My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1807: Childhood sweethearts, who falls into whose trap

Chapter 1809: Childhood sweethearts, who falls into whose trap

Hang Jin couldn't help but take a third sip.

The light yellow liquid entered the mouth again. There was no longer a strong smell of alcohol or a mellow aroma. Suddenly, Hang Jin felt in a trance, as if the bar was shaking twice, making people feel ecstatic.

What kind of wine can allow people to have so many different experiences in such a short time?

Hang Jin doesn't understand very well.

But Hang Jin knows that once contaminated with a certain item, it can not only make people "become immortals" instantly, but it can also make people fall into an eternal hell that will never be recovered - poison!


Bars that do serious business hate this kind of thing. They can add some kind of poison to their own wine to make customers addicted to it and achieve the purpose of making money.

This kind of person, even if he is not a drug trafficker, should be arrested and locked up for decades.

"How do you feel now?" The woman put down her wine glass, took out a cigarette from her bag, lit one, took a puff, and slowly blew out a smoke ring towards Hang Jin, "Would you like one?"

"Feeling?" Hang Jin looked up at the woman, only to feel that the image of the woman in front of him gradually became blurred, and soon he would not be able to see her face clearly. "Is it really a strange feeling?"

"How weird is that?" The woman took another puff of cigarette, and her gesture of blowing out the smoke was also very charming. "I wonder if I am honored to listen to you?"

"The strange thing is that I see you getting better and better the more you look at me." Hang Jin looked at the woman in front of him, his eyes gradually became blurred, and it seemed as if the person sitting opposite him had become Chi Yangyang, "Baby, you are so beautiful. !”

His little idiot Chi Yangyang is really good-looking, and the more he looks at it, the better he looks. Therefore, he has been watching it for more than 20 years and is still not tired of it. Not only is he not tired of it, but the more he looks at it, the more he wants to see it.

However, Hang Jin knew that the woman in front of him was not his Chi Yangyang. His little idiot did not have such a strong and pungent perfume, but only a light natural body fragrance, which smelled delicious.

"All the men who have met me say this..." The woman pressed down the cigarette butt in her hand and took another drag, "I thought you were different from other men. It turns out that all the men in the world are really like the crows in the world. Mom is the same, she can’t move her legs when she sees a beautiful woman.”

Not only did the woman in front of him look like Chi Yangyang, Hang Jin also felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier... It was really strange. He only took three small sips, and now his head was so heavy that he could hardly hold it.

Hang Jin fell on the table with a bang.

The woman raised her hand and pushed Hang Jin's head: "Hey, wake up!"

Hang Jin didn't respond or move.

Really fallen?

The woman had doubts in her heart, so she picked up the cigarette butt and burned it on Hang Jin's hand. The cigarette butt burned a hole in the back of Hang Jin's hand, but Hang Jin remained motionless.

It looks like he really fell down.

"It's true that all men are the same, no matter how good-looking they are, they can't even look good." The woman shook her head in disappointment, and then said, "Everything will go according to the original plan."

After the woman finished speaking, a man immediately came up next to her: "Sister Nineteen, we have been selling this wine for two years. In the past two years, no one who ordered this glass of wine came out standing. Why don't you still go out?" So be careful."

"In our line of work, we are not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. It is best to be careful in everything." The woman looked at Hang Jin again, "The person in front of you and me is the captain of the Jiangbei Anti-Narcotics Brigade."

"The commander-in-chief of the Jiangbei Anti-Narcotics Brigade is nothing more than that." The man said disdainfully, "He is still just like everyone else. He took three gulps down his throat and was so drunk that he passed out."

"In the past few months, he has arrested many of us and ruined many things for us. He has almost made some brothers on the road frightened. Don't underestimate him." The woman always felt that Hang Jin reacted differently to other drinkers. But she couldn't tell what specifically made him different from others.

Assuming that Hang Jin was just pretending to be drunk, there would be no problem if she couldn't wake him up. But just now she burned him with a cigarette butt, and he didn't react at all. His body had no instinct to avoid it, his brows didn't move, and his expression didn't change...

Observing various signs, the woman was sure that Hang Jin was drunk, but she still felt a little uneasy: "We must remember the hardships we have endured in the past few months, and we must not be careless."

"But he still fell into our hands." The man raised his foot and kicked Hang Jin hard. "So what about the captain of the Jiangbei Anti-drug Team? We just dug this hole tonight, and what else?" I didn’t think of a way to get him to jump in, and I didn’t expect him to jump in on his own.”


As soon as she heard the man's words, the woman finally remembered why Hang Jin was different from others.

The others were brought here intentionally or unintentionally, but Hang Jin was brought to the door by himself.

She said: "What is going on?"

The man said, "I received news that one of us acted as an informant for Hang Jin, so as soon as the news that we had a transaction here tonight was sent out, Hang Jin immediately brought someone over."

The woman's eyes suddenly turned cold: "So, if we can let Hang Jin fall into the hole we dug this time, we have to thank the person who provided him with clues."

"Yes, we should thank the person who provided clues to Hang Jin. If we didn't deliberately release the news today, another way for us to make money would have been cut off." At this point, the man's eyes were full of violence. No longer able to hide it, "Sister Nineteen, but having said that, all of the people around us have been working with you for many years, and you can see their loyalty. Who on earth would betray the information to this person named Hang?" "

"It doesn't matter who he is." The woman pressed down the cigarette butt and smiled softly, "No matter who he is, as long as I find him out, I will make him regret ever coming to this world. From the beginning I told them from the beginning that if they are loyal to me, I will give them their lives. If anyone dares to betray me, I will let them sacrifice their lives to compensate me."

"That's natural." The man looked at Hang Jin again, his eyes full of hatred: "Then the culprit, Captain Hang of Jiangbei City, will be handed over to me, and I will also make him answer for what he has done during this time. Pay the bill.”

"The man is entrusted to you, but you have to be careful. It's OK to scare him, but don't kill him. We are not afraid of the power of Hangzhen Mountain, but don't forget that old man Yin in Kyoto." The woman looked at Xiang Hangjin couldn't help but reach out and touch his face, "This face is so beautiful that it makes people want to sleep with him. It's a pity that Tao and Dao don't agree with each other."

Man: "Sister Nineteen, don't worry, I'll take care of things."

The woman nodded: "Take the person away."

At the same time, the action team members who were waiting in various bars received a coded message from Hang Jin. The operation tonight was cancelled. Everyone went home and waited for his instructions before taking action.

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