My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1572: The Heir, men don’t understand women’s thoughts

Chapter 1573: The Successor Chapter, men don’t understand women’s thoughts

Seeing the pain on Qin Yinze's face, Qin Yinjian felt that his heart had been stabbed hard by something and it hurt.

In Qin Yinjian's impression, he hasn't seen this look on his eldest brother's face for many years. The last time he saw his eldest brother's hopeless look was that year when his eldest brother was taken back to Jiangbei by his parents to recuperate. appeared at times.

That time, the eldest brother seemed to be disappointed with his sister-in-law, so he agreed to return to Jiangbei with his parents. What was the reason this time?

Is it true that the child that my sister-in-law finally conceived is gone?

"Brother..." Qin Yinjian walked over and wanted to say a few words of comfort to Qin Yinze, but he didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth. He sees all of his elder brother's pain and suffering, and it's because he understands him too well that he feels so sorry for his elder brother.

"Why are you here?" Qin Yinze did not call to inform his family about this matter. They arrived in such a timely manner. Someone must have notified them, but Qin Yinze had no intention of pursuing it further.

"Brother, are your sister-in-law and the child okay?" Knowing that Qin Yinjian wanted to ask, but couldn't, Lu Xi stepped forward and asked for him.

"It's okay." Qin Yinze responded lightly.

"Brother, are you really okay?" Qin Yinjian asked. If it was really okay, my eldest brother wouldn't look so distressed.

Qin Yinze did not answer any more, but sat feebly on a chair in the corridor, putting his hands in his hair and holding his head.

"Brother, what happened?"

"Your sister-in-law wants to divorce me."


Qin Yinze scratched his hair irritably and slowly told the details of the matter. After hearing this, Qin Yinjian said: "Brother, you are also doing it for your sister-in-law's own good. You can go in and explain it to her now. As long as she knows the matter The truth will definitely forgive you.”

But Lu Xi had a different view: "Brother, I'm not talking about you. How could you handle such a big thing like surrogacy alone behind your sister-in-law's back? It's true that my sister-in-law really wants a child of her own, but she may not be willing to give up to others." The woman gave birth to her.”

Qin Yinze and Qin Yinjian looked at Lu Xi at the same time. Under the gaze of their two brothers, Lu Xi continued: "As a woman, if I encounter such a thing, I can't accept it. You are like this To do so is to admit that my sister-in-law cannot have children. It may not be a problem for you men, but it is a huge physical flaw for us women."

It's not that Lu Xi blames Qin Yinze for making her own decisions, but that she considers the problem from Jirou's perspective. Men look at some problems in one way, and women look at them in another way. It's not who is right or wrong, but she just considers things. The angle is different.

Qin Yinze understands the key to the problem Lu Xi mentioned. When he heard that it was difficult for Ji Rou to conceive a child, he tried hard, because for a woman, the concepts of whether to have children and whether she can have children are completely different. 's: "I know it's wrong to do this... In this case, if she wants to divorce me, then divorce me. I was the one who forced her to marry me. Maybe she has been thinking about how to leave me for so many years, and now she finally let me She found her chance."

Qin Yinjian was angry: "Brother, what are you talking about? You are not calm when your sister-in-law is angry. Do you really want to break up this family and make my future nephew, like Lu Lu, born without the love of his father? Are you being called a bastard? Will you advise me? Why can't you think carefully when something happens?"

Qin Yinze: "After so many years, I'm tired and don't want to think about it anymore."

Lu Xi said: "Brother, I know you care about your sister-in-law. That's why you are so frustrated when you hear her saying that she wants to divorce you. Why don't you let me go in and talk to her and hear what she thinks."

Qin Yinze didn't speak. Qin Yinjian said, "Lu Xi, I'll leave this matter to you."

Lu Xi nodded: "Brother, I'll leave it to you too."

The couple acted separately. One looked after the frustrated Qin Yinze, and the other went into the room to persuade Jirou.

Lu Xi came to the door and knocked on the door: "Sister-in-law, I am Lu Xi. Can I come in and talk to you?"

Ji Rou in the room knew that Lu Xi might be Qin Yinze's rescuer, but she couldn't see Lu Xi for this reason. She said, "Mom, go out first and let Lu Xi come in."

"Xiaorou, think carefully about what mommy said to you. For such a grown-up, you must not act impulsively." Before going out, Ji's mother pulled up the quilt and covered Jirou, and warned her again. He opened the door and said, "Miss Lu, I would like you to help me persuade the novel. She is a stubborn person, and sometimes she can't turn around. But as long as we can talk to her and make her turn around, things will be fine. Done."

Lu Xi said, "Auntie, I will advise my sister-in-law, so don't worry too much."

Mother Ji took Lu Xi's hand and patted it: "Okay, I'll leave Xiaorou to you."

After sending Ji's mother away, Lu Xi just entered the house. Seeing Ji Rou lying on the bed, Lu Xi smiled and said hello: "Sister-in-law, I'm here to see you."

Ji Rou looked behind her and didn't see the little guy Lu Lu. She was a little disappointed: "Lu Xi, didn't little Lu Lu come with you?"

Lu Xi said: "Sister-in-law, I came all the way to see you, but you didn't even welcome me. You only think about that little bad guy, Little Lu Lu. I'm going to be jealous."

Ji Rou smiled: "Who gave you such a lovely son that I like so much."

Lu Xi added: "Thanks to your help, the boy came out of the shadow of the past. Now he can get along well with Lele and his grandparents, and he will never be as clingy to me as before."

Ji Rou said: "Listening to your tone, it seems that you are really jealous."

"The child who grew up by pooping and peeing all by himself used to only stick to me, but now someone else suddenly shares his love for me. I will definitely be jealous." Lu Xi sat beside Jirou's bed and took the initiative Holding Lu Xi's hand, "Sister-in-law, you definitely don't want to see your child be as autistic as Lu Lu was before."

Jirou: "..."

She didn't think so much.

She has always thought about having a child. If the child can be born well, she will love the child well and will definitely not let the child be bullied. However, after Lu Lu's experience, she seems not sure whether she can take care of it on her own. A child.

Lu Xi added: "Sister-in-law, can I open my heart and talk to you?"

Ji Rou said: "Did Qin Yinze ask you to come?"

Lu Xi shook his head: "Brother didn't ask me to persuade you, I came here myself. Because their men's perspective on things is so different from our women's. Some things they don't think are important, but for us women they are very important." It’s important.”

Jirou: "Well, you still understand me."

Jirou was willing to listen, but Lu Xi stopped beating around the bush and said directly: "Sister-in-law, in fact, that strange woman is pregnant with my eldest brother and your child."

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