: "Don't worry, I'm still capable of handling this little thing."

Ji Rou added: "Brother Feng is back. He didn't tell me personally that you hurt him, and he didn't show any hatred towards you, but my sixth sense told me that this matter is not that simple. I'm worried Brother Feng will hurt you, so we must let him know the truth as soon as possible, so as not to let him hate you and hurt you. "

Hearing her worries about him, Qin Yinze smiled softly and couldn't help but hold her harder: "Don't worry, little fool, it's not easy for him to hurt me."

"Qin Yinze..." Ji Rou had something to say again, but after thinking about it, she felt that this request was too much. But besides begging him, she had no other option, "If Brother Feng does something, as long as He didn't endanger your life, can you please not hurt him?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

Thinking that she was still thinking about Xiang Lingfeng, Qin Yinze was slightly dissatisfied. However, her willingness to tell him everything also proved her trust in him. He could promise her, "Okay, I promise you!"

Jirou said gratefully: "Thank you!"

She knew that the request she made was too much, but she had no choice but to beg him. She also believed that Brother Feng, who knew the truth, would not be cruel to Qin Yinze.

"Thank you for what?" Qin Yinze pushed her out of his arms and said, "There are many good things in Jiangbei. Let Ranran and Xiao Limo accompany you for a walk."

"No, I want to accompany you." Without him, she didn't want to go anywhere. If he could accompany her, she would hope to see everywhere in Jiangbei.

"But I'm sleepy and want to rest for a while." He still had to find Pengshan to deal with this matter, and he couldn't let Jirou know about it for the time being.

"Then I will accompany you." She finally came to his side, but she didn't want to leave easily.

Qin Yinze caressed her face and pushed the broken hair on her forehead behind her ears: "You will make me feel bad. Go out with them and buy whatever you like. I'll pay for it. .”

Ji Rou said: "I like a lot, aren't you afraid that I will make you poor?"

She also underestimated his financial strength. She could spend all his money, so she was considered powerful: "If you are poor, you can earn more."

Ji Rou still shakes her head: "But I still don't want to go."

Qin Yinze deliberately darkened his face: "Then you are not afraid that I won't have a good rest if you are here?"

"That's it..." He couldn't rest well, which would definitely affect his condition. Jirou thought for a moment, "Then I'll go find Xiao Limo and the others to go out with me for a walk. Let's talk about it first. I spent too much money, so don't do it. Blame me."

Qin Yinze smiled softly and said: "As the saying goes, only women who can spend money can make money. Let me see your ability to spend money and see if you have the ability to make money."

"This is what you said. Don't regret it." If this man dares to say this to her, she will let him know how strong her purchasing power is.

"I will never regret it."

"I'm leaving."


"You really let me go?"


"You don't want to do anything to me again?"

"Well, come here."

Jirou approached him according to words, and as soon as he got close, he held her head and kissed her hard... Later, Jirou went out to find Zhan Limo and the others with swollen lips. Under their ambiguous gazes, she was so embarrassed that she didn't want to be ashamed. Burrow.

If she had known this would happen, she would not have provoked Qin Yinze.

As soon as Ji Rou left, Qin Yinze immediately called Pengshan.

When he received a call from Qin Yinze, Pengshan was so excited that he almost shed tears: "Sir, you finally came to me. I thought you had abandoned us."

Qin Yinze said coldly: "If you can't handle even the smallest things, it's really useless for me to keep you here."

Pengshan was shocked and said: "Sir, I..."

Qin Yinze said again: "Xiang Lingfeng is still alive!"

Pengshan didn't believe it: "Xiang Lingfeng is still alive? Sir, I saw him buried with my own eyes, how could he still be alive?"

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