Chapter 835: Escape

A very low-key black car slowly drove out of the garage. Shen Lingxi stood by the window and watched the car slowly leave.

These days, she often stood by the window to watch what was going on outside. There were cars coming and going, but not this one.

This low-key black car was the first time she saw it out after being locked up in this hellish place.

She couldn't see who was sitting in the car, but she could vaguely guess that the person sitting in the car was the owner, the devil-like man she was most afraid of seeing.

This was the first time she had seen this man go out in such a long time here. He usually stayed in this cold and uninviting villa, and occasionally he would take pleasure in torturing her.

Thinking of that devil, she would naturally think of what he had done, and Shen Lingxi gritted her teeth with hatred.

If she could, she would kill him with her own hands, peel off his skin and cramp his tendons, so that he would never be able to stand up again.


Just when Shen Lingxi had this idea, the door behind her was kicked open with a bang, which once again shocked her body.

Did that man know that she was cursing him and come to cause trouble for her again?

Before she had time to look back, a malicious voice sounded behind her: "Shen Lingxi, do you want to stay here to warm our young master's bed, or do you want to leave here?"

This was a woman's voice, almost yelling to ask Shen Lingxi. From her voice, you could tell how much she hated Shen Lingxi.

Shen Lingxi didn't need to look back, but she could tell that the woman speaking was the woman named Xiaojiu.

Not long ago, Xiaojiu was worried that she was pregnant with the devil's child, so he took the initiative to give her birth control pills, and she never appeared again. I wonder what kind of wind brought her here again today?

It's not that man who is as scary as the devil. The fear in Shen Lingxi's heart quickly disappeared. She slowly turned around and looked at Xiaojiu: "Whether I leave or stay, does it have anything to do with you?"

The devil bullied her, and she had no way to resist. Resistance was useless, but it didn't mean that just one person could step on her head.

Shen Lingxi's cold and proud attitude made Xiaojiu very angry, but there was no time for her to struggle with Shen Lingxi here.

She glared at Shen Lingxi angrily and said, "The young master went out today and won't be back soon. If you want to leave, now is the best chance."

Her eyes were filled with disgust and hatred for Shen Lingxi, and she wanted to push Shen Lingxi through the door and throw her to death.

"Why are you helping me?" After staying in the Shen family for so many years and being used as a pawn for so many years, Shen Lingxi understands the weaknesses of human nature very well.

If a person who has no connection with you and even hates you to the core suddenly reaches out to help you, I'm afraid things are not that simple.

Xiao Jiu seemed to have guessed that Shen Lingxi would ask this question, so she answered honestly: "Because I like my family's young villain, and I don't want to see other women staying with him. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Xiaojiu admitted that she liked that devil man.

Shen Lingxi believed it 100%.

She knew before that Xiao Jiu was hostile to her, and Shen Lingxi also knew that it was Xiao Jiu who gave birth control pills, otherwise the devil would not keep asking her to give birth to a child for him.

A woman hates other women so much for having a child for a man. Apart from that woman loving that man, Shen Lingxi can't think of a second reason yet.

If you are trapped here, you will die sooner or later. If you escape, you may fall into Xiaojiu's trap, but it will still give Shen Lingxi some hope of survival.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Lingxi immediately made a decision: "Of course I want to leave here."

She didn't ask Xiaojiu how to get out of here, because she knew that Xiaojiu would definitely point out the way to escape. This was also the purpose of Xiaojiu coming to her.

Sure enough, as soon as Shen Lingxi finished speaking, Xiao Jiu took out a very simple map: "I'll give you two minutes to write down the route. You can leave here by following the directions on the map."

Shen Lingxi was not stupid enough to ask Xiao Jiu to hand over the map to her so that she could escape with the map, because she knew that Xiao Jiu would definitely not leave any clue for their master to get it.

This map may be related to her life and death. Shen Lingxi did not dare to be careless and carefully recorded the routes drawn on the map.

When the two minutes were up, Xiao Jiu immediately put away the map and said, "In ten minutes, you go out and go to the third floor. The first office on the third floor is my young master's office. There is a back door in the office. You can go out there." You can go out to the backyard, and then you can walk out through the backyard. It depends on your own ability. "

After the explanation, Xiaojiu turned around and left without saying another word.

Just when Xiaojiu returned to his room and lay down on the bed, the monitor in the villa that had been broken for ten minutes started running again. It was perfectly connected at that time. If it were not a professional technician, it would be difficult to find the problem.

After Xiao Jiu left, Shen Lingxi wanted to change into thicker clothes, but there were only two sets of very thin pajamas in this room, and there were no thick clothes to keep warm at all.

In other words, the devil man had long expected that she might run away, and he didn't even prepare clothes for her, just to cut off her escape route.

It's such a cold day now. If you go out wearing thin pajamas, even if you escape, you will most likely freeze to death in this foggy mountain.

The strong desire to escape made Shen Lingxi very clear-headed. She had no clothes to wear, so she took off the quilt cover and sheets and wrapped them around her body to prevent freezing and injuries.

After the quilt and sheet were put on her body, the time was almost ten minutes as Xiaojiu said. Shen Lingxi took a deep breath and stroked her chest where her heart was beating extremely fiercely: "Shen Lingxi, you are a person who has been through the hell gate. Now, what else do you have to be afraid of?”

After telling herself this, she calmed down a lot. She walked to the door and gently opened it a crack.

She first looked around to make sure there was no one, then squeezed out the door, gently closed the door, and then followed Xiaojiu's instructions to go to the devil's study on the third floor.

The room where she was imprisoned was on the second floor. To the left of her room was the staircase leading to the third floor. The first room on the third floor was the devil's study, which was just above her room.

In other words, these days, the furthest distance between her and the devil is only one floor of wall. She can hear him walking louder upstairs.

Shen Lingxi gently raised her hand to hold the doorknob, but suddenly she didn't have the courage to open the door.

She was afraid that when the door opened, a man who frightened her would be sitting in the room.

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