My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 68 Self-recommended retainers

Crown stopped and saw the man kneeling on the ground with his right hand on his chest: "Sir Knight, thank you for saving Del Smith's life."

He did not move and accepted the gift calmly. Although there was an element of experimentation at the time, the result was that he indeed saved the other party.

Without his talisman, the man's ultimate fate would be to mutate and be killed.

Looking at the other man's figure, which was obviously weaker than the previous days, he stepped forward and helped the man stand up: "I also want to thank you for your strong will."

Del stood up, lowered his head slightly and smiled: "Without your help, my lord, no matter how strong my will is, what's the use! I heard that knights all need retinues, who are responsible for feeding horses and maintaining armors. I wonder if I have the possibility of becoming your retinue. ?”

The man smiled shyly and continued: "I am a blacksmith from a nearby village. I dare say that my forging ability is much higher than that of the original blacksmiths in the town. And after that incident, I found that my strength is much higher than that of the original blacksmiths in the town." It used to be a lot bigger.”

Del rolled up his sleeves and showed off the muscles of his arms. The setting sun coated his body with a layer of orange.

This guy is really a wonderful person. In such a difficult environment, he still wants to seize the opportunity to move forward, which is also a good quality.

Crown thought, he couldn't help but recall the time when he pitched Nick whether he could become a Crusader.

He stretched out his arm and faced the man with his palm raised: "Come on, punch my hand and show your best ability. If you can satisfy me, I will consider this proposal."

"Okay," Del responded excitedly. He didn't expect that he would get this opportunity.

After what happened that day, the man realized that only strong strength could protect him and his family. If he had been half as powerful as the powerful knight before him, his wife and two other children would not have perished in the jaws of that disgusting beast.

He himself is just a somewhat powerful blacksmith with little literacy. It is impossible for him to become a priest, but maybe he can take the road of knighthood?

He had been prepared to be rejected many times, but he did not expect to get the Lord Knight's approval, and his mood suddenly cheered up.

Del stepped back one meter, lowered his waist and bowed his legs, punched out, and hit the palm of the person in front of him directly.

"Ha", his arm muscles were taut, veins were exposed all over his body, his eyes were like knives, and his fists even had an aura of courage to move forward.

Crown felt the air in front of him being stirred, and the man's iron fist hit his palm hard.

He did not retreat to release his strength and withstood the man's full blow.

Feeling a slight numbness in his arms, he nodded slightly. The man's strength was not much worse than before he became a warrior.

The golden light spell strengthens the body and mind. After continuous training, his physical fitness is much higher than the limit of ordinary people.

Del's face suddenly turned red when he saw that the target hadn't moved at all.

The strength he was most proud of, the iron fist, was unable to make the opponent move a step, and his body did not even move. His fist seemed to hit the mountain.

Is there such a big difference between ordinary people and knights? Del originally thought that his strengthened body could knock the opponent back a few steps, but now he felt that there was no chance of becoming a follower.

"The strength is really good." Crown shook his arm and said: "If I have any consideration in recruiting followers, I will give priority to you."

The man was ecstatic and said excitedly: "Thank you, sir."

. . . .

Crown came to Nick's room and found that the priest was not there, so he sat on a chair and waited.

With nothing to do, he simply sat cross-legged on the ground with his hands in a mudra, seizing the time to meditate on the golden light spell before the red moon rose.

After running for two long days, I still haven't seen the priest come back.

The pigeon cot was not far from here, and he expected that Nick had returned to the sanctuary first.

He stood up, locked the door, and twisted the brass lamp holder next to the bookshelf. After the bookshelf was moved away, he entered the underground passage and turned the mechanism inside to close the bookshelf again.

When he reached the bottom of the passage, he found that the door of the sanctuary was open and walked in casually.

He came to the mechanical gear and turned the dial to close the door of the sanctuary.

Nick sat in the center of the hall facing the door, holding the metal-covered Flame Bible in his hands but not watching. His eyes were unfocused, so he must be thinking about something.

Crown walked to him and sat down cross-legged.

Nick came back to his senses and said apologetically: "There is news from the church that all churches in non-urban areas will have to rely on themselves in the next few months. As usual, the church will distribute a book in advance before winter. We need a lot of supplies, but Rhine City is in chaos right now, and the supplies won’t be sent out until next year.”

"It's okay on my side. The blood-boiling potion and energy potion you need to practice the breathing method cannot be delivered, which will greatly delay your training progress. The breathing method is the top priority in warrior training. In this way, you will reach the level of the Flame Warrior. The time will be extended by several months.”

There was no disturbance in Crown's mind. When he learned the information about the gray mist from the priest, he had expected that this would happen.

Both the church and the city hall will give priority to ensuring the safety of big cities. As for people living in remote villages and towns, they can only hope for their own good. He guessed that churches and other armed forces around the Rhine City have all been deployed to the city center. .

"What is the quota of medicines issued by the church?" Crown asked.

"The standard for ordinary soldiers is ten blood boiling potions and six energy potions per month." The priest patted his forehead. "I originally needed to give you four months' supply. At this juncture, it is a big help." ”

As a person in two lifetimes, Kroun has a good attitude and is not upset about anything. He quickly accepted the things that cannot be changed, and it is more important to seize the present.

He thought for a while and asked: "I can make the blood-boiling potion myself, but I am missing some blue tulip petals. Do you have any here?"

He didn't need the energy potion at all. As long as he could get the missing materials for the blood-boiling potion from the priest, he could refine it himself.

"I almost forgot that you are also a herbalist." Nick's expression also relaxed a lot: "I remember that I still have more than 300 grams of flower petals in my hand. In addition, I have saved up energy potions and can lend you twenty bottles first."

As he spoke, the priest was a little sad. He bought the flower petals from old Moya, and his son has now become an excellent Crusader warrior and senior pharmacist.

"You don't need so many energy potions, just give me five bottles." Crown thought that if the intensity of the battle was too high, it would be better to keep some energy potions as backup.

He saw that Nick had magic plant-level herbs here, and wondered if he could gather some herbal materials for energy potions and primary anti-magic potions to improve his herbalism skills: "Father, you also have magic emperor grass and wild herbs here. steel flower"

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