My Italian

Chapter 277: Sabha Iron Mine (Part 1)

Chapter 277 Sabha Iron Mine (Part 1)

Carlo's wedding is a big event in Italy. As the governor of Libya, Howard Georgie is naturally very happy, but compared with several other governors, he did not go to Rome to attend the wedding in person, and he was the only two who did not attend the wedding with Antonio, the governor of Borneo Governor of the wedding.

Unlike Antonio, who is too far away, Libya, where Haward Georgie is located, is only separated by the Mediterranean Sea. Of course, there are enough reasons for him not to participate. The new round of clearing work in Libya is in full swing. As one of the main planners, Governor Georgie is completely unable to walk away.

This crackdown is already the third crackdown in Libya. Moreover, this time, Governor Georgie was also very ambitious. He intends to reduce the number of local tribes in Libya to 10% in this operation, which means that more than 200,000 tribes will be driven out this time.

Deducting the nearly 100,000 people who have been captured in the first and second campaigns, this means that the Italian army needs to capture at least 100,000 people in this campaign.

It seems that the task of this crackdown is very heavy, more than the previous two crackdowns combined, and it seems difficult to complete. In fact, according to Governor Georgie's estimates, it looks difficult, but it's actually not too difficult.

Although this campaign was highly demanding, and those tribes were extremely vigilant after the first two operations, Georgie still had a way to find them. Perhaps it should not be used to find out, but to force it out is more appropriate.

In the harsh environment of dryness and little rain, although the colonization of Villa is very difficult, it can now become its ally.

During the two clean-up processes, the Libyan Governor's Office has surveyed and mapped the water source locations throughout the region. In the two consecutive scavenging operations, those Arab nomadic tribes did not have enough time to raise livestock. Now as long as they hold the medium and large water sources and leave mobile troops behind, they are not afraid that those tribes will not come out, unless they want to give all their livestock to Starved to death, but next year.

Of course, just like this, the time and personnel and other costs required are not low, but in any case, although there is a certain gap between Italy's national strength and other powers, it is not a problem to cope with the small Libyan region.

In addition, as Italy's clean-up operations in the Balkans come to an end, support for the Libyan region is increasing. At present, Governor Georgie has nearly three cavalry divisions and two infantry regiments with a total strength of 26,000.

It needs to be explained here that a cavalry division in Italy has three to four cavalry regiments. The cavalry regiment adopts the Dalian system of small regiments. Each regiment has four to six cavalry companies, plus the machine gun company. The strength of a cavalry regiment is 1000— Between 1400 people. The strength of an Italian cavalry division fluctuates from 4,000 to 6,000, depending on the needs of the garrison.

The clearing operation mainly relied on cavalry troops, as for the infantry of the two regiments, they were responsible for guarding the key tasks of the city.

This time, Governor Georgie also spent a lot of effort in the clearing operation. He worked with General Brinin to improve the problems that occurred in the previous two operations. At the same time, it also uses the gradually improved map to clear those tribes around the grassland and water sources.

In this cleanup, Governor Georgie's troops were divided into four groups. In addition, there were three advance teams that went deep into the vast desert, intending to find those Arab tribes who were hiding.

Sabha is located east of the Obari Desert, one of the driest regions in the world. However, although there is no rain all year round, the Obari oasis formed by relying on groundwater makes it a base for travelers and caravans who cross the desert, where they replenish food and water for the next part of their journey. Therefore, although Sabha is located in the desert, it is also a city that relies on trade for a living.

Of course, like other desert cities, Sabhaqi has a small population, only about 4,000 people, but it is basically dominated by Berbers.

However, a major event happened in Sabha a few days ago. An Italian army entered Sabha. They disbanded the Presbyterian Church and declared that Sabha is now under the jurisdiction of the Libyan governor, and the local residents must pay taxes to the governor.

Facing the ferocious Italians, the local residents could not resist at all and could only accept it silently. Nearly 500 heavily armed Italian cavalry is simply not something that the small residents of Sabha can resist. And these people not only have guns, but also four cannons in tow. The power of this cannon is staggering, and the city walls of Sabha simply cannot withstand the bombardment of this cannon.

In fact, the cavalry that broke into Sabha was one of the three advance teams sent by Governor Georgie. Because the commander of the team was Major Carlsson, it was also called the Carlsson Advance Team.

They came to Sabha not only because it is the traffic point in the Sahara Desert, but also because the Obari Oasis can support the lives of four or five thousand people. They plan to come to see if there are Arab tribesmen hiding in the area.

As for these Berbers living in the desert, they are not within the scope of the cleanup, mainly because the desert is too barren, and these Berbers are also very few, the total number is only ten or twenty thousand, and they are also relatively reasonable. , did not dare to offend the majesty of Italy. So these Berbers just let them live here, as long as they are willing to submit to the government and pay their taxes.

This is because the government looks at their camels and date palms, and taxation can only show whether the region is really willing to surrender.

As the captain of Carlsson's advance team, Major Ian Carlsson has tried this method in several oases before, and those Berbers have paid taxes to Of course Carlsson also has a sense, The taxes it requires are basically not too much, and they are basically stuck at the point where the other party can pay, but it will not hurt. After all, these Berbers who have been living in the desert are very useful to them, but they can't lose the big because of the small, so these days the advance team has kept the autumn innocent. Not to mention the criminals, there is no counter-offer even for buying things, because Carlsson warned his team members that if he did anything extreme to the Berbers, he would do it according to military law.

In wartime military law, there is no choice. It is either to be shot or to be sentenced. No one wants to try the law. Therefore, in the face of strict military law, everyone will think twice about doing things.

Inside the temporary headquarters in Sabha, Karlsson was looking at the map and he needed to think about his next move. However, his actions were soon disturbed.

"Report sir, Lieutenant Steele said he was looking for you in a hurry."

Carlsson looked up at the guard's report.

He knew who this Lieutenant Steele was. He was one of the four cadets assigned to the regiment last year. He seemed to be studying geological prospecting, and he became an officer because of the conscription of the war. What's the matter with you this time, or is it urgent?

"Call him in."

In the end, Carlsson let the guards call Lieutenant Steele in, after all, he needed to know what was making the lieutenant so anxious.

Lieutenant Steele, who got permission, walked in excitedly with a dark red stone.

"Major, look what I found here?"

Lieutenant Steele, as if announcing the good news, placed the dark red stone in his hand in front of Karlsson as a treasure.

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