My Little Country

Chapter 889: Each mind

"That raptor is too fast!"

Qingyan Bailong felt the palpitations brought by the pressure behind him. He glanced back and exclaimed immediately.

"Quickly think of a way!"

The blue-eyed and white dragon shouted eagerly: "I don't want to be drawn blood!"

"I saw."

The Emperor Dragon sighed softly and looked at the Andean Condor that was getting closer and closer. He took out a crystal ball and crushed it in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a head with three heads in the air behind the blue-eyed white dragon, and the extremely beautiful blue-eyed white dragon ghosted out.

"This is... the incarnation of the ultimate three-headed blue-eyed white dragon god?"

The white-eyed and white dragon felt the vision of the back, and turned around again, ignorantly: "Are you definitely the bloodline of the dragon goddess?"

The Emperor Dragon did not reply, but just waved his hand gently and used an air hammer to knock on the blue-eyed and white dragon to make him come back to speed up again.

The Andean Condor was stopped by the blue-eyed and white dragon with three heads and a figure of about fifty or sixty meters in the eyes of the villain.

The existence of this white dragon with blue eyes, which is called the ultimate body by other dragon tribes, is only a virtual image, but once it appears, it immediately provokes the movement around the world.

The sky was covered with clouds, and there was a faint sound of thunder. The space continued to tremble and the surrounding air pressure continued to increase, making the Andean Condor slightly uncomfortable.

His transcendental state is relatively low, and he still cannot understand what this means.

The wizards in black clothes on their backs looked at the phantom with three dragon heads, their faces slightly changed, and they were startled: "This is the incarnation of the dragon god!"

"Dragon God is at least a true god-level existence, we are not opponents..."

The wizards said this, and the Andean Condor involuntarily slowed down and waited for the monster's shadow.

As the ultimate blue-eyed white dragon spread its wings, he looked at the Andean Condor with the sound of thunder.

The wizards quickly withdrew to speak, and the Lance Knight suddenly waved his hand to stop the wizards from opening their mouths, and showed a confused expression: "Don't you think something is wrong?"

"Something wrong?"

"Yeah, this dragon's breath made me tremble with fear that I couldn't stop."

"But I can't feel the danger in my heart." Knight Lance clenched the long sword, condensing the extraordinary aura on the sword: "This is not right, I am very confident in my intuition."

"This...!" The wizards in black guards still have a lot of confidence in the superior Lance.

Regarding Lance as the son of the destiny lost in the mainland, it is rumored to be favored by His Royal Highness.

"Can it be an illusion?"

A black guard wizard blinked and whispered.

Immediately he saw the Lance Knight leap and took off into the air and waved a long sword. A half-moon-shaped sword gas was drawn.

The sword gas burst out of the air, and instantly fell into the chest of the three blue-eyed white dragons. It was easily cut in and caused a chain of dazzling explosions.


Knight Lance stepped on the neck of the Andean Condor again, and put down his sword. He looked at the sky that disappeared before him.

He couldn't help whispering: "We have been cheated."

"Can you continue to catch up with those dragons?" Lance asked the Andean Condor.

The Andean Condor swept his eyes and frowned slightly: "No, the phantom just affected my perception, and I lost the position of the two little lizards."

"I'm faster than them, but in the wrong direction, I can't catch each other."

"Damn it!" Lance shook his head and said: "Then return to the team, continue to deepen will lead to a counterattack of the bronze dragon, not worth the loss."

"This time I made a mistake and I will go to sue myself."

The black guards next to him stunned slightly, and quickly surrounded Lance to prepare a guilt together.

On the other side, the royal dragon away from the Andean Condor sighed on the back of the red-eyed black dragon with a sigh:

"My phantom orb is destroyed."

"It's only a few seconds, and the other party has a master!"

The emperor dragon sighed and looked at the blue-eyed and white dragon said: "But please rest assured that the opposite side should be affected by my illusion orb, and we can't find the direction of our escape."

"The possibility that they dare to randomly choose a direction for further investigation is very low. We are safe this time."

"This is good news, but I'm not happy anymore." Qingyan Bailong nodded, but said bitterly.

"Of course I can't be happy. I thought that we would fight against such a terrifying and terrifying force, so I hesitated whether to apply to leave here." The red-eyed black dragon at the foot of Yulong also expressed his opinion and immediately got the blue-eyed white dragon's stand by.

But the blue-eyed and white dragon is more worried that he will not retreat without fighting, and also makes the white teeth trapped in the giant's devil's claws. When he returns, he will be cramped by the white dragon king.

"I still have a time and space transfer stone on my body." Yu Longshen touched his nose and glanced at these two worried young dragons: "Wait for the war, once the situation is wrong, you can help me, we will send it out in advance. "

"You still have such a good thing!"

The red-eyed and black dragon looked enviously at the imperial envoy, deeply aware of how the gap between the dragon and the dragon could be so great?

Or is poverty narrowing my horizons?

"No way, I am very fragile now, and I won't be relieved in the house of the house without a little escape."

Speaking of which, Yulong made him look in the direction of the giant camp, and somehow worried.

He remembered the words of the blue-eyed and white dragon just now, and understood that the giants had the forces of the dead canyon.

Thinking of this, he could not help worrying about the future conflict between Shenglong Island and the Canyon of the Dead and intensifying the war.

It is different from the young dragons who are constantly shouting that the dragon race is the first in the world and that the lower creatures should be slaves.

Yulong has made him mature for a hundred years, and he has also seen the different scenery between different continents.

He knew very well that the first of the Dragon Clan's world was nothing more than the arrogant declaration of the frog in the well.

Shenglong Island is by no means the only forbidden-level force.

And because of the arrogant nature of the dragon tribes, the enemies accumulated in these thousands of years can be called all over the world!

The forces that are hostile to Shenglong Island really count, I am afraid that there will not be much less than the abyss of the enemy!

"Unfortunately, this is the general trend, we can only follow the wave."

The Emperor Dragon thought of it, and it inevitably caused a headache. He quickly laughed at himself and chose to temporarily paralyze the sun on the back of the red-eyed and black dragon.

Bronze dragon Bleu learned the news from the blue-eyed white dragon and fell into a long silence with Gu LP.

It took a long time before Gulpius moved his neck and said, "Isn't it just reinforcements?"

"Since the Giants dare to let the forces of the Dead Canyon come in, then we will let the abyss really come in according to the plan."

Gulp's words made the bronze dragon Bruce instinctively a bit unacceptable.

Although there are always plans to actively attract the abyss, in the mind of the bronze dragon Bruce, it is better to use it naturally or not.

After all, in addition to attracting the ruins he cares about, the geographic and humanities here and some unique natural resources are also valuable to the Dragon tribe.

If colonial rule can be carried out, there will definitely be more praise in the evaluation of the Presbyterian Church.

And if the abyss really came in, and according to their arrangement, it corroded a part of the core area of ​​the continent.

Basically, the future destiny of this continent will surely become an abyssal meal.

Perhaps with the struggle of the local community and the help of external forces, this process can be delayed.

But the trend of being abyssed cannot be reversed.

Short or long, this continent will eventually be dragged into the abyss and become part of its constituent matter!

Considering the hostile relationship between the Abyss and Shenglong Island, this is simply a capital enemy!

"Okay, but I hope to wait." Bronze dragon Bleu nodded in recognition of Gulumps' judgment, but still a little unwilling: "We did not see the figure of the undead king, this time the invasion of the saints The giant on the mainland is probably like us who just discovered something and acted as an advocate."

"I understand what you mean."

"You don't think the other party will let the undead lord go into battle personally, we can win without the abyss, right?"

Gulumps saw that the bronze dragon Bruce was thinking carefully, and he stood up with a smile, his tail suddenly flicked at the eye of the dragon-shaped statue in front, and a lively longan was spotted.

"I look forward to it, so how about we arrange a special magic circle in the underground caves of this land together?"

"Special magic circle?"

"The taboo circle called Calling the Abyss." Gu LP said: "You need to use the soul of millions of intelligent creatures and a strange thing from the abyss."

"It just so happened that I have collected what I need these days."

Gulumps said very relaxedly, and didn't feel anything wrong with the death of that million creatures.

The same is true of Bronze Dragon Bleu, who didn't care how the other party collected so many souls in a few days.

What he cared about was the effect of the magic circle: "I heard the name of this magic circle, which is a ban on the elders."

"Of course it is strictly forbidden, but this is a secret technique that can directly communicate the will of the abyss." Gulumps proudly said: "Even if it is me, it takes a lot of favor to get an incomplete version."

"But it's enough to allow me to communicate the will of the abyss and use its power to open the door and corrode the continent."


Bronze Dragon Blue nodded, and looked at Gulumps the same way he had just now.

However, deep in his heart was quietly alert to Gu LP.

Incomplete call to the abyss circle?

Also communicate the will of the abyss!

This old dragon is playing with fire!

Buy and sell leather! Why did everything go wrong since I met the giant? Is it possible to find a deeper crisis in an ally?

Damn it, this time I will go back to Shenglong Island and apply for a hundred years of cultivation in the Shenglong Tower, and completely break the relationship with this ancient LP!

Those who look at the abyss must be watched by the abyss!

Bronze dragon blue has begun to worry, unconsciously, his allies will be turned into a running dog in the abyss.

The night was spent in the minds of the Early in the morning, when the first ray of sunlight hit the plain, illuminating the three dragon **** statues that had been painted with the finishing touches.

The bronze dragon Bleu crawled out of the ground with some fatigue.

Uneasy, let him assist Gulumps with high-intensity loads to complete the construction of the underground formation.

After crawling out, Bronze Dragon Bleu, who was too late to eat breakfast, immediately realized why he was so uneasy.

"The number of alchemy beasts in the giant formations has suddenly increased?"

"Relying on the alchemist behemoth, the giant's legion marching speed increased!"

"It is less than two hundred kilometers away from us?"

"This giant..."

After receiving the news, Bronze Dragon Blue twitched his mouth and shouted: "This time it seems to be trying its best?"

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