My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 969 Don’t blame me for falling out

Chapter 969: Don’t blame me for falling out

"Cough cough cough..." Quan Lizhang covered his chest and paused, "Su Wanqin, do you know who you are talking to?"

Quan Lizhang had never felt so cowardly before. He was so angry at Su Wanqin's words that he coughed and couldn't stop for a long time.

Su Wanqin sneered: "Quan Lizhang, there are only two of us here, who else are you acting for? You are a smart person and know your value to me."

At this moment, Su Wanqin was a lunatic who had lost her mind, a lunatic who was suffering from a disease and no one was feeding her medicine.

Once a madman gets sick, she won't recognize people and will go crazy and bite people everywhere, especially if the other person is Quan Lizhang who can't help her now.

These days, Su Wanqin has been asking herself the same question. Why has she stayed by Quan Lizhang's side for decades?

In the past, she felt that it was because she couldn't swallow the bad breath of being abandoned and was unwilling to lose to the Yao family because of birth, so she chose to stay by Quan Lizhang's side silently, always planning to change her life. Return once.

Later, she spent more than twenty years to win against Yao, but she also lost her youth and the brilliant life she should have had.

Ever since she personally designed it so that Yao lost her life and completely gained power, there was no turning back in her life.

She knew that she could only move forward and fall deeper and deeper into the trap she designed.

After Yao's tragic death, Quan Lizhang during this period no longer had the high-spiritedness and domineering power he had when he was young.

Su Wanqin would choose to stay with Quan Lizhang, probably because she had given true love to him for decades by his side.

In addition to having a little bit of feelings that were not worth mentioning, Su Wanqin felt that she didn't just want to get some help from Quan Lizhang, and that Quan Lizhang could help her when she was desperate. .

However, Quan Lizhang couldn't help her with anything now. Not only could he not help her, he might also push her from behind, causing her to fall into the abyss in advance.

She didn't ask Quan Lizhang to help her with anything else. She just asked him to find a way to save their two children. Who knew that Quan Lizhang could not do anything except say that it was what happened.

Quan Lizhang couldn't even stand up and give her a hug like a man, telling her it didn't matter and he would work hard.

As long as she worked hard, she could accept his attitude even if the result was unsatisfactory, but Quan Lizhang didn't, he didn't do anything.

He didn't have anything she wanted.

Quan Lizhang, a man, has always relied on women. He is an out-and-out coward, but she has never been willing to admit it.

The worst thing Su Wanqin did in her life was to choose Quan Lizhang as a bettor, and it took her more than thirty years to make the bet.

More than thirty years!

More than thirty years!

She spent most of her life devoted to this man, but she couldn't even get a hug from him.


If you think about it carefully, it is so sad and desolate.

A woman has several thirty years in her life, and the most golden thirty years of her life are when she is with him.

Thinking of this, Su Wanqin gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

She has wasted decades on Quan Lizhang, and she can no longer put her life and her son's life on Quan Lizhang.

If she didn't want to die, she had no choice but to take action in advance. While Quan Lizhang was still hesitating, she had to kill him by surprise so that he could not fight back.

"Su Wanqin, are you crazy?" Quan Lizhang stopped coughing and asked, then started a new round of violent coughing.

Su Wanqin has been with him for more than thirty years, but he has never understood this sinister and sinister woman.

Su Wanqin has always played a gentle image.

She is gentle, virtuous and considerate, and takes care of his life in an orderly manner, making him unable to live without her. These are the advantages he likes in her.

Before, he had never dreamed that this woman would turn out to be so terrifying. Her scheming was even more terrifying than the people he interacted with in the political whirlpool.

"I'm just crazy, you drove me crazy." Su Wanqin shook her head and sneered, "Quan Lizhang, remember, from now on, we will never be sworn in, and whatever I do in the future will be my business. "

Quan Lizhang frowned: "Su Wanqin... you..."

"Quan Lizhang, it's all because of you." Su Wanqin shook the information in her hand and said slowly under Quan Lizhang's hateful gaze, "The information in my hand is what Quan Nanzhai and Zhan Nianbei want. . As long as I give it to Quan Nanzhai... do you think you can enjoy your old age?"

"Su Waqin, bring me the things!" Quan Lizhang stood up and wanted to stop Su Waqin, but he fell back down the moment he got up.

At that moment, his thigh felt as if he had been stabbed several times by something. The pain was so painful that it made his heart pierce his bones. The pain has not diminished at all now.

"Quan Lizhang, just wait for your scandal to be exposed and your reputation to be ruined." Su Wanqin was laughing, like a vampire ghost, and her smile was eerie and terrifying.

"Su Wanqin..." The angrier Quan Lizhang got, the more obvious the pain in his thigh became. The pain made him sweat dripping, and the pain made his whole body weak. Standing up seemed to be a luxury.

"Quan Lizhang, let's make a bet. Let's see if Quan Nanzhai will take into account the poor father-son relationship between you after getting this information." After saying this, Su Wanqin asked Quan Lizhai Zhang Yuanshen smiled and left with a smile.

"Su Wanqin, just wait for me..." When he was angry, his thigh hurt even more, and every nerve in Quan Lizhang's body also ached.

After he calmed down a little, Su Wanqin had already disappeared. He was also unable to respond to calls every day. The servants in the nursing home seemed to have disappeared with Su Wanqin.

"Mr. President, as you expected, Su Wanqin came to see you with the information you requested." After receiving the news of Su Wanqin's request, Lin Jiacheng did not waste a moment and hurriedly reported to Quan Nanzhai.

"Just ask her to give you the information. I don't want to see such a woman." Quan Nanzhai was busy dealing with national affairs. After that, he had to rush to the hotel to have dinner with Qin leran.

A few minutes ago, Qin lelan called him and said on the phone that she had prepared a surprise for him, a big surprise.


Hearing the little girl's soft voice, Quan Nanzhai thought about that. Could it be that the little girl wanted to give her as a "gift" again?

She should know that for him, all the surprises were not as good as her just quietly staying with him, even if it was just to have a meal with him.

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