My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 70: Past lives are still predictions

Chapter 70: Past life or prediction

“What’s she doing here again?” Lin asked with a frown.

Suisui looked at Old Chen's back and frowned slightly.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. I'm very happy that my grandmother and Brother Qing can live at home. Guan Niang has shed so many tears missing her family these years. Now that I can live in a village, I'm so happy." Yan Hansheng looked at Mrs. Lin with extremely sincere eyes.

Old Mrs. Lin was extremely embarrassed at first, but now she sighed.

 “I’m causing trouble for you.”

"Grandma, no trouble, no trouble. Guan Niang is happy, and so am I."

The Lin family couple secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Unexpectedly, Guan Niang was so lucky to meet such a man who loved her so much. Brother Qing was very happy.

 Just worried that I would cause trouble for my sister.

 Fortunately, he has started to take up his post in the village today, and will soon become the only doctor in Wangjia Village, so he has some confidence.

 He also wants to be the source of confidence for his sister and his family.

“Speaking of which, there is something wrong with my mother today.

Just now, Mrs. Chen took him aside and secretly inquired whether Fu Guniang had sent a letter back...

"I guess she is thinking about the thank-you gift from Fu Gudian. Miss Fu looks like she belongs to a wealthy family. I heard that she will come back during the New Year, so I came to inquire." Yan Lang was about to go out for patrol with his bow. Hearing this, he couldn't help but sneer.

In just a few months, Yan Lang's head has grown again and again, and now he looks much stronger.

 When the bow and arrow are in hand, the killing spirit in the body is particularly strong.

 Those women in Heifeng Village were all rescued by the villagers.

 But Fu Xiaoxiao and Ah Yue were rescued by Yanchuan.

 They were naturally extremely grateful to Yan Chuan.

Suisui frowned slightly: "It's strange, there is going to be a funeral in the old house." It was obvious that no one in the old house had reached the end of his life.

 “But is it true?” Yan Hansheng paused suddenly.

Although he could harden his heart and ignore the old house, if something happened to the old house, he still had some emotions that he couldn't let go of.

 “It’s not the old man or the old lady.” Suisui shook her head.

 The old lady has a gray air about her, but it does not belong to her.

 Yan Hansheng felt slightly heavy.

“That’s all, if you need anything, I’ll just help you.”

Suisui just glanced at him and didn't say much.

 It is extremely difficult for mortals to cut off feelings, especially the blood relationship between biological parents.

Daddy has given up on the emotions there, and there is still some concern, which is nothing.

 The most important thing is, Suisui understands.

  It’s not far away that dad and I have broken off all ties with each other over there.

 Let's wait for them to die.

 After September, the temperature drops very quickly.

 In previous years, it would still be hot for a while in autumn, but this year, winter has entered quickly.

 The refugees at the entrance of the village have also completely settled in Wangjiacun.

In just three months, many small courtyards were built. Although they were simple, they were extremely sturdy.

They also voluntarily assigned fifty people to work in the village.

 The guard team is getting bigger and bigger.

 The village collects firewood, so do they.

 The village was stocking dry goods, and they were also stocking dry goods. Although there were not many, they still found a lot of dried mushrooms and so on. Recently I heard that the little girl from the Yan family wanted to eat vegetables, so she planted a lot of vegetables in a wooden box, and everyone followed her example.

There are piles of wooden boxes under the eaves. The wooden boxes are covered with discarded rotten clothes to keep warm. When they are uncovered, they reveal tender green vegetable leaves.

“Oh, if it wasn’t a disaster year, I could sell it to the nobles in the city. It’s another high price...” The village chief shook his head with regret on his face.

“No matter what I sell, I don’t even have enough to eat.” Some villagers shook their heads.

“It’s been really cold this year. What the **** is going on? Isn’t it really going to snow?” Mr. Wang frowned.

Mr. Wang is already eighty-six this year and is the most virtuous and respected old man in the village.

 The village chief is a neighbor.

The yards of the two families were already piled with firewood. It was only October and it was already terrifyingly cold.

 “Girl from the Yan family, what are your plans?” The old man’s hair and beard were white. During this period, the village chief often brought Yan Sui Sui to establish his authority.

 Those who are interested have discovered the clues.

 The village chief took a puff of dry tobacco.

Looking around, he saw no one around and said in a low voice.

“You are old, do you still remember what happened when that girl was carried back to the village a few years ago?” The village chief lay on the chair, looking up at the sky.

“At that time, there was a drought.”

“On the day she came, it rained heavily for three days and three nights.”

“Because of that little rain, it was the first drought, and the harvest was exceptionally good. No one in the village died.”

“Later, a lame old man came, he was crazy, laughing as he walked, pointing at the Yan family’s old house and shouting...” The village chief fell into memories.

Mr. Wang nodded, as if he was impressed by the matter.

"The old man insisted on going to the Yan family's old house to ask for a glass of water. He said that the Yan family was in a happy mood and had great luck. Asking for a glass of water would bring good luck."

“The old lady of the Yan family was not happy and pointed at the old man and scolded her. After the scolding, the old lady’s mouth was swollen for several days..."

 “That night, I had a dream.”

“I dreamed that Wangjia Village was a blood red place. There was scarlet blood everywhere, the sky was full of fire, and everyone was lying in a pool of blood.” The village chief’s tone was dull, and Mr. Wang couldn’t help but sit up straight.

“I also saw countless people dying of hunger outside Wangjia Village, everything was devastated, and there wasn’t even a patch of green anywhere.”


"In the dream, a burst of lightning flashed, and I saw a child. The child was glowing with light, like a little fairy from the sky. Wherever she went, lotuses grew and flowers bloomed. All the children were covered by locusts. The clean rice became green and mature in an instant, and the heavy rice bent the seedlings..." The village chief couldn't help but curl his lips when he thought of the scene he saw.

“That person is the girl from the Yan family?”

 The village chief nodded slightly.

“Half a year ago, Mrs. Chen wanted to sell her and she was struck by lightning. Do you still remember?”

 “After she woke up, the Yan family’s rice ears grew best.”

“Later on the Black Wind Village incident, I relied on her to save a whole village. That night, there was an inexplicable rain...”

"Thunder, Rice Sui, Black Wind Village, the rain that revived all things...all came true." The village chief did not dare to tell anyone, but he knew clearly that all of this originated from Yan Suisui.

“The Yan family used to be poor and had very bad luck. They were the poorest households in the village.”

"Since Yan Suisui came, the Yan family has been prospering. Yan Laosan, who had failed to pass the exam for several years, immediately became a scholar."

“Since Yan Suisui was kicked out of the old house, how do you think the old house has been?” The village chief’s tone left no room for doubt.

Mr. Wang’s face was also full of solemnity.

“I want her to become the youngest village chief in Dai Viet!”

“With her here, Wangjia Village will go a different way. She will lead Wangjia Village and shock the world!” The village chief’s eyes were full of determination!

 (End of this chapter)

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