My Little Country

Chapter 806: Rejoice

Matsushima Taro is experiencing a great sorrow and joy in life.

He has a medium-sized battery factory, and his products are mainly high-power high-energy batteries for electric vehicles.

Over the past few decades, the country of cherry blossoms has been sluggish, and Taro Matsushima's business has been running in a salty way.

Until another wave of upgrades involving key battery technologies loomed, Taro Matsushima had to choose to deal with Sakurato Credit Co. and had huge loans.

Then, Taro Matsushima shouted that he was deceived by Sakurato Credit Union.

The group of big ears, the group of vampires actually fooled themselves to borrow a loan shark to repay the loan. As the name suggests, they just crossed the bridge. In the morning, they can repay the loan to Taro Matsushima in the afternoon, allowing him to survive the crisis safely.

However, when Matsushima Taro borrowed a loan from the usury introduced by the manager of Sakura Credit Co. to repay the arrears of the credit co.

The kind and polite manager who had just been affable, immediately changed his face and refused Matsushima Taro's loan request.

And clearly told Matsushima Taro that his battery factory has been identified as a garbage-grade industry due to lack of competitiveness.

It is impossible for him to grant another word to Taro Matsushima.

Matsushima Taro became angry immediately, and immediately broke into a credit union.

The result was naturally bombarded by the security guards, and he could only be left alone. He went back to the factory unguarded, guarding the batteries that had been hoarded in the warehouse for at least several months to sell out.

Matsushima Taro thought of the workers who had not yet paid and the loan sharks owed to him.

He even thought of suicide, a hundred.

Just when Matsushima Taro seriously thought about whether he should jump the river or find a rope.

His deputy ran across the face and found him, excitedly shouting why Matsushima Taro did not answer the phone.


Matsushima Taro looked at the excited deputy, smiled and shook his head, just about to say the last words of despair.

Suddenly I heard that his deputy told him that the stock in the factory was all requested by the Ampere Trading Company!

And the other party also gave a lucrative order, enough to start the factory to the end of the year.

Matsushima Taro revived from despair, only to realize that he had already burst into tears.

He quickly followed his deputy to the office, but found that the people of the Ampere Trading Company had already prepared the contract, and only waiting for the signing of Matsushima Taro could complete the transaction.

Such efficiency made Taro Matsushima realize that this is not a country of cherry blossoms.

Obviously, the person behind the acquisition of the battery has a monstrous ability.

"Anpei Trading Company... wouldn't it be the instructions given by Master Qingming Yinyang Master?"

"Is the Qingming Yinyang Master need those batteries?"

Taro Matsushima turned on the phone that was turned off and immediately noticed that there were many more text messages.

Most of these text messages come from channel vendors who have not seen for a long time since the factory fell, and are asking whether Matsushima Taro still has high-energy battery stocks.

The other text messages are some financial giants that Matsushima Taro used to be personally unwilling to ignore.

They even actively asked whether Matsushima Taro needed financing.

"Yes, it must be right!" Taro Matsushima quickly derived the truth from these clues: "It must be that Qingming Yinyang Master needs our batteries, and that Qingming Yinyang Master saved my life and career. !"

Matsushima Taro excitedly took out a wooden sculpture of the Onmyoji in the office, and then very solemnly worshipped.

During this period, several teams of other trading companies also patronized the factory, and learned that Ampere Trading Co., Ltd. had taken the lead and set the order for the next year.

They did not have the nonsense of price-increasing acquisitions, but unfortunately, after leaving their business cards, they accelerated their efficiency and rushed to other factories to sign contracts.


With the battery being looted.

The major forces gradually learned where the source came from.

While wondering why Qingming Onmyoji needed batteries.

After retaining a portion of their shares, they did not specifically limit such civilian products.

Instead, for the purpose of pleasing Qingming Onmyoji, Citigroup suggested to the Ampe family whether to buy some nuclear batteries?

In fact, with the progress of science and technology in these decades, nuclear energy batteries have made great progress.

Under the same volume, the energy density of nuclear energy batteries is more than three hundred times stronger than that of the best batteries.

A practical high-power nuclear energy battery was successfully developed in a university laboratory in Citigroup five years ago.

In the past five years, it has been widely used in many secret facilities and military projects. It is already very mature.

If the sources are limited, and the cost performance is not far from the current mainstream high-energy batteries.

Maybe electric cars in Citigroup are no longer a concept, but a real industry.

After learning about the incident, Ampangfu dared not make the decision. Naturally, he did not raise the matter until Xiao Yu appeared again.

When Xiao Yu learned that Citigroup was willing to provide nuclear batteries, he naturally agreed.

He also instructed Ampangfu not to be afraid of spending money or worrying about what it was worth.

As a practitioner, an extraordinary person, money and money are things outside the body, and only valuable things can be exchanged for useful things.

Not only the country of cherry blossoms, but also many factories in neighboring countries, such as the ancient country of the East, and even the small workshops that are not influx, can also be bought.

I am not picky about the quality of the battery, I just want a quantity!

Ampecone's words really shined, and these of them bought batteries through orthodox channels through trading companies.

I did not think of those workshops.

You need to know that these workshops are scattered together, the number is also quite a lot!

Especially that ancient country in the east... It's so close, there are many related industries.

It seems that this big acquisition, in addition to the local battery market in the country of Sakura, has benefited the most from the ancient eastern country.

Ampangfu did not know.

There are other ideas in Xiao Yu's mind.

Xiao Yu felt that he had hoarded so much money in the country of cherry blossoms by relying on the identity of Qingming Yinyang.

If you don’t want to spend all your money, how can you promote the circulation of commodities?

Watching the news in the real world has been deflationary recently. Spending money on your own assault is equivalent to a strong shot.

Especially in the market of your own country, this time it can definitely be divided into a lot. Will UU reading be much better?

Xiao Yu took the time to go to the warehouse prepared by the Ampei family these days and shipped the batteries back to Huaguoshan in batches.

The cave was full, and Xiao Yu asked the monkey king to dig holes with the monkeys and dig the basement.

To this end, Xiao Yu didn't use Baiyuan liquid to feed these monkeys, but let them work, and there are many monkeys who have achieved extraordinary success.

Become an extraordinary monkey and be able to sell the coolie for Xiao Yu even harder.

one week later.

Shengye, which makes battery manufacturers all over the world, finally came to an end.

Countless manufacturers are quite sorry, and privately hope that in the new year after the order is completed, there will be extraordinary forces that will set off a grand occasion.

It can be said that all parties except the consortiums of the Sakura Kingdom feel a little loss.

All seemed to be happy, and directly or indirectly received the benefits brought by Xiao Yu's wave of scattered money.

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