My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1570: The Successor, I'm waiting for your explanation

Chapter 1571: The Successor, I'm waiting for your explanation

Qin Yinjian didn't dare to think about it anymore. He hoped that this was just a misinformation and that everything would be fine for his elder brother and sister-in-law.

The plane arrived in the early morning of Minluo City time. After getting off the plane, Qin Yinjian and Lu Xi went straight to the hospital where Ji Rou was staying.

On the way to the hospital, Qin Yinjian was extremely anxious and uneasy. Lu Xi had never seen him like this before. She held his hand and kept persuading him: "Qin Yinjian, no matter whether this matter is true or not, you Please calm down first. Anyone can mess up, but you can't."

Qin Yinjian couldn't listen.

Lu Xi was anxious: "Qin Yinjian, am I so panicked about this matter? How can you ask me and Lu Lu to trust you and trust you? You have to think about it, the eldest brother and sister-in-law must be more worried when encountering such a thing. It’s even more uncomfortable for you. If you can’t help them calmly, what should they do?”

Qin Yinze and Qin Yinze have always had a good relationship. Qin Yinze is Qin Yinze’s idol since he was a child. And because of Qin Yinze’s life experience and the hardships he suffered over the years, Qin Yinze wants to give up everything he has. Everything was given to this elder brother, so after hearing about this incident, he became so manic that he could not sit still.

Listening to what Lu Xi said at this moment, he gradually understood and figured it out. He took a few deep breaths and his surface emotions returned to normal.

Seeing that he was calmer, Lu Xi added: "Qin Yinjian, you need to know that no matter what happens, I will be by your side. You also need to let your eldest brother and sister-in-law know that no matter what happens, your family will be with them." around."

At critical moments, Lu Xi always behaves so calmly and wisely, which makes Qin Yinjian look at her with admiration again and again. No, it doesn't make him look at her with admiration. His Lu Xi has always been so good. He looked at her and nodded slowly: " Lu Xi, don't worry, I know what I should do."

Lu Xi added: "We are here to help my eldest brother and sister-in-law this time, not to cause trouble. Do you understand?"

Qin Yinjian nodded obediently like a child: "Understood."

Lu Xi grabbed his hand and said, "We'll get to the hospital later. If you don't know how to ask, just leave it to me. Just listen."

Qin Yinjian nodded again: "Okay."

That's how it is with people. No matter how calm you usually are, when something happens to the person you care about most, your emotions will always be affected and you won't be able to control yourself. It's because he cares too much about Qin Yinze and his wife that Qin Yinjian's emotions are so out of control.


Ji Rou was lying on the hospital bed, her eyes tightly closed. No one around her shouted to ask her to open her eyes. Only the tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes reminded others beside the hospital bed that she had heard Everyone's voice sounded like she was sad.

"Xiaorou, I'm mom. Can you open your eyes, look at mom, and talk to mom?" The speaker was Ji Rou's mother. She had been persuading Ji Rou's bedside for a long time, but Ji Rou said to her They ignored her, as if they couldn't hear her voice.

"Xiaorou, can you answer your mother's question? The fetus in your belly is fine, please don't be sad, okay?" In Ji's mother's pleading, Jirou finally slowly opened her eyes, "Mom, I'm fine. Please help me contact a lawyer and draw up a divorce agreement for me."

Jirou's willingness to open her eyes surprised Jirou's mother, but when she heard what Jirou said, she was so frightened that Jirou's mother exclaimed: "Xiaorou, find a lawyer to draw up a divorce agreement, what are you doing? Do you still want to divorce Xiao Qin? "

"Mom, I have figured it out in the past two days. It is my inability to conceive children all these years that has delayed other people's lives. I will give him freedom in the future." Ji Rou said it easily, but her heart was bleeding. , she couldn't let go of this man, but she couldn't tolerate any sand in her eyes, so she had to let go.

Two or three days have passed, but every time she thinks about what she saw that day, it feels like someone is stabbing her heart with a knife.

As early as three months ago, she found out that she was pregnant, but because the fetus in the first three months was particularly unstable and prone to miscarriage, and because of her physical condition, she kept the pregnancy secret and wanted to wait until the baby was stable. Surprise your family.

It was because she hid this matter from everyone in her family, including Qin Yinze, that she came to the hospital alone for a fetal check-up and met Qin Yinze and another pregnant woman in the hospital for a fetal check-up.

This scene is very dazzling, but Ji Rou still chooses to believe Qin Yinze, as long as he gives her a satisfactory explanation.

Just when she was staring at him, he seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly turned around and met her eyes in the air. When his eyes collided with hers, he subconsciously glanced at the pregnant woman next to him, with a look in his eyes. It's clearly written with a guilty conscience.

At that moment, Jirou didn't want to ask anything.

There are some things that everyone just needs to understand. You don’t need to ask questions so clearly. The clearer the questions are, the more embarrassing it will be for the person involved, and it will also leave no room for everyone’s faces.

At that moment, Jirou heard her heartbroken voice, but she still looked at him and smiled politely, then turned around and walked away proudly.

Soon, Qin Yinze caught up with her and grabbed her: "Jirou, listen to my explanation, things are not what you see."

Ji Rou looked at him, her voice so gentle that it made Qin Yinze nervous: "Mr. Qin, what are you going to explain to me?"

Qin Yinze: "I..."

Ji Rou is still smiling: "You don't know how to say it, then let me tell you. You have nothing to do with that woman, and the child in the woman's belly is not yours. You happened to be passing by today and you were a good person. Mr. Qin, do you think I am right?"

Qin Yinze is worried that Jirou doesn't believe it, and is anxious to explain. The more anxious he is, the more unclear the explanation becomes: "The child is mine, but..."

Ji Rou interrupts him: "Qin Yinze, stop talking, stop talking, I beg you to stop talking, I feel sick every time you say a word now. You are a good person in my heart Husband, don’t make me disgust you, can you please let me remember how good you are?”

Qin Yinze was anxious and wanted to explain but didn't know how to explain. What's more, Jirou didn't give him a chance to explain.

Jirou continued: "I also told you that if you want children, we will divorce and I will allow you to find another woman to have children. You told me that it doesn't matter whether you have children or not, you only want me. These words , I feel disgusting and ironic just thinking about it.”

Qin Yinze grabbed her: "Jirou, things are not what you think. You calm down first and listen to me tell you slowly. It's wrong of me to hide this from you, but I also have my own thoughts."

Ji Rou chuckled and said: "Mr. Qin, I think you misunderstood. I am very calm, very calm. But you must not get excited. If you want to say anything, just calm down and say it to me. But I also want to tell you, say no. It’s your business to say it, and it’s my business to listen or not.”

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