Chapter 845: Explanation


Qiao Min and Spai Tao burst in through the door.

Because they heard the quarrel in the house, they were worried about their master's safety. They no longer cared about his orders, so they knocked on the door and came in first.

Seeing the color on Quan Nanzhai's face, Spades was about to take action immediately, but he heard Quan Nanzhai sternly scold: "Get out!"

Their president is usually gentle and elegant, and would not say a harsh word even if he wanted to kill someone.

As soon as Quan Nanzhai said this, Qiao Min and Spai Tao were stunned. They didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Want me to invite you out?" Quan Nanzhai raised his eyebrows and said again, his voice not angry but powerful, which was very suitable for his status as president.

After receiving the cold and stern gaze from Quan Nanzhai, Spai Tao and Qiao Min did not dare to stay for another moment and withdraw again.

Once again, only brothers Quan Nanzhai and Long Yi were left in the room. No one spoke. It was so quiet for a while that they seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeat.

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, Quan Nanzhai took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I will make those who hurt you pay a thousand times for the sins you have suffered this year." cost."

"Let those who hurt me pay a thousand times the price?" Long Yi raised his eyes and stared at Quan Nanzhai coldly, his eyes still as cold as broken ice, "Is the culprit responsible for the sins I have suffered this year? Not you?"

As soon as Long Yi's words came out, Quan Nanzhai couldn't find anything to refute.

Long Yi is right!

If it weren't for him, Quan Nanzhai, fighting for the position of president, and if the forces of the Long family were not on his side, then the Long family would not have been wiped out.

Tracing the source, it was found that the Long family was not killed by him personally, but they died because of him. He was indeed the culprit.

Quan Nanzhai didn't say anything to refute, which was the default meaning. Long Yi's brows twitched, and the anger in his chest rose: "Quan Nanzhai, do you want me to shoot you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Yi took out a gun from the compartment of his clothes, raised the gun, and pointed the muzzle directly at Quan Nanzhai's head.

It seemed that as long as Quan Nanzhai didn't give him a satisfactory answer, he would shoot Quan Nanzhai in the head so that he would never have a chance to speak again.

Quan Nanzhai didn't hide, didn't panic, wasn't busy, or confused. He just looked at Long Yi's half-recognizable face with his calm eyes after being surprised.

A different face, a different voice, a different personality... What kind of life has Long Yi been living in this year?

Without thinking carefully, Quan Nanzhai knew that Long Yi's life this year was far more painful than he imagined.


It's the sound of the gun valve pulling.

Long Yi was warning Quan Nanzhai in this way, asking Quan Nanzhai to give him a satisfactory explanation quickly, otherwise he would shoot him immediately.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked coldly: "Quan Nanzhai, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Quan Nanzhai wanted to say too much to him, but when he really saw him, he didn't know what to say.

Asked how Long Yi survived this year, and asked what other uses besides being able to tear open Long Yi's bloody scars?

What he has to do is what he just said to Long Yi, and he will make those hiding behind pay a thousand times the price for their actions.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Quan Nanzhai gave Long Yi an extremely simple answer: "Everything I want to say has been said."

"Quan Nanzhai! You really think I don't dare to shoot!" Long Yi roared angrily, raised his hand, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the ceiling and fired.


At the same time as the gunfire rang out, Spade and Qiao Min burst into the study again. This time they also had guns in their hands, and the muzzles were pointed at Long Yi in the room. Seeing their master Just stand there so they don't shoot.

This time, without waiting for their master Quan Nanzhai to speak, Quan Nanzhai just glanced at the two of them and they retreated obediently.

After all, deep down in his heart, Long Yi is willing to believe Quan Nanzhai.

He would take the initiative to make an appointment with Quan Nanzhai because he believed in Quan Nanzhai and was willing to give Quan Nanzhai a chance to explain. However, Quan Nanzhai didn't say anything to explain, which made him not angry.

"Long Yi, Shen Lingxi is waiting for you. She needs you very much." The two looked at each other for a long time, and Quan Nanzhai suddenly said this again.

The three words "Shen Lingxi" have explosive lethality to Long Yi.

Long Yi finally calmed down some emotions, because Quan Nanzhai mentioned Shen Lingxi, and his chest was turbulent again.

"She is not your fiancée, why would she wait for me?" It was a mockery, a rhetorical question, more or less, but in the end, Long Yi still wanted a clear answer.

Quan Nanzhai frowned: "Don't you know why she became my fiancée?"

Long Yi sneered and asked: "My Lord President, why did Miss Shen become your fiancée? Should I, an unknown villain, know?"

Long Yi has been hurt so much, and now he can get into trouble. Quan Nanzhai is not surprised at all. He patiently explained: "Long Yi, I know that you have been living like a human being this year and have had a very hard time. But. Have you ever thought about Lingxi, what kind of life she has been having this year? "

Long Yi clenched his fists, and mixed emotions surged in his mind.


How cheap!

He was scolding himself.

The evidence of what Shen Lingxi had done was before his eyes. At this time, he was still looking forward to Quan Nanzhai telling him that Shen Lingxi had never betrayed him, let alone done anything to feel sorry for him.

If he isn't a bitch, what is he?

Quan Nanzhai sighed: "Not long after the accident in the Long family, the old man of the Shen family wanted to marry her to someone she didn't like. Can she resist what the old man of the Shen family arranged?"

They all know very well what kind of person the old man of the Shen family is. They know that whatever the old man of the Shen family decides, he always has a way to achieve his goal.

If the old man of the Shen family wants Shen Lingxi to marry someone else, Shen Lingxi will of course object, but the objection has no practical meaning.

Because no one in the Shen family can stop what the old man of the Shen family arranged.

Longyi: "..."

He also understands this truth.

Quan Nanzhai added: "The Shen family just regards her as a flag that can be used, and they want to make the most of this chess piece."

Long Yi snorted coldly and did not answer.

The extermination of the Long family should be Shen Lingxi's most proud work.

Mr. Shen asked her to do it, and she completed it so perfectly without leaving a single flaw.

I don’t know that Long Yi has already distracted him, but Quan Nanzhai is still saying: "Shen Lingxi is my fiancée to protect her through this identity, so that she will no longer be threatened by the Shen family, so that she can wait in peace and contentment you come back."

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