My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1865: Childhood sweethearts, speaking human words

Chapter 1867: Childhood sweethearts, speaking human words


Chi Yangyang remembered that it was not that she didn't know what to say, but that the bad guy didn't give her a chance to say it. When she opened her mouth to say something again, she was blocked by Hang Jin again.

She should have known that Hang Jin is a big bad guy!

And Hang Jin, who succeeded in stealing the fragrance, smiled so proudly in the spring breeze: "Little idiot, you said you are a little idiot and you still don't admit it."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

It was obvious that he won with physical strength, so it had nothing to do with whether she was a little idiot or not.

Hang Jin smiled and rubbed her head: "Ask Zhao Ziqian for the specific place and time."

Chi Yangyang didn't react for a moment: "What place and time?"

Hang Jin: "Little idiot!"

Chi Yangyang quickly responded: "Oh, I remembered it. You want me to ask Zhao Ziqian about the time and place of the celebration banquet. So you agree to attend their celebration banquet?"

Hang Jin: "What else?"

He doesn't have to give other people's face, but he must give it to this little idiot.

Chi Yangyang: "Are you sure?"

Hang Jin said helplessly: "I won't be sure no matter how wordy you are."

Chi Yangyang: "Okay, okay, I'll ask him right now, but don't force yourself to participate in activities you don't like. I don't want to see you feel uncomfortable."

Hearing Chi Yangyang's words, Hang Jin felt happy: "Just based on what you little idiot just said, even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead, I will jump in without hesitation."

Chi Yangyang: "You must not! I can't bear such a heavy love."

Hang Jin: "Little idiot!"

Mangrove Bay is a famous bar street in Jiangbei. Because of its good location and environment, it always attracts people from all walks of life and has unknowingly become a beautiful scenery in Jiangbei.

Zhao Ziqian and his gang are usually busy with work, so they often come day and night, but few come, but thinking that there will be a distinguished guest tonight, they chose a relatively high-end restaurant here that provides one-stop service for food, drink, and entertainment.

"Old Zhao, could you please take a look at these drinks?" Even though Zhao Ziqian no longer serves as the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, everyone still comes to Old Zhao when they have problems, because everyone knows that everything will be fine with Old Zhao here. discuss.

"I'm not familiar with Captain Hang, and I don't know much about what he likes to drink or not. Why don't we order some of the same, and then we'll see what Captain Hang likes to drink and then order more." At this point, Zhao Ziqian patted his head, "No, let's see what Forensic Chi likes to drink later. Let's order more."

"Forensic Doctor Chi doesn't drink alcohol or juice, do we all have to drink juice with her?" Someone protested, strongly protesting, "Old Zhao, although Forensic Doctor Jiang has left, the Forensic Medicine Department of Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment is now headed by Forensic Doctor Chi. We can’t revolve around her in everything.”

Zhao Ziqian will naturally not take his identity as a forensic doctor seriously. The key is that Chi Yangyang has Hang Jin as his backer: "What do you know? Just do as I say."

"Is there a relationship between Team Hang and Medical Examiner Chi that we don't know about?"

I don’t know who said this at the scene. Zhao Ziqian knew that he had spilled the beans and quickly stopped him: "What could be the relationship between them? Don't make random guesses."

But these words are like a flood that has been opened and cannot be taken back. Others will join the gossip camp regardless of what Zhao Ziqian said later.

"Love relationship?"



Everyone said something to each other, but Zhao Ziqian stopped him several times but failed to stop him until Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang arrived together and gave everyone a resounding answer: "The relationship between husband and wife!"

"Relationship between husband and wife?"

Many people did not react for a while, and continued to chirp: "The two of them knew each other before? How did they become husband and wife? This relationship is too unreliable."

"Team Hang, you're here." Zhao Ziqian has been persuading everyone. He knew it immediately when Hang Jin came, but those bastards were still chattering, completely unaware that the real owner they couldn't afford to offend had arrived.

Hang Jin dragged Chi Yangyang to sit in the center of the crowd, and then said cautiously: "Chi Forensic Doctor and I, who you have known for a long time, are legally married. What's the problem?"

Hang Jin's words made the scene silent for a while, and then everyone almost shook their heads together: "No problem! No problem! This relationship is very good! It can't be better!"

Hang Jin added: "Since there is no problem, everyone should stop talking behind their backs in the future. What I hate most in my life is people who talk about others behind their backs instead of saying them face to face."

Everyone was silent again.

Hang Jin said again: "I came to your celebration banquet today for the sake of your former captain Zhao Ziqian, and also to give everyone a chance to get to know me."

Everyone was still silent.

Hang Jin glanced at the people present coldly, and then said: "It's not that I don't cooperate with you, nor that I want to dampen your enthusiasm for work. With the speed at which we solve the case, we have no shame in holding a celebration banquet."

Indeed, solving a case in two days is considered fast, but they still have an unsolved corpse case, so they are not qualified to hold a celebration banquet here without shame.

So everyone continued to remain silent.

Hang Jin added: "Of course I know that your purpose is not to celebrate the victory, but to express your welcome to me as the new leader. I have also received your thoughts. This time is an exception. Don't do this again next time. An activity to please me.”

Everyone: "Yes."

Hang Jin said: "From now on, everyone will work hard and do a good job. I can see it, and the leaders and citizens above can also see it. Maintaining the peace and healthy development of our city is our responsibility and job."

Hang Jin's words made it impossible to find anything wrong. Even Chi Yangyang felt that these were not words that Hang Jin could say. He couldn't help but move his eyes to his face and saw that his expression was serious. It seemed that this man She still has a very clear understanding of her identity, so she doesn't need to worry about him secretly.

Hang Jin: "You drink wine slowly. Eat meat slowly. I have something to do tonight, so I won't accompany you. But the bill will be on my account. How much money you spent will be reimbursed to me tomorrow."

Hang Jin said a lot of things, but the most influential one was the last sentence. As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd shouted: "Long live the Hangzhou team! Long live the Hangzhou team!"

This group of people is really realistic, as soon as he said he would pay the bill, it became a long live one.

But he didn't want to become a monster yet, and waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "I'm leaving, you can play slowly. But I also want to remind you to drink in moderation, and no one is allowed to delay tomorrow's work."

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