As Nanxiang Toki who also encountered so many simulated objects.

He should also have a more romantic Shinkansen trip.

Especially after leaving Tokyo, you can see the snow and mountains piled up on both sides of the road.

Shouldn't this be more 'romantic'?


The scene of looking at the heroine like that, admiring the snow and mountains intertwining outside the window, and the skyline moving back will definitely not be realized here in Nanxiang.

The reason is very simple——

"Come on, sit over here."

With an expressionless expression on the side of her face, Ms. Yamada patted the place beside her without hesitation.

That's a natural look.

It seemed like he was telling all the girls around him very directly that Nanxiangshi was their thing to end the band.

And she looked overconfident.

Naturally, it caused dissatisfaction among the girls around him.

Among them, Chisuke Nishikiki, who represents the "Riko Rico" duo, and Akane Shinjo, who represents the "Ocha High School" trio, reacted the most intensely.

"Speaking of which, Yamada-san, didn't you already oversleep today? You finally got on the Shinkansen, and there is still nearly four hours of journey ahead. Why not just go to sleep? Don't worry, Toki-kun, I will take care of you."

Akane Shinjo took the lead in launching the offensive.

But this offensive was only launched halfway before Nishiki Chishu raised his hand to stop him.

"Yamada-san does need to rest, but I think, Miss Shinjo, don't you also need to eat something? Just now I heard Sister Hoshige and the others said that you didn't even eat breakfast in order to catch the train."

"I don't bother Miss Nishiki to worry about whether to eat or not. In fact, we are not particularly hungry now, and Toki-kun hasn't eaten either. Wouldn't it be better to sit with us and eat? It won't disturb others. .”

Not satisfied with Jinmu Qianshu's stop.

Akane Shinjo counterattacked simply.

And faced with the quarrel between their two small groups.

Miss Yamada on the other side was particularly calm.

She just looked at Nanxiang Shi.


"Shi, ignore them and come sit here with me."

And with this sentence fell.

There is no doubt that there will be another round of verbal quarrels.

The more they talked, the more intense they became, and the more they talked, the more fascinated they became.

Later, he even ignored Nanxiang Shi's existence.

And it was along with this kind of controversy that the debate began to arise.

Nanxiang Shi also shook his head speechlessly, and then stood up.

Under the surprised gazes of Miss Pa, Ichi Hoshige and Hiroi Kiuri.

When I was in Nanxiang, I sat next to Miss Pa - the window seat.

"That... Nanxiang guy."


Nanxiang glanced at Miss Pa strangely.

"Aren't you going to take care of them?"

He pointed at the girls who were still bickering.

Miss PA couldn't help but ask.

"That's not necessary."

Nanxiang Shi waved his hand: "They won't really quarrel."

In fact, Nanxiang Shi had seen such a scene countless times in the simulation.

After all, nine people live together.

No matter how harmonious and close we are, there will always be some small frictions in life.

For example, Ryo Yamada especially likes to sleep in.

His lazy appearance doesn't suit the lively and enthusiastic Chisuke Nishikiki.


In the simulation, Miss Yamada and Miss Nishiki would have some minor frictions and quarrels from time to time.

But things will basically get reconciled later on.

Because there is no conflict between Miss Yamada’s free-spirited personality and Miss Nishiki’s enthusiastic, generous and sociable personality.

In daily communication and bickering.

On the contrary, it can enhance the connection between them.

And girls are the type who are particularly good at talking.

Even though they argue a lot.

But basically the mood calmed down after talking, and no one took it to heart at all.

Otherwise, the relationship between the nine of them would not be so good in the later stages of the simulation.

As for inserting themselves among them to calm the situation down...

Nanxiang rubbed his temples.

There is a saying that three women sing a big show.

And there weren't just three women over there...but a bunch of girls arguing.

Want to stop them...?

Just thinking about it, I know it’s impossible.

On the contrary, it is possible that because of his bias, the whole matter has become more complicated, and what was originally a 'quarrel' has been upgraded to a 'dispute' incident.

I also communicated with Hoshige Ichi, Ms. PA, and Kiuri Hiroi on the other side, and asked them, the three "reliable" adult groups, to pay more attention to the underage queen on the other side.

Nanxiang Shi leaned on the backrest, turned his head and looked out the window, and at the same time opened his eyes.

He had no intention of admiring the winter scenery outside the car window.

Making such an action was simply to bring up the simulation page that had been prompted in my ears.

Under his sight.

The originally calm simulation page now had some ripples.

And under this little ripple.

Nanxiang Shi also saw a line of clearly visible words.

‘System prompt: The presence of the Heart of Love holder has been detected. Do you want to activate the Heart of Love? ’

'whether? ’

Simple characters suspended in mid-air.

This made Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It seemed that my guess was not wrong.

The activation of the ‘Heart of Love’ does require the presence of nine Heart of Love holders at the same time.

Look at the words floating in front of you.

Nanxiang turned his head slightly and looked at the girls who were playing Uno (a kind of card game).

Even Goto Kazuri, who had symptoms of social anxiety, participated in this time and began to enjoy this trip.

At this moment, Nanxiang was a little hesitant.

Because he doesn't know exactly what will happen after activating the 'Heart of Love'.

What are the functions of these unknown props?


"If the effect is not activated here...leaving the 'Heart of Love' in the item list...will it also be harmful to them?"

No one can tell this clearly.

After all...even if there are no problems now, it doesn't mean there won't be problems in the future.


The decision he had to make.

At this time, it was actually obvious.

look up.

Look at the 'yes/no' option floating in mid-air.

Nanxiang Shi raised his hand and pressed it down.

Just like when he was bound to the love simulator six months ago, he simulated Goto Kazuri for the first time.

--'yes! ’

Chapter 321. I wear the black color you like... 4000 words

When I was in Nanxiang, I felt like I had a dream.

Wait until you open your eyes again and wake up.

The scenery in front of me has completely changed.

The original scene of girls playing the Uno board game in the Shinkansen carriage has completely faded.

It was replaced by a long corridor under the eaves that was unfamiliar to him but felt inexplicably familiar.

His body was now covered with a soft long blanket.

There is a hardcover novel on the small table next to it.

The sunlight that is not dazzling pours inward along the wall.

Falling on the tender bamboo in the small courtyard.

Everything seemed so peaceful and peaceful.

"here it is...?"

Nanxiang Shi raised his eyes and glanced around with a slightly startled expression.

He should have been on the Shinkansen train heading to his hometown, Akita Prefecture.

How come he was in this completely unfamiliar place in just an instant?

"Could this be the effect of activating the 'Heart of Love'?"

Nanxiang didn't panic too much, but frowned and started thinking.

He chose to activate the 'Heart of Love' on the tram, so he appeared in this strange place the next moment.

That is to say...

After activating the 'Heart of Love', can it produce an effect similar to 'personal simulation'?

Thinking of this, Nanxiang reached out his hand and picked up the hardcover novel placed on one side.

Feel the weight of the novel in your hands and the extraordinarily real touch of the cover.

Nanxiang was silent.

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