The fourth team set off, and Ivan personally supervised the first to third teams.

More than 500 people, each of whom was given a wooden sword for training.

The ones who were separated from each other were Urki and Mateus, who stood on the other side with bare hands.

Ivan smiled evilly at the three teams of more than 500 people, nearly 600 people: "Everyone, your training is to fight with these two."

In an instant, everyone was scared when looking at Urki and Mateus, how fierce they were.

Especially Urki, if he was hit by a punch, it would probably take ten kilograms of pork to make up for it.

Someone in the crowd shrunk his head and said, "Sir, can we practice against each other instead? Let them practice on their own."

Ivan narrowed his eyes and smiled brightly: "Of course not, but..."

"But, with so many of you fighting them, are you still afraid? How can a man say no?"

He said the last sentence very loudly: "If anyone among you can defeat one of them, you will be promoted three levels directly. If you defeat two, your salary will be doubled for three months."

Roar, roar, roar, this group of new recruits were so excited that they screamed.

Everyone stared at Ulki and Mateus with shining eyes, as if they were peerless beauties.

Ulki smiled and said: "It's really troublesome, brother Matt, we have to cooperate well."

Mateus was also a little scared, the green eyes of nearly 600 people: "Brother, you have to take care of me later."

Mateus is very good at fighting, but he is not as tough as Ulki, and he is much worse at taking a beating.

As Ivan announced the start of the training battle, the recruits immediately surrounded the two of them.

"I'm sorry, Captain."

"I'm sorry, Sergeant."

"Please let me knock them down."

"Get lost, I'll knock them down."

After the battle began, there was a continuous shouting and killing, people kept screaming, and some people flew out of the battle circle.

Many people who were knocked down but did not lose their fighting power immediately got up and joined the battle circle.

Ah, a recruit, who didn't know if he was beaten too hard, flew towards Ivan and was about to hit him.

He quickly caught the recruit, and saw that the recruit had panda eyes and his cheeks were swollen.

He also encouraged: "Keep going, come on, come on, how can you not fight back after being beaten?"

"Yes, sir." The recruit's voice was a little distorted, and he rushed forward again with a wooden sword.


The battle lasted from afternoon to dusk, and there were recruits lying on the ground wailing everywhere.

Ulki and Mateus stood back to back in attack and defense, breathing the air greedily. There were countless fist and foot marks and tiny scars on their bodies.

But they held on and saved their face.

Hahaha, the two laughed at each other and formed a deep friendship from then on.

"Oh, it seems that you are not interested in the promotion of three levels and doubling of salary. Both of them can still stand." Ivan teased the recruits lying on the ground.

Please, stop talking, stop fooling around, and be a man.

Some recruits just gave up and couldn't help rolling their eyes. Even if you say you will be promoted ten levels, I will not get up again.

In the forest, the fourth team's progress in capturing 46 pirates was not smooth.

This task was not as easy as Adam or the entire fourth team imagined.

They thought that a carpet search would be enough to catch people one by one. At the beginning, they did catch a few people.

But pirates are also very cunning. Some of them hide very well and are very good at disguise.

Due to their lack of experience, the new recruits sometimes pass by the pirates not far away and fail to detect their disguise.

Some pirates are very experienced. After avoiding the search, they go around to the rear of the fourth team, but the fourth team is completely unaware.

Some people are greedy for merit and rush forward. When chasing pirates, they leave the main force, are ambushed by pirates, and are captured as hostages.

The command is a mess, and the four teams are divided into four teams, each of which acts in a mess.

That night, everyone gathered around the campfire to keep warm. Adam, who was exhausted, finally couldn't help asking Kuro how to break the deadlock.

It's not afraid of not understanding, but it's afraid of not asking if you don't understand. No one expected Adam to have any outstanding performance at the beginning.

Kuro was also happy to instruct him. Ivan asked him to supervise, probably with this in mind.


Grand Line, a mysterious place.

All around were Don Quixote's family busy at work.

A heavy box was brought down from several large ships on the coast.

In the simple wooden house, the sun shines through the glass windows into the room, and the room is bright and warm.

A tall man lies on his back on a chair, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, with his feet on the table and a pair of pink glasses on the side.

The door was opened rudely, and a black-haired girl in a maid's outfit ran in excitedly: "Young master, everything has been moved down, I'm rich, I'm rich."

Doflang Mingge seemed to wake up from a deep sleep and murmured: "This girl is still so reckless."

Putting the pink sunglasses on the table on his face, Mingge showed his signature evil smile and walked out of the house.

"Young master is here."

"Dover, come and see, a big harvest, a big harvest." A wretched man holding a plum blossom stick, wearing a quilt cloak, and with a long snot hanging on his nose said excitedly.

In the open space outside the wooden house, black boxes were piled up like mountains, and some of the box lids were opened wantonly, exposing the gold inside.

All the cadres of the Don Quixote family, Diamans, Senior, and Gladius were there, and everyone was in high spirits.

Hihihihihihihihi, Doflamingo smiled and said, "Torrebol, learn to be calm, this is just a small scene."

On the Sea Dragon, Ivan, who was reading leisurely, received an expected message through the Den Den Mushi.

He took out the Den Den Mushi and made a call.

Bulu Bulu, Mingge looked at the strange number displayed on the Den Den Mushi, frowned, and still chose to answer: "Moshimoshi."

"Doflamingo, you really did something that shocked the world. Although I didn't help, I congratulate you in advance. You will soon become a Shichibukai."

A voice came from the Den Den Mushi that made Mingge feel a little familiar and strange.

Who is it? Ming Ge thought for a moment, then laughed evilly: "Ah, it's you, you are really well-informed! Hahaha."

Ivan sat on the railing, blowing the sea breeze, and sneered: "Yes, it's me, I can contact openly in the future, those five disgusting old men must be very angry, hahaha."

"Hahaha, who cares about them, anyway, they can't die." Ming Ge was also in a good mood.

Ivan said to Den Den Mushi: "Ming Ge, after you become a Shichibukai, many actions will be more convenient."

"Help me find a few fruits. Although you are not short of money now, you should not think that the money is too much. The reward will satisfy you."

Ming Ge sneered in his heart. What is this guy going to do? What's the use of him having fruits?

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, I really want to learn more about the fruit you are interested in."

Ivan said, "It's just for the subordinates to use and cultivate the backbone. Aren't you always doing this?"

After arguing for a while, the two hung up the phone.

Ming Ge soon received a stern and angry question from the Five Elders.

The Five Elders were very angry: "Doflamingo, do you know who you are challenging with your actions?"

"Being a pirate is fine, we all turned a blind eye, but robbing the Sky Gold, do you think it's still a pirate game?"

咈咈咈咈咈, they were so angry, but Ming Ge's face was even gloomier than theirs: "Five old men, don't forget this money, I'm qualified to enjoy it."

"I'm just spending it again after all those years, do you think I'll give it back?"

The Den Den Mushi turned into a murderous old man: "We just indulged you before, not that we had no way to deal with you, don't be confused about your situation and status."

Haha, Ming Ge laughed angrily: "Really? Are you going to attack me? Then I'm so sad, when I'm in a bad mood, I might expose some 'public' but shameful secrets."

The Den Den Mushi turned into an angry old man silent for a moment, and said coldly: "Tell me your conditions."

"I want to become a Seven Warlords of the Sea!!!"

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