Chapter 986: She's gone!

Linhai International Airport.

As the largest airport in country A, planes of all sizes come and go here every day. It is also a beautiful scenery in Linhai City.

The Qin family's special plane took off from here today, and its destination was New York. Therefore, before the Qin family arrived at the airport, there was already someone waiting at the watchtower.

He was still wearing a black suit as usual, standing upright at the lookout, quietly watching the planes taking off and landing on the tarmac.

When a plane with a special sign slowly approached the boarding gate, his eyes were instantly attracted, and he landed on the plane and never left it for half a second.

The appearance of President Shengtian's exclusive seat frame was no different from other aircraft. Only the large characters of Shengtian Airlines on the note attached to the fuselage were particularly conspicuous, so he noticed it at a glance.

"Sir, this is what you want." Secretary-General Lin Jiacheng handed over the telescope that Quan Nanzhai wanted very competently. "Miss Qin and her family are preparing to board the plane."

Quan Nanzhai took the telescope, picked it up and looked at gate 88, where there was the lovely person he was most reluctant to part with.

He and she were obviously only a few hundred meters apart, but they seemed to be as far apart as a world. He could see her but couldn't touch her.

Many times, Quan Nanzhai wanted to rush out desperately to keep her, but his reason stopped him.

It's not that he doesn't want to keep her, but what can he do if he keeps her?

Continue to hurt her?

he can not.

Only by speeding up his pace and settling things around him can he go to her side and tell those who love her, please give her to him, and he will protect her life from now on.

"Ran Ran……"

He saw her walking at the back of the crowd, holding her eight-year-old brother in her hand, and slowly walked into the corridor leading to the plane with her head lowered.

Because the weather in Linhai City is still very cold, she wore a white down jacket today. It was obviously a thick down jacket, but she still looked very thin, as if the wind was stronger and she could be blown away.

Along the way, she kept her head down. He couldn't see her expression and didn't know what she was thinking. He could only guess that she was unhappy.

She is unhappy because Qin Yinze was injured because of her and is still unconscious. Unhappy, and maybe she left him but didn't tell him.

She might be thinking that he shouldn't know that she left Linhai today, but does she know? How could he not know everything about her.

Finally, her slender figure stepped onto the cabin and disappeared from his lens. In an instant, Quan Nanzhai felt something bitter rising in his heart.

It was very sour and astringent, slowly spreading in his heart.

Soon, Qin leran's plane began to slide, slowly getting farther and farther away from him, until it rushed into the blue sky, and even his telescope could no longer capture her.


She's really gone!

Originally, he asked her to go back to New York first and find her during the Spring Festival. But when she really left him and disappeared from his eyes, it turned out that his heart was so painful.

The pain was so painful that it was numb, the pain was so exhausting, the pain was so painful that it seemed as if the heart had already separated from her chest and was no longer his own.

He just stared at the blue sky where she flew away, staring blankly, as still as a sculpture, without moving for a long time.

"Sir, Miss Qin has been away for a long time, and there are still things waiting for you to deal with in Beigong." I don't know how long it took, but Lin Jiacheng's cautious voice came to Quan Nanzhai's ears.


He ran away, and she flew away gently from his eyes. Where did she fly to at this time? Did she miss him on the plane?

He doesn't even know!

He didn't know anything, he knew that he missed her and wanted to fly after her at all costs.

After a long silence, Quan Nanzhai slowly took out the mobile phone in his pocket, turned to the phone number that he had already memorized in his heart, and sent her a brief text message - Ranran, wait for me!

Wait for him!

This time, it won't be long before he will come to her and give her the identity she wants and the happy life she longs for.

Please give her a little more time for him.

"Sir, Mr. Long has called several times." Quan Nanzhai had no intention of going back after not seeing him for a long time, so Lin Jiacheng had no choice but to risk his "life" to remind him.

"Go back." Quan Nanzhai dropped a word, turned around and left. After walking a few steps, he looked back again at the blue sky where she was no longer there.

The airport is still the same airport, there are still planes coming in and out, the day is busy from morning to night, and it has never changed because of any one person.

Meanwhile, a huge "tsunami" was occurring in Linhai City. Many senior officials of the Beigong government were exposed to be involved in the extermination of the Long family, and were imprisoned overnight.

Regarding the case of the Long family's extermination, it has always been an unsolved case. For a year, the government departments have not mentioned a word, as if the incident a year ago had never happened.

However, as soon as the Long family massacre broke out, there was evidence that the person behind the scenes was former president Quan Lizhang.

At first, former President Quan Lizhang was still trying his best to quibble. When Su Wanqin stood on the witness stand and presented solid evidence to testify against him, he was so angry that he fainted on the spot.

There are both personal and material evidence, and former President Quan Lizhang was placed under house arrest. Overnight, his good reputation for serving the country and the people was completely ruined, and he became a traitor that everyone wanted to beat.

Quan Lizhang was arrested, and the senior officials he had placed in Beigong were uncovered one by one. The forces opposed to Quan Nanzhai in the Beigong government were completely eliminated.

Quan Nanzhai led his team to reshuffle the entire government. No one dared to do anything behind his back.

Beigong Government, country A is truly peaceful and peaceful.

"Every murderer of the Long family has been dealt with. What are you going to do next?" Standing on the highest gate of the North Palace, Quan Nanzhai looked into the distance and asked Long Yi beside him.

"Revenge is avenged, but the lives of more than a dozen people in the Long family will never come back, and I, Long Yi, can no longer be the Long Yi I was before." Looking at the traffic downstairs, Long Yi sighed.

Back then, he was seriously injured, and he gritted his teeth and fought through it step by step, just to avenge the lives of more than a dozen people in the Long family. Today, all of this has come true, but he is not as happy as he imagined.

Perhaps, he felt that just arresting the murderers would be far from resolving the hatred in his heart; or perhaps, the hatred gradually faded in his heart, and it would be nice to seek justice for the lives of more than a dozen people in the Long family.

"I heard that you are leaving here?" Quan Nanzhai retracted his gaze and turned to Long Yi, "You really don't plan to stay and help me?"

"Do you need my help?" Long Yi chuckled, "You have dealt with the people you should deal with and led country A on the right path. Will you still miss this position?"

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