My Italian

Chapter 211: Capture Durrës

, the fastest update of my latest chapter of Yidaili!

The dark tide of Crete has not yet been revealed, and the dawn in Durrës can already be seen.

However, the dawn of Durrës is more for the Italians, because the Italian troops who landed from Zina, which is six kilometers away from Durrës in the north, and Golemy, six kilometers away from the south, have already invaded the city of Durrës. .

The 21st Division of the Ottoman Army and the local garrison, who were in charge of the defense, were fighting stubbornly by relying on buildings in the city.

"Retreat, retreat!"

In front of a street fortification, the Ottoman officers who led the team shouted loudly for their soldiers to retreat. They have repelled the enemy's attack three times, but the cost is not small. There are only ten people left in the team of more than 40 people, and they have even joined the recruits assigned to them.

As he shouted, more than a dozen soldiers in khaki Ottoman uniforms poured out from different buildings. They trotted all the way to the officer's side, bent over with their weapons.

Behind them, several youths in civilian clothes also held weapons and ran with the soldiers. However, judging from their upright bodies and panicked expressions on their faces, it must be a local sign recruit.


There was a sudden sound of gunshots, and the bullets shot from somewhere hit one of them. The recruit who was shot in the thigh screamed and fell to the ground, which scared the recruits behind to stop. As for the soldiers who were running in front, they quickened their pace and didn't mean to stop at all.

"Don't stop, hurry up and keep running."

Seeing the performance of the recruits behind, the commander shouted anxiously.

Stopping on the battlefield, what it means, no one will not know. It's just that these recruits who have been in the army for less than a week should not be on the battlefield at all. It's just that the defenders are too weak to have time to train them.

The officer's shout attracted the firepower from somewhere, only to hear a gunshot, and the ground in front of the officer bounced a puff of smoke.

This frightened the officer to roll and crawl to hide behind the corner barrier, which made an Italian soldier in a building 400 meters away shook his head and quickly turned his gun to another location.

But thanks to the officer's shout, the recruits immediately hurried over here like other soldiers. There were even two people who were carrying the wounded recruit and wanted to bring him along.

In the face of such a person who suddenly appeared brave, the officer held back his words.

But despite the courage of these two men, it is clear that they did something reckless.


Another shot rang out, hitting one of them on the neck, and blood rushed out from his neck in an instant, staining the ground under his feet red. And he could only fall to the ground helplessly without a word, and the whole person began to twitch.

Everyone knew that he was helpless.

As for the other one, his face was pale with fright, and the **** of death drew the scene in front of him, causing him to rush towards the officer, ignoring the wounded soldier he had rescued earlier.

"The enemy is over there."

And this gunshot made one of the sharp-eyed soldiers immediately found the target.

Now that the location of the enemy is known, it is easy to handle, and the officer immediately ordered. "Shoot it immediately, go and pull the undead man over here."

Following his order, the gunshots were so loud that the Italian soldiers in charge of sniping could not raise their heads at all. After knowing that he was exposed, the soldier quietly left with his beloved m88 Carcano rifle. He was not willing to stay in this exposed position.

After the wounded soldier was taken over, the officer continued. "I was ordered to leave the stationed Waddle Street immediately and retreat to Walsh Street."

In the face of the officer's order, some soldiers were puzzled. "Why are we retreating to the edge of the city?"

"Where is all the nonsense coming from, follow the orders."

The complaining soldier fell silent after being reprimanded by the officer.

The others, led by officers, retreated to Walsh Street along the area still under their control. The sound of guns and guns fighting along the way has not stopped at all, and the battle on both sides is still going on.

In the entire city of Durrës, there were not a few teams like this officer. After resisting for a while, they continued to retreat.

In the face of the defenders' actions, how could Major General Pascal, the commander in charge of the attack, not feel it.

"It seems that the enemy wants to slip away."

In the safe area opened up in the city, Major General Pascal looked at a new map of Durrës city in the temporary command headquarters and expressed his judgment.

Colonel Babor, chief of staff of the Eighth Division, asked. "Then what should we do?"

Major General Pascal certainly knew the meaning of the Chief of Staff's words. This is asking him whether to stay or let go of the enemy?

If you stay, then there is nothing to say, just send troops to surround the entire Durrës. In this case, the enemy will pay the price of blood if they want to break through. However, if you surround the enemy, it will increase the difficulty of capturing the city, and it will also delay their time.

As for the release, there is nothing to say, increase the frontal and flank offensive, make the enemy feel unable to stay, and immediately flee. Advantages and disadvantages and staying, it is the other way around.

However, this will also make Pascal feel a little unwilling. You must know that in the last war in the colonies, he took the 8th Division and made great achievements and made himself famous in the army. In this war, he still had high expectations for himself. After gaining the trust of the army commander, the younger generation appointed him to be the vanguard, but the results were not great. How could he bear it.

Therefore, in the face of the words of his chief of staff, Major General Pascal hesitated. One side is the task, the other side is the military merit, and the two cannot have both.

"Hey, forget it."

After a long time, Major General Pascal sighed, he had already made a choice.

"Order the troops to step up the offensive and drive these Ottomans out of Durrës. In addition, send a message to the subsequent 14th Division, asking them to speed up their pace, and the troops that landed will give priority to reinforcements."

In the end, he aimed to complete the task and suppressed his expectations.

"I'll give an order to go."

After receiving Major General Pascal, the Chief of Staff immediately prepared to give orders to the various Following Major General Pascal's order, the officers and soldiers of the Eighth Division on the front line immediately launched a more violent attack. And the offensive of the Italian army, the defenders immediately felt it.

In the face of the incoming Italian army, the defenders fought back desperately with various weapons, but the Italian side had an absolute advantage in the firepower of the two. Although the performance of the new Italian rifles in close-range street battles is not much better than the old weapons of the Ottoman army, after the Italian small-caliber artillery was pushed into the city by the army, it became a big killer.

Except for a few fortress-like buildings, other buildings are like paper paste in front of it. The two small-caliber guns of 37 and 57 mm made the Ottoman officers and soldiers suffer.

Faced with such a situation, Major General Ataturk, who was defending the city, knew that it was time to retreat. So that night, more than 7,000 local defenders withdrew from the west while taking advantage of the darkness.

Facing the retreat of the defenders, the Eighth Division had no intention of stopping it.

So the next morning, the Eighth Division captured Durrës, and Italy gained its first port in Albania. This will greatly facilitate the next battle.

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