My Little Country

Chapter 864: Remaining

"Bronze dragon?"

The wizards were summoned into the tent by Xiao Yu again, and were surprised when they saw the projection.

"The bronze dragon on Shenglong Island is second only to Shenglong's higher dragon."

The Uturu wizard looked at the projection and said: "It is said that every bronze dragon has a talent of time and space, and is best at traveling through time and space!"

"Now the rumors seem to be true!"

"If you can catch a head and refine it to be driven by a ghost dragon, maybe you can get a battleship that can be teleported to."


Xiao Yu couldn't help moving when he heard the Uturu Wizard.

Space warships?

Isn't this the ability to tailor-make for your new car?

And anyway, it is also a star battleship, what should be standard for teleportation, right?


Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and then said: "You guys, please study, is the bronze dragon still in this saint continent?"


A big wizard stared at the projection half-hesitantly and said:

"I am afraid that your Highness will be disappointed."

"The timing of the appearance of this bronze dragon is more like breaking the space barrier from the outer realm, the purpose is to save the blue dragon and his party."

"It's probably not on the continent of the Holy One."

"The body is not there, but since someone can summon it, it means that this continent has a secret technique to summon it!"

The wizard of Enodia came out and found the blind spot excited and said:

"As long as we master the mystery and get the bronze dragon, it is not impossible!"

"Well, there is a possibility!" Uturu Wizard recognized: "Especially this young wizard, may be the key to summoning the bronze dragon."

Xiao Yu listened to the discussion and decided that the black guard should pay close attention to the young wizard who appeared in this battle.

At the same time, he also ordered the scholars to make persistent efforts to find valuable clues from the collected mainland literature of the Holy Man.

After dealing with this, Xiao Yu waved the wizards out of the tent.

Then he summoned His Majesty the King of Nanya Kingdom shivering.

Xiao Yu met again with a cry, so that the king almost fell down.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu quickly put away the momentum brought by the majestic throne, and gave a glass of liquor, so that the king could be brave.

The king looked at the glass that was twice as tall as he was, hesitated to smell the fragrance, and jumped slightly to step on the edge of the glass, then leaned over and took a sip.

Suddenly his body was flushed red, and he burst into steam.

Xiao Yu prepared good wine this time.

A bottle of genuine Liuliangye sent by the military.

This made the king who had only drunk rice wine and fruit wine instantly intoxicated.

Fortunately, he was not a barbarian, nor did his ancestors have a barbarian as a pharaoh, so he wouldn't be stunned by liquor and would lose his hair on the spot to become a shirtless bald man.

"I heard last time that this artifact chose you?"

Xiao Yu saw the king's mood calmed down, and took out the silver-white coffin.

Suddenly the king's eyes widened, and his body also hit a spirit.

But looked at the giant Xiao Yu who was near.

Suddenly the king was bored with the artifact again.

Although the artifact was good, he chose him luckily.

But what's the use of this!

His Majesty the King understood, this artifact can't save the kingdom, nor can he save himself!

Have you seen that the Holy Lord's family has also been destroyed?

Why have they held this artifact for thousands of years?

Not in front of the giants!

"Oh, why aren't you excited?"

Xiao Yu observed the king and was satisfied with his situation.

This is a smart man, um... so easy to operate.

"His Royal Highness, although the artifact chose me according to the will of the mainland, but His will is above the mainland."

"Okay, don't flatter me, I'll just say it right."

Xiao Yu waved his hand and took out a small bottle of Baiyuan Liquid and a drop of Chiyuejing Potion from the space.

"I am interested in the secret behind this artifact."

"I also look forward to the creation of this artifact."

"So... your kingdom can continue to exist under my protection, and everything is as you wish."

"And you have to make sure to put on the surveillance eye at all times, and report the anomaly of this artifact to my people without any details."


The king didn't expect that if he came for such a trip, he would get such a good condition from the huge population.

Not only the kingdom is preserved, but also artifacts!

Is this... really not dreaming?

But I don't know if it is an illusion.

His Majesty the King of the Nanya Kingdom looked at the silver-white coffin and always felt... this artifact seemed to exude a wicked spirit that scared his soul?

Xiao Yu persuaded the king to continue to use the artifact for experiments, and at the same time knew the specific effect of the coffin artifact from his mouth.

This artifact does have a heritage effect.

Can store the talent of the dying person and one-third of the extraordinary ability.

Then instill it into the next generation.

Sounds good, but there are many restrictions.

In addition to using a lot of precious stones and other precious resources for each use.

The use of candidates is also very strict.

The chance of mutation beyond the age of 100 will increase greatly, and even successful lifespan will be severely affected.

Those who have inherited the power of inheritance have hardly lived three hundred years of age, even the Morning Star Wizard is no exception!

And... according to the King's memories of the deep memory of the soul, he vaguely felt that even if the inheritor died, even the soul would be taken away by this artifact.

His Majesty the King made up his mind secretly.

After going back, the royal family must not be allowed to use this artifact.

As for the user... well, those ministers who kept saying that they would take care of my wife and daughter, they reluctantly made it difficult for them to get this chance.

Anyway, did they swear to crush the bones for the future of the kingdom!


Noah, the border city of the Holy Empire.

The city gate that just sent away a grain transportation team is about to close.

Suddenly there was a roar of human noise.

Immediately, the lord standing at the tower stood up and looked at the front of the whisper:

"Why, is there an army in front to withdraw and rest?"

With that, the wizard next to the city master was slightly startled, and lost his mind:

"No... it's not right, how could those people be guards stationed in front of them!"

In order to ensure the transportation line, the coalition forces set up a small castle almost every ten kilometers to protect the safety.

The defenders of these castles cannot leave their posts without authorization.

They are now in It's obviously a big deal!

After a few seconds, the roar of the ground came, making the ground of Noah City shake.

Then, the violent gate guards watched a ride rushing and shouted loudly:

"Defeat, the coalition forces are defeated!"

"Shut down the city gate and inform the Imperial City!"

The sound just fell, and the figure of the steel giant had already appeared on the horizon, chasing the defeated soldiers.

Noah's city at the top of the mountain...

A cyan dragon suddenly appeared there.

Immediately, looking at the city of Noah in the distance, the wall was directly hit by the tank.

The marshal on the back of the dragon sighed and closed his eyes.

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