My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1890: Childhood sweethearts, there is no room for sand in the eyes

Chapter 1892: Childhood sweethearts, there is no room for sand in the eyes

"Don't move!" Hang Jin grabbed her moving hand and held it tightly in his palm. His voice was indescribably low and hoarse, as if his throat had been burned by fire.

The hand was controlled, but Chi Yangyang did not stop. She raised her head from his arms, put her red lips together again, and kissed him randomly on the face: "One kiss is not enough, then several kisses, Brother Jin, should you calm down?"

Others: "..."

This situation seems familiar, as if I had seen it a few months ago.

However, they looked at Hang Jin and blushed.

Damn it!

Fourth Brother Hang's face turned red again. He was still in the same situation last time and wouldn't say anything. Now that two people have been married for so long, shouldn't it be possible? Could it be...

After having this idea, Zhu Zhanfan and Xie Yuanbo opened their mouths at the same time: "Fourth brother, could you, could it be that you have been registered for marriage for so long, and you are still the same..."

"Shut up!" While yelling, Hang Jin picked up Chi Yangyang and strode out.

Chi Yangyang struggled in his arms: "Brother Jin, why are you hugging me? I don't want to go home, I want to drink. Brother Jin, if you say you like me, then just listen to me, I don't want to go home, I still want to drink..."

"You're drunk, let's go home!" Hang Jin pushed her into his arms hard, with intoxicating tenderness in his voice.

Zhu Zhangfan and Xie Yuanbo opened their mouths and widened their eyes as they watched them leave: "Oh my god, our fourth brother is really capable of doing such a thing. The two of them have registered their marriage for so long and there is still no substantial progress. I don't know how he did it." Hold back."

Xie Yuanbo gave a thumbs up: @Our fourth brother is truly a god! "

The two of them talked enthusiastically, but after a while they realized that Ye Zhiyang, who usually talked a lot, had not said a word.

Zhu Zhangfan turned around and asked: "Old Ye, what's wrong with you today? Why don't you say anything?"

Before Ye Zhiyang could reply, Lan Feiyang grabbed his bag and stood up: "You guys play slowly, I have to leave first."

Xie Yuanbo and Zhu Tuoyuan: "Feiyang..."

However, Ye Zhiyang followed him out without saying a word.

"Lao Ye..." Zhu and Xie were a little confused, "What happened to Feiyang and Lao Ye today? Are they having a conflict?"

But it's not like they haven't quarreled before. Zhu Xie and Mei Mei took it to heart: "Everyone has left in pairs. What fun is there in leaving us two old bachelors behind?"

Xie Yuanbo said: "They have to go about their business, so we can't be idle. Just wait, I have a way to make you happy tonight."

Zhu Zhanfan: "Why are you so happy?"

Xie Yuanbo took out his mobile phone: "Just wait."

Ye Zhiyang chased after him and was so anxious to grab Lan Feiyang's hand. As soon as he touched it, Lan Feiyang threw it away: "Don't touch me! It's disgusting!"

"Feiyang, listen to me, things are not what you imagined." Ye Zhiyang hugged Lan Feiyang anxiously, "Feiyang, please, give me a few minutes to explain it to you."

People were coming and going at the door, and several pairs of eyes looked over. Lan Feiyang couldn't afford to be embarrassed, so she didn't struggle anymore, but her voice was even colder: "Okay, I'll give you two minutes to explain. Please ask me before I explain." Let me go first."

Ye Zhiyang did not let go: "Promise me not to run away."

Lan Feiyang: "I asked you to let me go."

Ye Zhiyang tried to let go, but did not take it back. If Lan Feiyang ran again, he would be able to catch her in time: "Wife, I love you, the only person I love is you! Please believe me!"

"Wife? Do you love me?" Lan Feiyang raised the corners of his mouth, obviously smiling, but tears rolled down from his eyes disobediently, "When you were lingering with other women, did you ever think that we had registered our marriage? You Have you ever thought that you love me? Now that you have children, your mother still has the nerve to say that you love me? Do you really think that I, Lan Feiyang, am stupid?"

"Feiyang, I know it was me who was wrong, but I was drunk that time, and I didn't know at all..." Ye Zhiyang's face was gloomy, and his hands in the air couldn't stop shaking, "Feiyang, you Give me some time, I will handle that matter and give you a satisfactory explanation. Let’s hold the wedding as usual, okay? Feiyang..."

"Ha, you were drunk and thought that woman was me?" Lan Feiyang raised his hand to wipe away his tears and gritted his teeth and said, "Ye Zhiyang, if you are still a man, I will see you at the Civil Affairs Bureau at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

She turned to leave, but Ye Zhiyang grabbed her again: "Feiyang, I didn't lie to you. I was really drunk. I didn't know anything."

Lan Feiyang pulled off his hand with force and said coldly: "Ye Zhiyang, you know that I, Lan Feiyang, can't tolerate sand in my eyes. If you don't want to make it so ugly, see you at the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow morning."

Ye Zhiyang knew that he had always known Lan Feiyang's strong temper, so he kept hiding it from her and did not dare to tell her about it, but paper could not cover up the fire after all.

She still knew.

When he saw the woman coming, she didn't even ask him or make trouble with him. She calmly threw two words at him: "Divorce!"

Seeing that the wedding was coming, she still decided to cut off the relationship with him, as if he really had no importance in her heart, as if she didn't care at all about the relationship between them for so many years.


He looked at her leaving back, but lost the courage to catch up.

She told him many years ago that she could tolerate many of his mistakes and shortcomings, but she could not tolerate his betrayal of their feelings.

At that time, he said to her: "We grew up together. You, Lan Feiyang, don't know what kind of person I, Ye Zhiyang, am? Even if there is only one woman left in the world, I don't want anyone but you."

At that time, she smiled and tweaked his ears: "Then I promise you to date you."

Over the years, he has never thought of betraying their relationship, because he loves her and wants to be with her forever.

But for some reason that time, he, who had always had a good drinking capacity, got drunk without drinking much. When he woke up again, there was a woman lying next to him.

At that time, he was so frightened that he ran away without putting on his clothes.

The woman woke up at that time. She looked at him pitifully, saying that she had loved him for a long time, and that she didn't ask for anything, as long as she could look at him from a distance occasionally.

He refused at that time and gave her a sum of money before leaving.

In the next few months, she never appeared again. He thought that the matter was over. Who knew that the woman suddenly appeared at his farm yesterday with a big belly and told him that she was pregnant with his child and that she wanted to Give birth to a child and ask him to give the child a birthright.

However, until now he didn't even know that woman's name.

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