My Little Country

Chapter 196: Another new artifact!

The leader of the undead castle family, Lich Ogma, is also good.

Or the strong men of various inhuman races who came to help.

Be able to become a transcendent, knowing to hide in this remote place in order to avoid disaster.

You can know that they are not reckless creatures.

No unprepared battle!

I dare not despise the terrible giant who is 180 meters high!

After all, this series of past records from the Giants of the Gods of the Gods is really brilliant and terrifying.

Now that war is inevitable, they naturally have done intelligence work against the enemy.

Coupled with the Qianyu Empire's willingness to see the giants deflate, they also gave their support in intelligence.

This made them determined to fight against the giant to defend their rights as a reclusive race.

They saw the flamethrower used by the giant Xiao Yu in the battle of the kings of the steel capital kingdom, and the terrible tragedy of the Philippine kingdom army destroyed under the 99th alchemy bomb.

They also struggled to dig through the collapsed passages of the underground world, and examined what happened in the underground space where the black goblin had been destroyed.

Coupled with the analysis of the fighting power displayed by the giants in the subsequent battles and the artifacts used, and the response plans were carried out one by one, this coalition against the giants dare to really conquer the giants.

The gargoyles released this time are war machines that have been specially strengthened by the fire department for the flamethrowers in the hands of giants.

Their hard shell is covered with a fire-resistant surface film, which can ensure that they will not be affected if they fly out of the high-temperature fire in a short time.

Together with their fangs and claws that can tear the extraordinary, and the talent witchcraft that can release the blade of corrosion, the lich Augma has high hopes for them.

Hopefully they can be used to unexpectedly destroy the giant's flamethrower and harass the artillery position on the giant's side.

Now it seems that the effect is good.

The gargoyles passed through the sea of ​​fire formed by the flamethrower in the sky, making the supernatural beast had to cease fire and retreat.

"Catch up~ kill that dog!"

A tall tauren had just been burned by a fire dragon, and fortunately escaped it, he roared with a loud voice.

"For Ogmar!"

"Eliminate giant tyranny!"

Roaring at the same time, the undead coalition forces near the hillside also took advantage of the flames to disappear and quickly launched a charge.


The tauren held the axe and heard a loud noise just before stepping forward, and then saw the giant who was almost as high as the hillside ahead jumped.

He could not help but quietly take a meal, and after slowing down, he was quickly overtaken by a large number of undead who did not know why.

"Even a giant flamethrower will not be effective!"

On the back of the Undead Mammoth Beast, the Lich Ogmar saw the giant personally fighting, and could not help standing up: "My gargoyles, even if the flame temperature is doubled again, it will not matter!"

"Fly, my gargoyles, let the giant know that this world is not that simple! Bypass his armor and tear his weakness!"


As the Lich Ogmar casts, the grey aura of the gargoyles dazzles, and the speed suddenly increases a lot.

Xiao Yu put the iron can and picked up the nozzle.

But he shouted to the wizard of Enodia: "Are you ready, Enodia?"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, we are ready."

Wizard Ennodia and several royal wizards around him were nodded and raised their staff together.

A large-scale first-level witchcraft, the frost storm was sprayed out, but it was spread out without being released in a concentrated manner, so that the air in front of the large area suddenly became wet and cold.

But it can only make the gargoyles slow down a little bit.

"What are they going to do!" Seeing the wizards on the giant side cast seemingly useless large-scale witchcraft.

Lich Ogma felt bad for the first time.

Of course, it must not be more thoughtful, but can instinctively release a shield moment for the gargoyle.

Xiao Yu lifted the nozzle and sprayed a white mist!

In fact, what Xiao Yu sprayed out with the nozzle was not white mist, but a liquid, a refrigerant called liquid nitrogen.

From the father and son of the Jin family, the liquid nitrogen with a temperature of more than one hundred degrees was sprayed out and contacted with relatively high-temperature air, it suddenly vaporized a large amount of white mist.

But at the same time of gasification, they quickly took away the heat around them, so that the wet gargoyles... frozen in an instant and turned into ice knots.

Xiao Yu knows that although liquid nitrogen is extremely cold, in fact, after instantaneous vaporization of liquid nitrogen, due to gas obstruction, it is not possible to freeze those organisms with body temperature for the first time.

If the gargoyles noticed something wrong, they flew out by the protection of instantaneous vaporized liquid nitrogen.

It was Xiao Yu who allowed the wizards to cooperate with themselves to create such a suitable battlefield, and cooperated with liquid nitrogen to send these fast gargoyles into hail.

In fact, after the gargoyles froze and lost their power, they still did not die on the ground, not even injured.

But in the face of giants...they lose their power, and the Lich Ogma knows that they are over!

Sure enough, facing the gargoyles and the army of undead, Xiao Yu opened the nozzle and waved the tube, continuing to spray a large amount of liquid nitrogen.

The billowing white mist quickly spread to the ground and covered more and more, drowning the incoming army of undead.

The running skeleton racks and the zombies slowed down under the white fog until the whole body stopped with a rigid movement.

After the Lich Ogma released a hurricane blown away the white mist formed by these liquid nitrogen.

These undeads and gargoyles all turned into a brittle ice sculpture, standing on the ground motionless.

This time Xiao Yu's spraying was wider than the flame spraying of rhubarb. Even the tauren who had just hid the fire dragon was not able to escape. Although it had retreated, it still did not escape the spray of liquid nitrogen. The expression of begging for mercy with his mouth wide open was frozen in place.

"And... it's a new artifact!" Lich Ogma whispered: "Although I know that there are countless artifacts in the hands of giants, I don't want what I brought out this time will be related to frost!"

"It's our turn~ The lizard warrior stood up.

The prince of the crypt also shook his robe and gave a ridiculous laugh: "We will contain this giant."

"However, it seems that the battlefield situation is not as good as we expected."

"It's already this time, what's the point of complaining?" The dwarf king also stood up and shouted with a sledgehammer carrying thunder: "Go on! Turn over that giant!"

At the same time, the strongest of the three coalition forces were dispatched at the same time, and the Lich Ogma whispered several times in a row, and the cavalry led by the death knight who was suddenly flanking charged out a large cloud of black mist.

These black mists encased the skeleton cavalry as if they were alive, and they turned out that various monsters sent out harsh shrieks to the extraordinary barbarians and hell-headed dogs in front.

It actually affected these extraordinary people, making their speed disconnected from that little white cat's tank.

However, the little white cat sitting in the tank car didn't care about this. The one wearing the helmet looked at the two or three centimeters on the ground in front of him, trying to rush the bugs.

Squinting eyes flashed a murderous little white cat, and the speed was brought to the limit after a meow!


The car was covered with protective plates. After the chassis was remodeled, an alloy round roller was installed in front of it.

There were countless raised spikes on the roller, and as the tank car started to move, it purred and rolled up, plowing off the layers of ground it touched, just like the meat grinder in the movie.

Let normal people see scalp tingling.

"For Ogmar!"

The death knight is fearless, he rides a war horse, leads the brave undead cavalry, holds a long sword, carries a spear, and keeps high speed under the increase of the lich's witchcraft...)!!

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