The deputy director sweated coldly, looked at He Hao, who was standing behind Huang Li and kept throwing stones, and said in a panic: “Mr. Huang, this is what Director Yan asked me to do, it’s none of my business!” ”

Huang Lei nodded: “Don’t worry, I know this, I won’t be embarrassed for you, banana thirty, how about nine tenths less.” ”

Assistant Director: !!!

Say good is not difficult for me, this is not difficult for?

Whoever has such a bargain and directly cuts nine tenths, then you might as well say not to do it.

No, he really wants to quit….

Familiar with the smell of forehead, many viewers recall the yellow barrier who threw his shoes without saying a word in the first season.

“The style I yearned for came back, and I didn’t lose my shoes at first, and I thought it had changed.”

“To be honest, it is better looking than two or three, a little family taste, He Hao is like a naughty child, with a lot more souls.”

“Yes, big guy, this bad boy is the soul, but I still feel that something is missing.”

The deputy director cried with a sad face: “Mr. Huang, haggling that you cut like this, if I agree, wait for Director Yan to come back, and still don’t fire me.” ”

“Then how much do you say, say the number.” Of course, Huang Lei knew that the price was impossible, but the lion opened his mouth and lowered the price in a wave.

The deputy director gritted his teeth: “Each one gives you a third less.” ”


Huang Lei nodded lightly, slightly satisfied with the price.

And He Hao, who was behind him, saw that they had 8 negotiated, threw the stone, and walked to the hammock with a disappointed face.

You can’t make the whole point, it’s really boring.

Forget it or sleep, sleepy.

He was really sleepy and slept too little last night because the two of them were snoring.

Huang Lei assigned tasks to the others.

Almost everyone in the task has it, but there is no He Hao.

Zi Feng, Peng Peng, Zhou Xuan, Zhang Qingyi, plus Immortal Sword Simei, did not mention He Hao.

Especially the four people in front, I remember things clearly yesterday, and it is too difficult to let He Hao work.

And it may be a whole demon.

However, Shayi and Taohong are different.

The latter did not speak, the former Sha Yi spoke: “What about him!” How is there no task he did? ”

Huang Lei looked unhappy, and said angrily: “You all want him to cook, this requires him to work, then how else can he cook, I have been unemployed by you.” ”

However, he was just unhappy on his face, but his heart was happy.

Because I can finally eat the dishes made by He Hao.

Thinking of the taste of He Hao’s cooking, Huang Lei couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

“Want to fart and eat!”

Suddenly a voice sounded.

This made Huang Lei’s face a little embarrassed, because this was said by He Hao.

Sha Yi smiled and said, “Teacher Huang, he refuses to cook, what do you say?” ”

Huang Lei coughed dryly: “Xiao Hao, but the four beauties are visiting today, can’t you do a meal?” ”

Yang Mi and the girls are a little nostalgic, they have all eaten what He Hao made.

After breaking up, I almost felt unappetizing for anything because of this.

Even after so many years, he still misses the food He Hao makes.

“Non-existent, want to eat the food I cook, you want to fart, ask my uncle, you know how difficult it is to let me cook.”

He Hao pouted and threw the topic directly to He Dan, because he knew that he would handle it well.

And in fact, the words in his heart are.

At the beginning, I just said that I would cook for them.

I’m afraid it’s Shi Lezhi.

Huang Lei was a little confused, looking at He Hao’s refusal almost in seconds, a little doubtful that he had guessed wrong.

It doesn’t make sense!

From where to look, they definitely had a relationship.

But how could this be, shouldn’t He Hao agree to it?

And He Dan, on the point of He Hao’s cooking, supported him, and said to others: “Don’t think about him cooking.” ”

“At the beginning, my eldest brother beat him and forced him to cook, but he was stunned that he would not cook for his eldest brother, he would not do it to death, and he would not even do it to his own father, not to mention us people.”


This made everyone present stunned for a while, even Huang Lei did not know about this.

Sha Yi asked, “Isn’t that unfilial piety?” ”

The people present nodded subconsciously.

Even the audience felt that it was too much to do what happened to making a meal for his father when he was a son, and he refused to do it.

“Even my own father refuses to make a meal, this is how unfilial it is, and the powder turns black.”

“The same pink turns black, even if there is a problem with my character, I don’t care, I hate unfilial people the most.”

“Those who are unfilial do not deserve to live in the world.”

“The crew kicked this man! People are not filial, what a good thing can be. ”

“That is, people are not filial, and this person’s character can be imagined.”

Right at this time.

He Dan shook his head and said with a smile.

“There is also a reason, Xiao Hao has been so good since he was a child, my eldest brother watched him so powerful, raised the idea of retirement, and didn’t want to fight.”

“Xiao Hao is very supportive of this, and he gives the money he earns to his family.”

“You also know that people of our age, when they are idle and don’t do something, they are all uncomfortable.”

“My eldest brother is like this, he can’t get small, find something to play.”

“I don’t know how, play, play suddenly hooked on gambling, lost all the money Xiao Hao earned in one night, and owed tens of millions of gambling debts outside.”

“At that time, Xiao Hao had just studied in the third year of junior high school, and since then, Xiao Hao never gave my eldest brother food when cooking, but still gave a lot of money.”

The crowd was directly silent, even the audience.

It is clear that this matter cannot be said that He Hao is not filial.

If this is replaced by himself, whether Dad still calls or not, whether he recognizes it or not, it is still a problem.

Like He Hao, just don’t cook, the money is still given, which is simply good.

He Hao in the hammock directly rolled his eyes.

Uncle, don’t you say this?

How good is it to just let them spray me?

He Dan actually didn’t want to say it, after all, family ugliness cannot be publicized

But ahhh

Filial piety, a person with filial piety, even if he is unkind, unrighteous and unfaithful, will be liked by others.

And a person without filial piety, even if he is benevolent and loyal, there are still people spraying.

If you don’t say this, the previous sentence He Hao will be sprayed by the whole network.

There were people in the room who thought differently, and there were four who were different from the others.

These four people are the four beauty of the fairy sword.

They all showed a brilliant and dazzling smile, looking at He Hao, who was in the hammock, as if to say.

I didn’t expect it~

This has happened to you.

PS: This chapter may not be satisfactory, but I am too sleepy.

I wanted to sleep after updating a chapter at three o’clock in the morning, but I couldn’t sleep anyway, and finally got up to code.

Go try to sleep again, chapter three may be a little late today.

Because I haven’t slept until last night, I’m sleepy now.

So you may wake up at night, but the update will not be less than five.

Please rest assured.

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