My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1633: Heir, you have to look like a boyfriend

Chapter 1634: Heir, you have to look like a boyfriend

Zhuang Momo was not very good at hiding his thoughts, and Zhan Limo understood what was going on in his mind at a glance.

You just agreed to date him and now you want to break up with him?

This girl was too innocent, so innocent that she couldn't even bear to "bully" her at the end of Zhan Li.

"Zhuang Momo..." Zhan Limo looked at Zhuang Momo with a smile, which made Zhuang Momo's scalp numb. She swallowed her saliva nervously and stammered, "Zhan Limo, why are you looking at me like this? ? Do you have any other shameless motives?"

"Zhuang Momo, your hair is not long, why is your brain so hard to use?" Zhan Limo smiled and clasped her head, approaching her forcefully, "I will tell you this once seriously, just say This time, since you agree to date me, then be my girlfriend honestly and don’t think about it, otherwise I will let you know what the consequences will be if you offend me."

"Zhan Limo, please pay attention to your tone of voice!" Zhuang Momo is a soft-spoken person, so she slapped Zhan Limo's hand away and looked at him provocatively, "Since you are pursuing me, beg me If I date you, I will have a boyfriend in the future. If not, I will let you know what will happen if you mess with me, Zhuang Momo."

"Oh... Really? I really want to know what will happen if I angered Miss Zhuang San?" At the end of Zhan Li, he turned over neatly and pressed Zhuang Momo under him, but because he did not control his strength well, he did not push Zhuang Momo down. No matter what, Mo tore the wound on his body, causing him to hiss in pain, "It hurts!"

"Zhan Limo, you are looking for death!" Zhuang Momo felt sorry for his injury and wanted to help him, but was pressed by his weight and couldn't help him at all... No, to be more precise, she was not willing to help. she.

Zhan Limo is a very arrogant person and has always been self-centered. Because he has such a good-looking face, girls used to surround him. He has never taken the initiative to chase anyone. He doesn't know what to do in his heart. Zhuang Momo felt that as his new girlfriend, he had the obligation to teach him how to interact with his girlfriend.

How to teach? Zhuang Momo, who had no experience in love, didn't understand and could only rely on his own imagination.

She thought about it for a while and soon came up with an idea.

She had just agreed to date Zhan Limo, so she had to give him some color and let Zhan Limo know that her girlfriend was hard-earned.

"Zhuang Momo, you cruel woman, you can remain indifferent even if I have a wound..." Zhan Limo didn't notice Zhuang Momo's little thoughts at this time, and was still shouting, "Zhuang Momo , you are my girlfriend from today on. As my young master’s girlfriend, you should behave like a girlfriend. Don’t always confront me. Be gentle when you should be gentle, and be considerate when you should be considerate. One point. Go and ask the nurse to treat my wound... Ouch, it really hurts..."

"Zhan Limo, if I give you some paint, you want to open a dyeing room, right?" Zhuang Momo grabbed Zhan Limo's head with his backhand, pulled him closer to him, and warned in a deep voice, "Boy, I too I'm warning you, from now on you are my boyfriend, Zhuang Momo. From now on, you are not allowed to say anything when I say one thing. If I tell you to go east, you are not allowed to go west. Especially remember, you are not allowed to look at other women in the future. My child, if you dare to look at another woman, I will dig out your eyes."




At the end of the war, he felt something was wrong. This was not the direction of development of this model.

in love.

The simplest explanation is that two people love each other.

Why wasn't the relationship between him and Zhuang Momo as beautiful as he imagined?

The way the two of them get along doesn't look like two people in love at all, but like two big brothers in society trying to take in a younger brother. Whoever can suppress the other will be the big brother from now on and have the right to speak.

In this way, falling in love is indeed like recruiting a younger brother.

For example, this is the case with the people in their family.

In their family, Zhan Nianbei had the upper hand from the beginning, so over the years, Qin Xiaobao has been the king and the hegemon at home, and no one can control it.

Zhan Limo was determined not to follow in the footsteps of old man Zhan, and he didn't want to be eaten up by his girlfriend on the first day of dating, otherwise he would definitely not have a good life in the future.

So if he wants to resist, he must not let Zhuang Momo suppress him.

However, Zhuang Momo actually turned over and fell on top of Zhan Limo, patted his face gently, and looked like a careless man who spoke seriously and teased his little wife: "Boy, be honest and obedient from now on. This lady will take good care of you, otherwise..."

Zhuang Momo left his words for a while, then rolled out of bed gracefully and strode away.

After a long time, Zhan Limo just woke up from the shock and realized that he, a grown man, had been teased by Zhuang Momo just now. He couldn't tell what it felt like: "Zhuang Momo, you man woman, you Why the hell did you bully me?"

He was scolding, but a smile slowly appeared on Zhan Limo's lips... In fact, it felt good to be "molested" by Zhuang Momo, and he didn't mind her doing it again.

At this moment, sweet bubbles gradually filled Zhan Limo's heart. Perhaps this was the "sour smell" of love.

Outside the ward.

Zhuang Momo sat on the chair and patted his chest gently again and again, trying to calm down and calm down.

To be honest, she was a little flustered when she was teasing Zhan Limo just now, but she pretended to be very successful. At least Zhan Limo didn't notice her nervousness and didn't let Zhan Limo see her timidity.

She patted her chest and whispered to comfort herself, "It was Zhan Limo who took the initiative to pursue me, and it was not me pestering him. I was the one being pursued, and the initiative should be in my hands. It's okay for me to tease him. it's nothing……"

The second sister Zhuang Yindi often warned her that men are cheap. What they don't get is always in turmoil, and what they get doesn't know how to cherish. So the best way to deal with them is to whet their appetites and let them know that you have something. How precious.

"Alas..." Zhuang Momo sighed. If she had known that falling in love was so tiring and had to find ways to suppress the other party, she should not have agreed to Zhan Limo.

Jingle Bell--

The ringtone of the mobile phone in her pocket suddenly rang, startling Zhuang Momo. She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and saw that it was the call from the second sister she had just thought of. She immediately answered: "Second sister..."

"Zhuang Momo, you girl, it rained so heavily last night. If you ran out in the middle of the night, wouldn't you die?" Zhuang Yindi's scolding came from the phone, but Zhuang Momo felt warm in his heart. It's better for her family. They will find out that she is not at home early in the morning. They will worry about her safety and care about her...

While Zhuang Yindi was chattering away, Zhuang Momo interjected in a gentle tone: "Second sister, I came out to find my boyfriend last night."

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