My Italian

Chapter 274: Hello, electromagnetic waves!

Chapter 274 Hello, Electromagnetic Waves!

Following Carlo's own resignation, the Italian government also got involved in the king's marriage, and then invitation letters were sent to the unmarried women of the royal family.

Among them, Germany and Austria, the former Holy Roman Empire with the largest number of royal families, have the most letters.

In fact, this is also very understandable. On the one hand, Deo is an ally of Italy at present, and on the other hand, the original Shinra royal family has many historical backgrounds and practical needs, which are beneficial to Italy and the royal family.

As for whether these invitations will be rejected, Italy's thriving performance over the years and the actual situation in which Carlo is in power are enough to make people tempted. Besides, the Carlos are not bad. Although they can't be called out-of-print beautiful men, they are considered top-notch among the young royal family, and their abilities are so outstanding that there is no reason to be disliked.

Of course, it will take some time to choose a wife for Carlo. After all, the journeys of the royal beauties are different, and the time required is also different.

When Italy was busy with the selection of the king's spouse, in the small town of Marino on the outskirts of Rome, a teenager was tinkering with one of his gadgets in the famous electrical experiment center.

"Marconi, I didn't expect you to be ready to start so soon."

The speaker was Mr. Tesla, a world-renowned electrician, dean of the Italian Academy of Engineering, invited tenured professors of many universities, invited scholar of the Italian State Grid, and chief technical expert of Westinghouse.

Of course, in addition to these compelling enough titles, Tesla also has a title, that is, Marconi's teacher.

Yes, after the two met at the Pavia Hydropower Station, Tesla liked the teenager named Marconi very much. And Marconi also admires this famous scientist very much. As for Marconi's parents, they are naturally very willing to see their son interacting with Tesla. The relationship between the two quickly deepened, and it didn't take long for Tesla to accept him and become one of his disciples.

Although Tesla did not have much time to teach Marconi due to time constraints, the teaching of the two top IQs was not as cumbersome as others.

So under Tesla's teaching, little Marconi grew rapidly, which can already be carried out in the Marino laboratory for his own experiments. Of course, there is a lot of Tesla's face in it.

Speaking of the current Marino laboratory, it is a big name in the world. Over the years, the experiment has obtained a lot of results, and it has become the most desirable place for electric power scientists from all over the world.

Sufficient funds, top-notch equipment, and a sufficiently relaxed environment are the current influence of the Marino Laboratory on electric scientists from all over the world. So over the years, there have been countless electric power scientists who want to work in Marino's laboratory. Of course, since it is a top laboratory, the talents it needs are also top-notch. The people Marino has accepted over the years are all outstanding.

The Marino Laboratory was able to grow, and its head, Director Argos, made great contributions. In the past ten years, he ran many power companies and got a lot of money from them. The secret is to combine scientific research with practicality, so that companies are willing to invest in laboratories.

In the case of Italy's National Grid Corporation, last year alone, the company invested 4.2 million lire in the laboratory and is one of the major funders of the laboratory.

Don't get me wrong, State Grid is not influenced by anyone, but volunteers to give it after tasting enough sweetness.

In recent years, the State Grid has invested as much as 14.91 million lire in the Marino laboratory, and the various technologies fed back have allowed the company to obtain a profit of 35.97 million lire. This investment will not stop as long as people with normal IQs.

Speaking of the National Grid, I can mention one more thing here. At present, the Italian National Grid Corporation is the largest power company in Europe. It has up to 960,000 kilowatts of generator sets, accounting for 2/3 of Europe's power generation.

At present, the National Grid is still not satisfied, and they plan to increase their generating units to 1.5 million kilowatts. In addition, at the same time with Westinghouse and other companies, the power of the generator is increased to reduce coal consumption.

With the continuous development of the State Grid and other enterprises, the use of Italian electricity will surely be raised to a new level.

Of course, this is all in the future. Tesla is now more concerned about the situation of his disciples' experiments.

The current pair is currently a rudimentary instrument with exposed wires and an apparently modified wired transmitter. The biggest difference with the cable transmitter is that no one can ignore its long antenna.

Tesla looked at the machine in front of him, looked around, and suddenly asked his disciple in a low voice. "Marconi, have you secretly experimented before?"

Facing his teacher's sudden question, Marconi shook his head.

Seeing the honest disciple, Tesla smiled and patted him on the shoulder in encouragement, and then asked.

"Electromagnetic wave communication, if it succeeds, it will be a great initiative. How sure are you of this?"

"Teacher, I am quite sure. After Hertz discovered electromagnetic waves four years ago, I was very interested in it."

"I know this. At that time, you pestered me all day, just to understand the electromagnetic wave situation. I was too busy to notice it at the time, and I explained it to you while watching."

"But the teacher's explanation was very thorough, and it gave me a thorough understanding of electromagnetic waves."

The two chatted about the electromagnetic wave situation. In fact, for the newly discovered electromagnetic waves that have not been discovered for a few years, European countries have not yet found their practicality, and they are only limited to understanding.

Speaking of the discovery of electromagnetic waves, in addition to Hertz, there is another person; British physicist Maxwell. He proposed the phenomenon of electric field induction in the However, due to his untimely death, he failed to discover electromagnetic waves, and left this opportunity to Hertz. As for the practicality of electromagnetic waves now, the younger Marconi plans to try it out.

The conversation was not terminated until the other staff had checked the lines and the equipment.

"Now that the instrument has been checked, the experiment is ready."

After being informed by the staff, Marconi showed an excited look. After all, this was the first experiment he proposed according to his own ideas, so how could he not be excited.

Tesla on the side looked at the disciple's excited expression and patted him. "Marconi, go, this is your experiment."

After getting the teacher's encouragement, Marconi went to the crude instrument. Although the instrument was very crude, it was also the hard work of him and his teacher.

Walking to the transmitting equipment, he used Moore code to send out telegrams that will affect the world in the future.

A few minutes later, a staff member came running in with a Moore code text.

Tesla took the telegram, which was the world's first wireless telegram from Marconi.

"Hello, electromagnetic waves!"

"We made it!"

Marconi, who also saw this telegram, jumped up excitedly.

And Tesla looked at the disciple with a smile on his face. "That's right, it worked!"

Unlike the young Marconi, Tesla, as a top electric scientist, knew what the success of this experiment meant.

In the future, electronic communication will not be dependent on telegraph lines, so there is no limit to the development potential.

And all of this was done by his disciple before he was seventeen years old. At this moment, he was proud of Marconi.

Butter Baked Mantou

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