My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 93: Fu Xiaoxiao's daughter-in-law

Chapter 93 Fu Xiaoxiao’s daughter-in-law

 Fu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

He has fought with old ministers in the court and scolded the emperor on the street, but he has never comforted his children! !

He hurriedly ordered his attendants to learn how to ski in the village, and hurried to the old house.

Sure enough, Suisui's face looked disgusting even from afar.

The tears on her face have long been wiped clean. In her words, it was disgraceful to the village chief.

 The official is not big, but face is very important.

The Yan family all pursed their lips and snickered, and pursed their lips towards Fu Xiaoxiao. Fu Xiaoxiao coughed dryly and stepped forward.

"Miss Fu, thank you for coming to express your condolences. I thank Miss Fu on behalf of my deceased wife..." Before Fu Xiaoxiao could get closer, he was interrupted by Yan Xiucai's gentle voice.

Fu Xiaoxiao frowned.

 Three sticks of incense were stuffed into Yan Xiucai's hand.

Fu Xiaoxiao paused in his steps and his eyelids twitched slightly.

He glanced at Yan Xiucai expressionlessly, but this was a mourning hall, so he could only hold the incense candle and go into the hall to burn a stick of incense.

Yan Xiucai followed him, his eyes scanning Fu Xiaoxiao from time to time.

"Miss Fu, you are somewhat similar to my late wife. When I see you, I feel like I have met her. It's probably because you were born into scholarly families and have similar auras, right?" Yan Xiucai sighed in a low voice, and then sighed in annoyance. Said: "I'm sorry, I offended Miss Fu. I just missed her so much that I forgot Miss Fu's identity." Yan Xiucai wiped the corners of his eyes gently.

 He looked like he was missing his deceased wife, which comforted the people around him these days.

 Little girls who have never experienced anything before leaving the court are the most innocent.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xiaoxiao didn't buy it.

Fu Xiaoxiao looked at him indifferently: "Shut up if you are disrespectful. If you know you are disrespectful and still offend, you are being mean."

 After saying that, he turned around and went to coax his little ancestor.

Yan Xiucai stood there with a pale expression.

Old Chen glanced at him, and Yan Xiucai shook his head gently.

 It is normal for a woman born into a noble family to look down on a poor country boy like him. For one meal, she might be able to earn a year's income.

 The starting point of her birth is the end point that he cannot reach in his life.

 But he didn't care.

 He was willing to contact her just to make her familiar with him and make her lower her vigilance. What he wants has never been mutual love.

How can a skylark in the sky be in love with an ant on the ground?

 But if you lose your reputation, you have to commit yourself to him?

 Have to get engaged to him?


  He is a scholar, and now he is a scholar. This is also his support, at least he can let the other party see the future.

As long as you marry into the family, you don't care about the legitimate daughter of a high-ranking family. Naturally, you have to listen to the man!

"Jingwen... we won't be found out, right? Mrs. Zhou..." Old Chen stood in the mourning hall, always feeling cold and gloomy all over, and she didn't dare to sleep alone in the past few days.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Mrs. Zhou has been married to the family for three years, and she has never been harsh on her in the past three years. She accidentally fell into the glacier, what did you find out?" Yan Jingwen's face showed a rare harshness. .

 Lao Chen was startled by his gaze.

 Lao San, who had always been gentle to others, had such a terrifying look in his eyes.

"Okay, mother, I know your hardships these days. You have worked too hard. You will have a good rest after you are buried in the mountain today."

"Where is Zhuzhu, have you asked clearly?" Yan Xiucai was a little worried. Yan Zhuzhu's reaction was too strong, which made him a little uneasy. Yan Zhuzhu has not been able to sleep well these past few days and seems to always have nightmares. He could hear the fearful chirping sound coming from Yan Zhuzhu's throat through a wall.

 In the past few days, every time she saw him, Yan Zhuzhu went crazy and hid.

 There was fear in his eyes.

"Don't worry, this **** girl has nothing to do to cause trouble. She must have been frightened when she saw Zhou's body when she opened her eyes that day. With her fussy temper, she would have screamed if she saw her." Old Chen didn't care at all. care.

Yan Xiucai hummed.

"That little girl is quite arrogant. I didn't let her know how powerful she was until she passed the door."

"Jing Wen, is that thing really reliable? You had to pay for it with the whole family's rations. In this world, it's not easy to exchange for that thing." Old Chen patted his heart, where there was a pack of medicine.

“Don’t worry, she is a girl who has not yet left the court, she will get drunk when she touches wine. She will probably need my mother’s help then..."

“Just take one sip of this stuff and you’ll be done with it. You’ve worked hard tonight, mother. Niu Niu also hopes that mother will like her. Miss Fu is young, so I’m afraid she will be opposed to being a stepmother.”

Yan Xiucai looked at Fu Xiaoxiao Qianjiaobai coaxing Yan Suisui in the distance, a flash of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry, when did your mother not do her best? Niuniu is locked up, and she won't be allowed to come out to cause trouble!" Mrs. Chen loves this little son the most. He can read and speak, and always makes her happy.

  also the most filial.

"Don't worry, mother, my son will definitely earn a life for you." With the help of the Fu family, he can reach heights that he can't even imagine.

 Lao Chen was very happy and immediately beamed.

"As for her, she has been wronged these days." Yan Xiucai said in a low voice.

 Old Chen waved his hands and curled his lips slightly.

“That’s no grievance. Once she gets engaged to my son, it won’t be up to her anymore.” No matter how hard the bone is, I have to break it.

 The boss and his family will regret it sooner or later.

 What does it mean to be a village chief? When the time comes when the third child in her family marries Miss Fu, she will be able to fly straight to the top!

Honour to the ancestors!

“It’s really strange, Yan Xiucai’s wife died, how come he still looks more handsome?”

"Everyone looks several years younger. Hey, where's Yan Niuniu? Her mother is going up the mountain today, isn't she going to see her off for the last time?"

"Hey, poor Mrs. Zhou, she left so early, the only one who is pitiful is her child. Look at Yan Xiucai, so gorgeously dressed that you thought he was going to get a wife. How can he look like someone whose wife is dead?" The aunt was muttering as she washed the dishes, looking around with her eyes.

"Scholars are the most ruthless, and this is true. Zhou's body is still lying in the lobby before it gets cold, and this group of people is restless! We women, we still have to take care of ourselves, and our children are the worst offenders."

“Hey, Mrs. Chen is probably thinking of eating shit. Have you seen the way she looks in front of Miss Fu? She is licking her face and is so kind, disgusting!”

 Everyone chuckled disdainfully.

Miss Fu is so noble that none of them have the courage to look up at her in front of her.

 Old Chen is probably having thoughts that he shouldn't have!

“The toad wants to eat swan meat. He doesn’t even look at how much he weighs!”

Aunt Liu paused, then suddenly stretched out her hands toward several women, and whispered when she saw them approaching.

“Before Mrs. Zhou died, I seemed to see Mr. Chen lying at the village chief’s window and eavesdropping on something. After returning home, Mrs. Zhou was scolded and went out to wash clothes in the middle of the night. Is there any connection with this?”

Everyone is puzzled and wonders if the old house is hiding something.

At this moment, Old Chen was hiding in the room, pouring the powder in his arms into the wine pot.

Daughter-in-law, here I come!

 (End of this chapter)

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