My Italian

Chapter 222: Battle of Crete (Part 1)

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By the time Istanbul received the telegram from Italy landing on Crete, it was already too late.

With the assistance of the Italian Navy, the 1st Marine Division and the Praetorian Guards landed on the island yesterday from Chania, Heraklion and Sidiya.

At present, the Italian officers and soldiers who landed at the three places are still fighting with the defenders. The fighting between the two armies has caused a large number of local people to flee their hometowns, but this does not affect the determination of the two armies to fight.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Cosenz, sitting in a small boat, was ordering the soldiers to row hard, and they were close to the beach. Around their boat, there were officers and soldiers from the same battalion, and they were rowing vigorously like the boat Cosenz was riding in.

That's right, this is the ship currently used by the First Division of the Italian Marine Warfare to land, and all kinds of human-powered wooden boats are their vehicles. This kind of wooden boat can transport 20-30 fully-armed soldiers and their equipment at a time. Although the manpower is a bit slow, the marine corps of various countries are currently landing in this way, and everyone has no choice.

Before their eyes, many officers and soldiers had already landed on the beach. Under the leadership of commanders at all levels, those officers and soldiers quickly left this beach with weapons, which was the second battalion of friendly troops.

Behind them, a large number of transport ships were hung with landing knots, and the densely packed officers and soldiers were climbing off the ship and boarding the waiting boat.

As for further away, warships were patrolling, and among them, the tall battleships were firing close to the port, and their deafening cannons could be heard from so far away.

But these have nothing to do with Cosenz. He just wants to get ashore quickly, because the period before setting foot on land is the most dangerous moment for himself and the soldiers. Although this area has long been occupied and cleared, he just doesn't like this state. Janine Blois

I heard that the regiment that landed yesterday fought here for a long time with the guarding Ottoman troops, and the casualties were not small, but there is no trace of the battle at present.

Without giving Cosenz a second thought, the soldiers rowing hard had already rowed the boat to the beach. Cosenz jumped out of the boat with one stride, stretched out his hand to pull the cable, and anchored the boat with the soldiers. After the officers, soldiers and equipment got off the ship, they worked together to push the ship back. The crew members who belonged to the navy on the ship will continue to pick up the next trip.

There are other ships docked with the same action as Cosenz. After unloading the soldiers and equipment, they are eager to return to the transport ship to pick up the next group of officers and soldiers.

Sure it looks fast, but it's basically an hour back and forth, all because the human paddles are too slow.

Of course it doesn't matter what he has to do with Cosenz, he still has important things to do.

After the first battalion was filled, Cosenz immediately took them to Heraklion, because they needed to help the friendly forces in the capture of Crete's largest port city.

In the city, the tough battle is fiercely unfolding.

"There is an enemy approaching, open fire."

An Ottoman officer in a building shouted out immediately after seeing the intentional officers and soldiers approaching. Under his orders, the Ottoman officers and soldiers kept firing at the incoming Italian troops with their rifles from the windows and behind the door.

In the intense hail of bullets, the proud officers and soldiers could only look for cover to avoid, and they were so overwhelmed that they couldn't lift their heads at all.

Captain Hall, who was observing the battle, saw this scene and knew that the attack had failed again, and angrily threw the man in the military hat on his head to the ground.

"Company commander, company commander!"

But at this time, someone was calling him suddenly, and Hall, who was upset by the unsuccessful attack, raised his head after hearing the voice calling out to him. This is the messenger in the battalion calling him, and behind him are two men dressed as ordinary people.

"What's up?"

Facing the battalion commander calling him, he asked impatiently.

"Captain Hall, this is a local person sent by the battalion commander. They are very familiar with this area. The battalion commander said that if there is any difficulty that cannot be attacked, they can seek help from the local people."

Such scenes are not unfamiliar to Crete. This is the result of many years in Italy. In order to achieve their goals, local leaders have guided the Italian army, informed the deployment of the Ottoman army, and even the artisans dared to take up arms directly to attack the Ottoman defenders. So Crete, Italy is the home.

As the messenger spoke, the two locals kept nodding and bowing to Hall.

Seeing their performance, Hall looked puzzled.

"But none of us know Greek!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, one of them spoke up. "We know some Latin, which we learned from doing business with your country's merchants."

The man's words made Hall's eyes widen. Just wanted to doze off and sent a pillow. Then he took the other party, came to the corner and pointed to an independent tall building at the crossroads outside.

"Is there a way to get around to the back when I see that building."

The man opened his mouth when he saw the building he was pointing to. "Oh, you're talking about Mr. Cáceres' construction company. It might be a bit far to go around, because it takes two blocks to travel."

As soon as he heard the other party's words, Hall knew that there was a door.

And when he was about to let the other party lead the way, another man then gave him another surprise.

"I know a route that doesn't have to go that far."

As soon as he heard the other party's words, Hall immediately wanted to ask how to go, but he didn't expect the man who pointed the way just now to immediately counterattack the other party. "What do you know, you smuggling ground mice, don't do business."

"Don't think that you are clean, even the poor know you - like to be short."

Being told of his inferior roots made the profiteer named Blois say something like a machine gun in Greek. Judging from the flushed face of the smuggler opposite, it must not be a good thing. Of course, this one is not a vegetarian, and immediately burst out with astonishing combat power at the same speed.

So a smuggler and a profiteer machine gun-like bickering, so that Hall and his soldiers were stunned.

Seeing that the two were arguing more and more vigorously, Hall, who felt his head swelled by the quarrel, immediately took out his pistol and stood between the two. "Okay, stop."

Perhaps it was Hall's identity, or perhaps it was the gun in his hand, that finally put the two quarrelling to rest.

Hall waited for the two to calm down and pointed to the smuggler. "You said just now that you know a shorter road, now you can say it."

"Yes, sir. Because of my usual business, I know of some unobtrusive little passages..."

In the smuggler's account, he finally knew what the road was. It's a sewer, but it goes right to the building that gave him a headache.

"Then you show us the way and leave now."

Hall pointed to the smuggler and said his choice.

"Yes, please come with me, sir."

Situations like Hall's can be seen everywhere on the island. In order to give Crete a chance to gain independence, the locals have made a lot of efforts to lead the way, but it is a pediatrician.

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