My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 941 The person behind the scenes appears

Chapter 941: The person behind the scenes appears

"Big fish" naturally refers to the people behind the scenes.

This operation is to catch the biggest fish behind the scenes.

Now that the big fish finally appeared, Lin Jiacheng was so excited that he rushed in without even knocking on the door. After speaking, he realized that their president looked wrong.

Facing Mr. President's cold and serious gaze, Lin Jiacheng hesitated. He even wanted to leave the office and knock on the door again.

"Just come out when you come out. Just follow the plan. Why are you making all the fuss?" It can be seen that Quan Nanzhai is in a good mood, otherwise he would not say so many words in one go.

Quan Nanzhai, like Qin Yue, is not a talkative person. When they find it difficult to talk, it is probably because they are in a good mood.

"I'm not making a fuss, I'm in a good mood." Lin Jiacheng, who has always been known for his stability, was so brave today that he dared to contradict their president.

He also saw that their president was in a good mood, so he had such courage. After speaking, he looked at Quan Nanzhai and smiled, with a face begging for praise.

Quan Nanzhai's face darkened and before he could speak, Lin Jiacheng said quickly: "My subordinate is talking too much. I will go and do something right now."

After saying that, he slipped away.

He must know the temperament of their president. It is enough to give him a chance to build a house. How dare he think too much.

Big fish?

Quan Dongming?


Quan Nanzhai looked at the male face on the TV that was extremely familiar, but now felt very strange.

He had seen this face for more than thirty years.

When he saw this face before, Quan Nanzhai only thought that Quan Dongming was like a child who had not grown up. He had no opinions of his own no matter what he did and liked to ask others for their opinions.

Many years ago, Quan Dongming liked to run behind him. Wherever he went, Quan Dongming followed him like a follower, shouting "Third Brother" repeatedly.

Quan Nanzhai was born in the Quan family, a family dominated by power. Family ties have never been important to them, it is just a symbol of their status.

Back then, Quan Dongming liked to follow him and call him third brother, which made him feel a rare trace of family affection.

Now that I think about it carefully, it's really a joke, a big joke. He treats that person as a brother. Maybe that person has always regarded him as a thorn in his side.

Perhaps, this is the price to pay for being born into the Quan family.

Even his blood relatives may not be trustworthy. They may be the evil person hiding behind him who may kill him at any time.

Three years ago, his half-brother wanted to kill him, but he was able to fight back and send that person to see the Lord of Hell.

Now, would he still be merciful and spare Quan Dongming?


Quan Nanzhai has never been a soft-hearted person.

He smiled, with a blood-red and cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

It's time to make a break with those people.

Quan Dongming, the "eldest son" of the former president's brother, does not hold any important position in Beigong, but he has the blood of the Quan family, and having the surname "Quan" is his greatest asset.

The heir to the president of country A can only be born from the Quan family, which means that only those with blood from the Quan family are eligible to appear on the presidential candidate list.

However, there were not many men in the Quan family for several generations. The former president, Quan Lizhang, only had two brothers. In addition to Quan Lizhang, he also had a younger brother who was several years younger, so it was natural that he became the president that year.

In Quan Nanzhai's generation, there are more men than his father's generation. Quan Nanzhai alone has three half-brothers, his eldest brother, second brother and him.

Quan Dongming also has several brothers in his family, but the other brothers are ten years older than the oldest Quan Dongming, so those brothers are still young.

Quan Nanzhai has two half-brothers. The eldest brother died in an "accident" deliberately caused by Quan Nanzhai three years ago. The second brother committed a major crime two years ago and was deprived of the qualification to be the presidential successor. You can’t take another step into Linhai City.

Therefore, during the presidential election, the only person on the list who could compete with Quan Nanzhai was Quan Dongming. The others were excluded early because they were too young.

During the presidential election at that time, Quan Nanzhai was the most vocal, and many people supported Quan Dongming, but Quan Dongming was very humble.

The fact is not that Quan Dongming wants to be humble, but that he sees what the people want, and the people's hearts are in Quan Nanzhai. Even if he wins Quan Nanzhai, it will be difficult to win the hearts of the people.

Knowing that he could not compete with Quan Nanzhai, Quan Dongming, under the guidance of someone, chose to quit at the appropriate time, when his loss was not so ugly.

The reputation of voluntarily withdrawing is far better than losing. It can also make Quan Nanzhai relax his vigilance towards him, which will make it easier for him to do things in the future.

Quan Dongming has been waiting, waiting, and finally got the opportunity...

Now that Quan Nanzhai is killed, it is most appropriate for Quan Dongming, one of the few left in the Quan family who is qualified to succeed the president, to step up and take charge of the overall situation.

Quan Dongming was dressed cleanly and neatly in a well-fitting suit. The color, style and cufflinks on the sleeves were the same as those worn by Quan Nanzhai.

Not only is he dressed the same, but his haircut is also the same as Quan Nanzhai's. At first glance, many people will mistake him for Quan Nanzhai.

But Quan Dongming could learn how Quan Nanzhai dressed, but he couldn't learn the things in Quan Nanzhai's bones, such as Quan Nanzhai's innate noble temperament.

Quan Nanzhai doesn't have to do anything deliberately in his movements, and is as noble and elegant as a piece of performance art, while Quan Dongming is a bit like a tiger rather than a dog.

When he came out to hold a press conference, it was much grander than the previous ones. After all, even if he did not work in Beigong, he was from the Quan family and had the noble blood of the Quan family.

He stood in front of the camera and gently waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. Even these small movements, he was imitating Quan Nanzhai.

Perhaps, deep in his heart, he still recognizes Quan Nanzhai as the third brother and the identity of President Quan Nanzhai.

Otherwise, Quan Dongming would never imitate Quan Nanzhai, hoping to use Quan Nanzhai's reputation to take over the position of president, and want his future road to be smoother.

The scene was quiet for a long time before Quan Dongming spoke slowly: "The old president heard that our president was killed. He was very sad and sad. Not only because the president is his biological son, but what he is really worried about is us. This country and our people.”

He continued his impassioned speech: "The Quan family shoulders the mission of making the entire country A prosperous. It is our obligation to improve the national living standards, and we dare not take credit. It is our fault that the national living standards have declined, and we will not Dare to shirk."

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