My Italian

Chapter 427: Oil (top)

Libya in winter, except for the northern coastal areas, is still so hot. The sun scorched the Libyan desert, creating heat waves one after another. Although this is the coolest season in the desert, this level of heat is just as uncomfortable.

John Robinson poured a little water and wiped his warm body with a damp towel. He has been in Libya for almost three years, and he is tired of seeing the sand. But that's the way of work, you can't choose according to your own preferences.

"Mr. Robinson, we hit another 30 meters today and we're running out of fuel."

Assistant Garcia reported to him at this time.

"Thank you guys for me, today's mission has been completed, continue to fight tomorrow, I hope this time it will not be groundwater. Let the boys pay attention to the use of fuel, there is no news about the next transportation team, I don't know when it will be delivered. Come on, save me some money."

Robinson's words made the deputy unable to answer, because in the past three years, they have drilled nearly 30 wells and drilled 14 wells.

Although it is a happy thing to drill groundwater in the desert, they are not the drilling team that drills the water well, but the team that drills the oil.

Having been unable to find the black liquid he wanted for so long, even Robinson, known for his experience, wondered if the Italian oil company had been given false information to eat sand in the great desert of Libya.

But what does this have to do with him? As a professional driller hired by an Italian oil company, he only needs to pay himself on time, so this work can go on forever. As for the oil company's nearly $40,000 per well bonus, Robinson was looking forward to his first year, but now, only God knows who will get the money.

Now I get a salary of 300 US dollars from the Italian oil company every month, which is not good, it is much better than in China.

"Garcia, tomorrow is Christmas. If you have something good to share, please share."

As soon as he heard this, Garcia, who knew his captain's virtue, immediately asked. "Mr. Robinson, are you out of wine again?"

In the face of the deputy's question, Robinson answered without any embarrassment. "I can't help it. It's full of sand. If I don't have a little alcohol stimulation, I'll go crazy, so this wine will be consumed a little faster."

In the face of Robinson's heresy, Garcia, who has been with him for many years, is not used to his captain.

"Here, this is my last bottle. After drinking it, I can only count on the supply team."

Taking the bottle of wine, Robinson took a deep breath, as if he could smell the aroma of the wine.

"Thank you Garcia, you're an excellent deputy, it's long overdue to bring your own drilling crew, so at least you can get some extra from the company every month."

"Captain, forget it. I know my own abilities. The last time I encountered a blowout accident, it was you who solved this problem."

Since Garcia himself thinks that the ability is not enough, what else is there to say.

"Since you don't want to, then follow me for another two years, and sooner or later you will lead an exploration team by yourself."

Just as the two were communicating, a worker hurried over.

"The supply team is here."

The worker's words immediately made the camp lively, and all the people who were not on duty gathered here.

After a while, they saw a long camel caravan appear in front of them. The leader was an old acquaintance who had met many times, Berber Hakan Diaz.

At present, there are only more than 50,000 Berbers in Libya. They are widely distributed in desert oases and usually focus on grazing and business. It is precisely because these Berbers live in harsh desert conditions and have a milder temperament that the Italian government kept them and was not packaged and sent away like the Arabs.

Of course, when Italy needed to do something in the desert, these Berbers were hired as guides or transporting supplies.

As for Robinson's drilling team, they get a supply from the supply team once a month. After all, they are deep in the desert, more than 300 kilometers away from the nearest city, Benghazi.

"Hahaha, my old friend, long time no see."

After seeing the supply team, Robinson warmly greeted him.

Facing the approaching Robinson, Diaz, who led the team, immediately opened his arms. "My old friend, I miss you very much too."

After the two briefly hugged, Robinson asked immediately. "It's going well this time."

"It wasn't very smooth. We encountered a strong sandstorm on the road, and we lost a camel and its cargo."

Upon hearing the news, Robinson immediately asked alertly. "Isn't this lost cargo meant to be brought to me?"

"Yes, the 60 bottles of wine you asked me to bring are all on the back of that lost camel."

Diaz's words shocked Robinson.

"I'm just joking, old friend. I brought your wine."

"This joke, old friend, is not funny. You almost scared me to death."

"Old friend, I apologize to you. I didn't know you couldn't stand this joke. I invite you to taste our wine."

"Very happy to."

The two went to taste the without delaying the unloading of the convoy. With the help of the campers, the goods were unloaded quickly. As a qualified deputy, Garcia registered each item of goods in the book, and then classified them according to the type.

After everyone has unloaded the goods, a bonfire party is also essential. All the people sit together, sing and dance, and drink sweet wine together. This was also the busiest time of the camp, and everyone seemed to have forgotten their troubles and only cheered for this moment of happiness.

As for the two old friends Robinson and Diaz, they also sang songs together around the campfire, but judging from their flushed cheeks and uncontrolled movements, it was inevitable that they had drunk too much.

Happy times are always short, and when the sun rises the next day, the convoy is ready to set off again. Of course, before the departure, the team leader Diaz received a lot of letters according to the list. These are letters written by the drilling team to his family. Diaz is responsible for bringing or collecting their letters every time he goes back and forth.

And when the caravan left, Robinson clapped his hands and shouted. "Okay, enough rest to continue working. Try to drill to a depth of 2,800 meters within a week, let's see if there is any treasure below waiting for us to discover."

With Garcia's greeting, a new day of drilling began.

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