My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1554: The Successor, I suddenly figured it out

Chapter 1555: The Successor Chapter, I suddenly figured it out

Being warned by the BOSS's eyes, An Tingjie felt very innocent. He just wanted to eliminate the suspicion of every good person. How could the BOSS warn him like this? He was a 100% loyal subordinate.

There was quite a bit of complaint in his heart, but An Tingjie did not dare to express a word and continued to report the next investigation result honestly: "We traced and found out that Cui Xianzhen had Cheng Yuyang kidnapped in order to make Cheng Yuyang think that the person who kidnapped her was Lu. Under Xi's instigation, Cui Xianzhen made Cheng Yuyang hate Lu Xi, and then Cheng Yuyang might do something to hurt Lu Xi. "

"Cheng Yuyang hates Lu Xi. If something happens to Lu Xi, the first person we think of will be Cheng Yuyang, so that Cui Xianzhen, who actually committed the crime, can have enough time to escape. It's a pity that Cui Xianzhen doesn't have much time. She doesn't have enough time to do what she wants." Be prepared, her plan was seen through by our people from the beginning, so she was surprised that we found Lu Xi so quickly." In An Tingjie's opinion, Cui Xianzhen's idea was quite good, but it was just that. The approach is too naive and there are still many loopholes to fill.


"there is none left."

"Why don't you leave then?"

"Mr. Qin, you're busy, I'll leave right away." An Tingjie felt that his boss was really the kind of person who turned his back on others and refused to recognize anyone. He just reported so many things, and there was no credit but hard work. The boss was all I was reluctant to let him have a cup of tea before leaving.

Alas, BOSS is BOSS. Pull up your pants... Oh, no, I won't recognize anyone after hearing the report.

After the matter had been clarified and Cheng Yuyang's involvement in Lu Xi's kidnapping case had been ruled out, Qin Yinjian came to the ward of Cheng Yuyang who was in the same hospital for the first time. Enter through the door.

Cheng Yuyang never thought that Qin Yinjian would come to see her. He was busy playing games on his mobile phone without raising his head: "I don't want to eat, I have no appetite."

Qin Yinjian cleared his throat: "It's me."

Hearing Qin Yinjian's voice, Cheng Yuyang turned around and saw that it was indeed him. She was so excited that she wanted to jump out of bed and rush to hug him, but suddenly thought of something and quickly stepped back.

Qin Yinjian: "What's wrong?"

She looked at Qin Yinjian and said timidly: "Second, second brother, why are you here?"

"Yuyang, you are the child I watched grow up. Because of the relationship between Aunt Feiyu and my mother, I have always treated you as a sister. If this relationship were removed, we might not have known each other." Qin Yinjian There was no direct answer to Cheng Yuyang's question, but the effect of speaking it out was better than answering it directly.

"Second brother, aren't you here to visit me?" When she saw him appearing, she happily thought that he was here specifically to visit the sick, but now hearing these words made her heart freeze - he was clearly here to warn her. .

Qin Yinjian added: "I'm here to tell you that I have never had any feelings for you between men and women, not before, not now, and never will in the future. Please don't have any unrealistic ideas about me, no matter what Without Lu Xi's existence, there would be no possibility between us. I hope you can understand this. "

Qin Yinjian was helping her by killing the bad thoughts in Cheng Yuyang's mind in time before anything went wrong. As long as nothing harmful happens, the Qin Cheng family can still get along as warmly as before.

"Second brother, I..." In the past, he was not enthusiastic enough towards her, but his attitude was not as cold as it is now. Now he looked at her as if he were looking at an unrelated stranger.

She just wants more care from him and wants him to pay more attention to her. Why does it backfire?

"If you treat me as a brother and have no ill intentions towards my family and lover, then I am willing to treat you as my sister for life. If you do something to hurt my lover and my family, no matter who you are, I will never Qingrao." Qin Yinjian's voice was not loud, but the words were loud and hit Cheng Yuyang's heart. In an instant, she seemed to hear the sound of her heart breaking.

Only at this moment did Cheng Yuyang realize that Lu Xi's position in his heart was much more important than she had imagined. Maybe it was to the point where he couldn't live without Lu Xi.

She suddenly smiled: "I didn't hurt her, and I never thought about hurting her."

She just felt that Lu Xi was not worthy of Qin Yinjian, and she just felt that Lu Xi had ruined Qin Yinjian's sincerity.

Such an excellent man, a man she couldn't even dream of, but Lu Xi could trample on him wantonly.


Qin Yinjian chuckled. His voice when he laughed was beautiful and his voice sounded better: "If you have one, do you think you can still sit here and listen to me?"

Qin Yinjian's words were neither serious nor serious, just like the Qin Yinjian Cheng Yuyang knew, but she heard murderous intent in these neither serious nor serious words.

Yes, it’s murderous intent!

If she did something to hurt Lu Xi...

Because she was immersed in the lingering power of Qin Yinjian's words, Cheng Yuyang didn't know when Qin Yinjian left. When she woke up, the person sitting beside her bed was Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu looked worried: "Yuyang, what's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Looking at his mother's anxious expression, Cheng Yuyang thought of his bad attitude towards her mother. She had such an attitude towards her mother, but after she was injured, her mother still stayed by the bedside to take care of her every day.

In this life, there is really no one who loves her more than her parents. Why can't she think about it and do things that hurt her relatives and friends for a man who doesn't love her?

After thinking about this, Cheng Yuyang blamed himself even more: "Mom, I'm sorry!"

Ling Feiyu panicked: "Yuyang, what's wrong? What's wrong? Why did you suddenly say sorry to your mother? What happened? Don't be silent, tell your mother quickly."

Look, she just said sorry to her mother, and her mother could be so excited. It can be imagined that she must have never said such words to her mother in normal times, and she also ignored the depth of her mother's love for her.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just suddenly figured out some things. I feel very sorry for you, my father, and my brother. You love me so much and your love for me is selfless, but I put all my bad temper away. Spread on you." Cheng Yuyang hugged Ling Feiyu and said, "Mom, I promise you that I will get rid of my bad habits in the future, and I will love you well, and please continue to love me."

"Yuyang..." Listening to her daughter's sensible words, Ling Feiyu was so excited that she wiped her tears, "My child, my good child, how can my mother not love you?"

"Mom, I'm sorry!" Cheng Yuyang solemnly apologized to Ling Feiyu once again. At the same time, she silently swore in her heart that she would love her mother and family well, and would never give her sincerity to a man who doesn't love her again. .

Mom is right, she is not bad at all, she can find her own lover, maybe her right man has been looking for her all over the world, and he will be by her side soon.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yuyang felt refreshed.

It turns out that the most terrifying thing is not the illness, but the inner demons.

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