My Italian

Chapter 260: Rome Peace Talks (Part 2)

"Prime Minister Depretis, our country attaches great importance to relations with your country. Our country agrees that relations with your country will become the main direction of Bulgaria's future diplomacy, and for this reason, our country is willing to form a stronger relationship with your country. "

Bulgarian Prime Minister Stambolov, who is in the Prime Minister's Office, is touting the close relationship between the two countries to Italian Prime Minister De Pretis. The affection is so deep that people who don't know it think that the two countries are good enough to wear a pair of pants.

Depretis looked at the Bulgarian Prime Minister in front of him and felt that this scene was so familiar. This was not the same way he passed when he went to Berlin to seek an alliance a few years ago.

However, this move did not work at all for Prime Minister Bismarck, who had already resigned from the army. If it weren't for the change in Russia later, his humiliation would be completely useless.

Unexpectedly, Feng Shui took turns, and it was Italy's turn to enjoy this treatment.

Unlike Germany, however, Bulgaria has certainly helped Italy expand its influence in the Balkans. Unlike King Carlo, Italian officials headed by De Pretis are indeed interested in the Balkans, but Bulgaria's desire to get Italy's friendship with white teeth is too wishful thinking.

So Depretis said slowly after waiting for the Bulgarian Prime Minister to finish speaking. "Your Excellency Stambolov, the whole country also has a good impression of Bulgaria. But if you want to push the relationship between the two countries to a higher level, there are too many things to consider. It involves all aspects, do you understand? ?"

Depretis is completely ignoring the rabbits and the eagles. He is talking nonsense. As the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, how could Stambolov not understand that this is waiting for Bulgaria to make an offer.

Although he did not think a few good words to achieve his goal, it still made him feel the attitude of the Italians. It can be negotiated, but there must be a sufficient price tag.

Just talking about interests is much simpler now. Stambolov believes that the interests that Bulgaria has come up with this time are enough to impress Italians.

I saw him then smiled and said. "Of course we will not forget the help to your country. For this reason, our country believes that we should increase the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries and make the relationship between the two countries closer. We believe that reducing the import and export tariffs between the two countries will increase the two countries The development of economic flow can bring substantial improvement to both countries.”

Bulgaria's conditions seem to be good, but why does Depretis feel so familiar? Isn't this a trick he used in Germany?

Since he failed to impress the Germans with this condition at that time, it is just as easy for the Bulgarians to impress themselves this time.

I saw him smiling and asking back. "Then how much does your country think should be lowered?"

"My country believes that it is reasonable to reduce the current 25% tariff between the two countries to 20%."

Stambolov, who failed to understand DePretis's inner thoughts, immediately stated the Bulgarian conditions, but he did not know that the conditions did not meet the Italian Prime Minister's expectations.

"Your Excellency Stambolov, this proposal from your country is very beneficial to the promotion of economic and trade exchanges between your country and China. I believe it will greatly promote the economy of the two countries."

Although Depretis said his words of thanks, Stambolov, who was familiar with diplomatic rules, was not happy, because the Italian Prime Minister in front of him did not give the answer he wanted.

It seems that this condition did not satisfy the Italians. Thinking of this, Stambolov glanced at Popkov, the Foreign Minister beside him, and saw a bad look in his eyes.

It seems that the last condition needs to be taken out.

"In fact, in addition to thinking that the reduction of tariffs can promote the development of our two countries, we actually have a request for our visit this time."

Stambolov's words made Prime Minister DePretis and Foreign Minister Bakona feel a little puzzled. What else can Bulgaria do?

Soon, Stambolov solved the mystery. "Actually, we came here this time for another purpose, that is, we hope to be able to raise funds in your country..."


In the face of the Bulgarian Prime Minister's financing, Depretis showed a puzzled expression. As we all know, Italy itself is not a country suitable for financing, and the domestic capital itself is not enough, can it provide financing for others?

However, Depretis' doubts were quickly relaxed with Stambolov's words.

"That's right, your country also knows that although our country has acquired a large area of ​​territory in this war, our current financial situation is not good. With the end of the war, our country's main energy needs to be transferred to the Macedonia region. In terms of development. Among them, the railway from Sofia through Skopje to Thessaloniki is particularly important to our country. However, in view of the current financial revenue of our country, it is very difficult to build this railway by ourselves, so our country Hope to be able to finance in your country.”

Hearing this, Depretis couldn't help but interjected. "Does your country intend to use equity financing or debt?"


"So how much is your country going to raise?"

"40% of the total share capital."

Having said that, Stambolov added another layer of price. "In addition, my country intends to expand the port of Thessaloniki to facilitate my country's use of this port to expand exports, which also requires 40% financing."

De Pretis doesn't understand yet. Maybe Bulgaria is indeed short of funds, but projects related to national strategy, such as the expansion of the port of Thessaloniki and the railway linking Sofia, do not need to give up shares at all, because it is A profitable business.

As long as Bulgaria puts these two projects in Paris or London ~ ~ public issuance of debt, some people are willing to invest. There is no need to take out shares at all, such a sensitive thing.

This is the interest of the Bulgarians in Macedonia, and its purpose is very obvious, which is to keep the Saronica, the largest port in Macedonia.

Don't blame the Bulgarians for protecting this port to the death. This port is too important to them. As long as Bulgaria can keep this port, it will no longer be locked in the Black Sea. This is of great benefit to Bulgaria's strategic situation. Whether in military, economic, or even political, endless benefits are visible to the naked eye.

In the face of the Bulgarian Prime Minister offering such generous conditions, DePretis was really moved, not only him, but also the Foreign Minister Bakona, who was even more excited.

If it weren't for the fact that such a major event still needs to be reported to the king, they would have almost agreed on the spot.

But in the end, Depretis held back. "Your country's request, I personally agree with Bakona, and I also think that your country's performance and sacrifice in this war, it is a very reasonable request to propose the Macedonia region as compensation."

Although this is only the personal attitude of the Italian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, it still makes Bulgarians happy. Such generous conditions finally knocked them out.

However, to avoid long nights and dreams, Stambolov still asked with concern. "I would like to ask, how long will your country be able to give an official answer?"

"This time will not be too long, I will go to the palace and report your country's request to His Majesty."

Depretis's answer gave Stambolov a lot of peace of mind. If he gets the full support of the Italians, I believe that on the issue of Macedonia's ownership, it will at least reduce the pressure on Bulgaria by half.

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