My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 203: Life energy, Xerneas

Leaving the Variety Monster temporarily in the research institute, Lu Cheng and Liu Shengnan walked out side by side.

Liu Bosheng's gaze made Lu Cheng very embarrassed. He even pulled Liu Shengnan aside and whispered:

"take the chance!"

"Why seize the opportunity?" Liu Shengnan was taken aback.

"You're stupid!" Liu Bosheng hated that iron was not steel, "You can't get married soon, it's rare to be blind!"

Liu Shengnan narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Your granddaughter is not ugly!"

"You're tall, and it's a high-risk occupation. Who would dare to marry you?" Liu Bosheng shook his head regretfully and said, "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to catch a good son after two or three years of blind date."

Liu Shengnan's momentum weakened, and he hesitated: "I don't like it if it can be done..."

"What do you think about that kid Lu Cheng?" Liu Bosheng said straight to the point.

Liu Shengnan was taken aback.

There is a play!

Looking at Liu Shengnan's stunned expression, Liu Bosheng immediately pushed Liu Shengnan aside, pulled Lu Cheng to the corner, and said with a smile:

"Stinky boy, do you have a girlfriend?"

Lu Cheng smiled awkwardly and said, "It's almost time."

"Then does she look good?" Liu Bosheng was taken aback.

"She's not good-looking or not." Lu Cheng hesitated, "She's that kind of person, it's rare..."

Liu Bosheng reacted immediately.

It's not that Lang Yuqing, concubine intention, what else!

He immediately patted Lu Cheng's shoulder heavily, and laughed loudly: "Young man, come on!"

Although Lu Cheng didn't know what Liu Bosheng was laughing at, he had no choice but to laugh along.

When he walked out of the research institute, a strange force struck, and Lu Cheng only felt like he was being strangled by a kangaroo.

Looking back, Liu Shengnan was grabbing at the front of his shirt, putting on his sunglasses and saying in a low voice:

"I have something to tell you."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"Is there a cafe near here?"


Familiar furnishings.

Familiar location.

The last time I came here with Lu Cheng was Senior Sister.

Lu Cheng looked around nervously.

There shouldn't be any acquaintances here, right?

Just walking on the road, the tall and slender Liu Shengnan attracted a lot of heads. Now that he took off his sunglasses, the boys in the front seat turned back frequently.

"What to drink?" Liu Shengnan frowned.

"Orange juice." Lu Cheng said cautiously.

During the summer vacation, when Lu Cheng and Liu Shengnan first met, they were also in a coffee shop. Now it has been half a year, so Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Liu Shengnan looked contemplative, the atmosphere was quite depressed, Lu Cheng didn't dare to speak, so he could only sip the orange juice silently.

Suddenly, Liu Shengnan clapped the table and said with a frustrated expression, "Am I really not good-looking, Lu Cheng?"

Lu Cheng's orange juice almost spurted out.


"What are you talking about?" Lu Cheng coughed.

Liu Shengnan looked at Lu Cheng resentfully, with a depressed look.

"Very, very nice." Lu Cheng nodded stiffly.

Shouldn't this be a trap?

"Then why, I can't get married soon?" Liu Shengnan muttered to himself, holding his cheeks.

"Maybe it's because you're so good that no one else deserves you."

"you sure?"

Lu Cheng nodded silently.

Liu Shengnan glanced at Lu Cheng with contempt, and said, "At a young age, he said exactly the same thing as my parents."

Lu Cheng choked on the orange juice again.

Liu Shengnan suddenly chuckled and said, "Okay, I called you here because of the boss's instructions."

"He told you to calm down recently, study honestly, and leave the matter of the Galaxy Group to us."

Lu Cheng nodded.

"One more thing." Liu Shengnan frowned and said, "Do you remember that blind old man last time?"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

That is the master of the forest lizard, and there is a quasi-god Lucario!

"If you have time, he wants to see your forest lizard." Liu Shengnan said in a low voice, "This is what Boss Guo told me in private. It doesn't matter if you don't agree."

Lu Cheng didn't have too much resistance to the old man.

After all, Lu Cheng asked his grandfather later that this old man named Li Yixing was his comrade-in-arms back then.

"The rest will be fine." Liu Shengnan smiled slightly, "Then I'll go first."

Lu Cheng nodded silently.

However, the moment Liu Shengnan stood up, he felt a strong killing intent.

Behind Liu Shengnan, a girl with long black hair slowly turned her head, revealing a warm smile like the warm winter sun.

"Study, senpai?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Lu Cheng's forehead, and he stammered:

"Why are you here?"

"What do you think?" Mu Wen smiled and tilted her head cutely.

"You said just now, what's so beautiful?"

A red light flashed, Big Mouth Baby's eyes were bloodshot, and the fangs on his head creaked.


"The energy of divine beasts?"

Listening to Liu Shengnan's report, Guo Zhang rubbed his eyebrows.

"Professor Liu's appetite is also really big, and he raised such difficult requirements as soon as he came up."

Liu Shengnan hesitated for a moment and said, "This is actually Lu Cheng's idea."

Guo Zhang couldn't help laughing.

In the last incident in Qianjiang, this kid was crazy and had to see Suijun, and now he has the idea of ​​divine beast energy.

Is this something his kid could covet?

"Speaking of which, Lu Cheng seems to have made a lot of noise in the research field?" Guo Zhang laughed, "Last time, Xiao Gu from the scientific research department came to me to ask about this person."

Liu Shengnan pondered: "This year's National Scientific Research Summit, he has been shortlisted for the Best Newcomer Award."

"It's interesting." Guo Zhang touched his chin and said, "I will report it to the association. The key is that Professor Liu needs to give me a result of sufficient weight before I can explain it to the above."

"Will it be too late?" Liu Shengnan frowned, "Didn't the association ask for a corresponding plan this week?"

Guo Zhang smiled bitterly and said, "It's not just me, branches all over the country are busy with this."

"I'm going to report to the imperial capital this afternoon." Guo Zhang sighed, "Tell me, what is wrong with E country, why do you have to secretly make it huge?"

This is a global scientific research competition, and all eyes are on Europe.

And the association headquarters in the imperial capital is no exception. UU reading

In the small conference room, there were nine people in total, four heavenly kings, the secretary general of the association, and the heads of various departments.

The content of this council is about the gigantic elves that may exist in country E.

To Professor Miao Xianping's surprise, Guo Zhang, a layman, even came to the conclusion that using the energy of divine beasts can achieve gigantic transformation.

After some further questioning, I realized that it was the work of Professor Liu Bosheng of Jiangnan University.

After obtaining the approval of Professor Miao Xianping of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Central Institute of Spirit Science), the association decided that Jiangnan University would also obtain the corresponding research qualifications.

It was unthinkable that a provincial university professor could obtain a research license for such a major project.

As for the source of divine beast energy.

Jiang Ziqian's eyes narrowed.

Back then, his three evil dragons were seriously injured by the leader of the Galaxy Group, and they recovered only after receiving the gift of the divine beast.

He also gained the friendship of the beasts.

The source of life energy—




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