My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 842 Learning that Long Yi is alive

Chapter 842: Learning that Long Yi is alive

In the past, others had handed food, clothing, and necessities to Qin leran's hands. This was the first time she had taken care of others.

Although she was a little clumsy, she was very attentive and prepared vegetable porridge and appetizers to prevent Shen Lingxi from going hungry.

"Are you an angel?" Shen Lingxi looked at her steadily and asked cautiously, as if her voice was louder, she might scare away the beautiful angel in front of her.

Qin leran was stunned, what happened to sister Lingxi?

Sister Lingxi couldn't have broken her brain after falling from such a high place.

If so, what should we do?

"Are you an angel?" Shen Lingxi asked again, persistently trying to get Qin leran's answer.

"Sister Lingxi, I'm not an angel, I'm Leran." Qin lelan reached out and touched Shen Lingxi's forehead. There was no fever. Could it be that she really broke her head and lost her memory?

Shen Lingxi looked at her and looked her up and down.

Under Shen Lingxi's gaze, Qin leran said again: "Sister Lingxi, drink some porridge first. When your body gets warmer, your head will wake up."

It is not easy for a person to lose his memory. Qin leran guessed that Shen Lingxi couldn't remember her for the time being. She was probably mentally stimulated, or she just woke up and was still a little unclear.

"Leran?" Shen Lingxi looked at Qin lelan, a little confused, but still took a few sips of the porridge she handed her.

The green vegetable porridge has a moderate temperature and a light fragrance. It seems to drive away the fatigue of the body instantly after entering the mouth.

Shen Lingxi took two more bites and felt that her body was getting warmer, and her body organs and brain began to operate slowly.

When she drank the last mouthful of porridge from the bowl, she looked up and saw the delicate face so close at hand, and was a little surprised: "Le Ran?"

"Yes, sister Lingxi, it's me, it's me." Qin leran took the empty bowl in Shen Lingxi's hand. Seeing that Shen Lingxi finally recognized herself, she smiled from the bottom of her heart and said, "Sister Lingxi, this is me." Is the porridge delicious?”

"It tastes good." Shen Lingxi was still confused about the situation. She stared at Qin leran again and again. She wanted to say something but didn't know how to ask.

Qin leran held her hand and said sweetly: "When I was sick in the past, my mother would stay with me to take care of me and cook such porridge for me. At that time, I thought it was very delicious, so I also asked people to help me. Sister Lingxi made some. If Sister Lingxi thinks it’s delicious, I’ll let someone else make it next time.”

"It's delicious. Leran, thank you!" Shen Lingxi nodded and thanked you.

A person who has only met twice can be so kind to her, but what about the so-called people in her family who care about her?

"Sister Lingxi, you said you asked me to treat you as my own sister, so don't be polite to your own sister." At first, because of Shen Lingxi's identity, Qin lelan didn't want to call her sister, but now she is called sister.

Maybe it's because her identity has changed, and there is no longer any barrier and unnaturalness in her heart. Who wouldn't want to get close to a kind and beautiful girl.

"Leran...why am I here?" Shen Lingxi still remembered that she escaped from that hell-like place, and then stepped into a trap deliberately set for her. She was injured, and then she seemed to fall down, and then She had no memory of what happened next.

She thought she would bleed to death or freeze to death on the mountain, but she didn't expect that she would not die this time.

The fate was really ridiculous. She was ready to die several times, but she came back from the gate of hell several times.

Is fate pitying her, or is it playing tricks on her?

she does not know.

"Sister Lingxi, you were injured. Our travel companion and I happened to meet each other and rescued you." Thinking of yesterday's scene, Qin lelan's heart twitched again.

She was glad that she went on an adventure with her traveling companions, that she found Shen Lingxi and rescued her, and that Shen Lingxi was still alive.

"Leran, thank you!" Shen Lingxi thanked her again, but the joy after being rescued could not be seen in her face and eyes.

It seemed that living was a very painful thing for her, so she might as well just die and be freed early.

If she dies early, she can see her dragon wings in another world. For her, death is not a relief.

"Sister Lingxi..." Seeing Shen Lingxi's despair, Qin leran felt a pain in his heart again, "Brother Lie has gone to find Long Yi, and he will definitely bring him to you soon."

"Dragon Wings? You mean Dragon Wings?" Shen Lingxi's body trembled when she heard the word "Dragon Wings", and her silent eyes instantly shone brightly.

She grabbed Qin lelan's arm tightly with her backhand, and asked with surprise and worry: "Leran, is it really him?"

Is her Dragon Wing really still alive?

Is he really still alive?


Thinking of being humiliated by that devil-like man every day, Shen Lingxi's bright eyes suddenly fell silent again.

Even if Long Yi is still alive, how can she see him? She is no longer Xiao Xi who only belongs to him.

"Sister Lingxi, don't worry. Brother Lie said he is still alive, so he will be able to bring him back." Qin lelan thought Shen Lingxi was worried about this and tried to comfort her.

"It's good that he's still alive! It's good that he's still alive!" While reciting these words, Shen Lingxi's tears were like a flood that broke out of a dam and flowed out of control, flowing more and more.

She gritted her teeth and endured it for so long, even pretending to be engaged to Quan Nanzhai just to wait for him to come back alive.

After waiting for so long, she finally got news about him and knew that he was still alive, but she was no longer qualified to return to him.

"Sister Lingxi, don't worry, everything will be fine, everything will be fine." Qin lelan hurriedly took a tissue to wipe her tears, but she couldn't wipe them away no matter how hard she wiped them. In the end, she was so sad that she wiped her tears.

After a long time, Shen Lingxi's tears finally stopped, and she said sadly: "Too many things happened in one year, and we can never go back to the beginning."

Why didn't he come back earlier?

Why didn't he show up earlier?

If he had shown up a month earlier, she wouldn't have...

Thinking of her experience this month and those disgusting and dirty things, Shen Lingxi felt so uncomfortable that she vomited.

Qin lelan is worried: "sister Lingxi, what's wrong?"

Shen Lingxi wiped her tears and raised a smile: "Leran, some things just happened... Even though we didn't want them to, it can't change the fact."

Shen Lingxi spoke cryptically, but Qin leran understood it.

Because she understood, she felt even more uncomfortable. She didn't know what to say to comfort Shen Lingxi, she just held her tightly.

She thought that if the man named Long Yi really loved Shen Lingxi, he wouldn't care.

No, he should cherish sister Lingxi better!

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