My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 205: Slimes are green!

Mu Wen followed Lu Cheng to the backstage in surprise.

"Are you sure, you can really get an autograph?" Mu Wen whispered, "I heard that she hates fans surrounding her, and she leaves the venue immediately after each exhibition."

Lu Cheng touched his chin.

Although Luo Yun is unreliable, he is still Xia Lu's junior brother, so he can't even get a signature, right?

At this moment, Luo Yun stuck his head out of the lounge, waved at Lu Cheng, "Come here, Brother Cheng, sister-in-law!"

Mu Wen blushed and hesitated for a while, but the charm of idols outweighed shyness.

And Lu Cheng silently patted Luo Yun's shoulder.

Okay, next time I'll take you to lie down and win!

"Hello, you pay attention to the design of each issue." Mu Wen said brightly, "Especially the black wedding dress of Shanaido, it is simply too delicate."

"Can you sign my name?"

"You are the designer of the nine-tailed tulle just now." Xia Lu glanced at Mu Wen and smiled, "Very good, keep going."

At this moment, Xia Lu glanced at Lu Cheng and was a little surprised.

Why is this kid here?

What are you looking at?

Lu Cheng scratched his head, he didn't remember seeing her before.

Luo Yun was also a little confused. He glanced at the two of them and said, "Senior sister, do you know Brother Cheng?"

Xia Lu took another look at Lu Cheng and said helplessly, "This is your senior brother."

Xia Lu also sighed.

Who would have thought that Teacher Xiao would give this stinky boy the golden and blue Menasca that symbolized his student status.

Even Xia Lu didn't get this card until after the summer vacation.

In theory, as a direct disciple, Lu Cheng is a generation above Xia Lu and Luo Yun!

"Do you still remember the Menasca that Teacher Xiao gave you back then?" Xia Lu said in a condensed voice.

With Xia Lu's explanation, Lu Cheng finally understood what the card Xiao Qing gave him back then represented.

Looking at Lu Cheng's confused appearance, Xia Lu couldn't help but grit her teeth.

This kid is too jealous!

Luo Yun turned to Lu Cheng with an unbelievable expression.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly and said, "Good boy, I'm called Senior Brother."

After walking out of the clubhouse, Mu Wen couldn't help laughing and said, "It's really you who became a student of the world champion, yet she doesn't know it yet."

Lu Cheng scratched his head and said, "It was the old lady who had to let me take it back then."

If Xia Lu was present, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood.

"Are you still going to the next clothing show?" Mu Wen rolled her eyes and said softly.

"Of course." Lu Cheng said contemptuously, "Don't talk about Xia Lu, I'll give you the autograph of the world champion!"

"There will be a chance." Mu Wen blinked and smiled.


Three days have passed since the research on slimes.

From time to time, Lu Cheng went to the research institute for a walk, and found that this kid lived a more leisurely life than he was there.

Every day is to eat and drink. From time to time, I will blow myself up as a balloon, and then it will return to its original state with a "squeak".

Of course, the effect is also very significant.

Aside from the fact that his body can be stabilized at about three meters, even the small fist stone and the eagle that he transformed into are several times larger than the normal elves.

Lu Cheng was very suspicious that Fang Weiyue secretly added some giant cubes to the slime while feeding it.


Seeing Lu Cheng's arrival, the slime moved towards Lu Cheng happily.

About three meters high giant slime, shaped like a ball of jelly, like a giant slime king, jumping up and down, splashing a lot of mucus.

Lu Cheng's expression changed.

My own variety of monsters seems to have developed in a strange place.

If it goes on like this, will you be able to split into a lot of little Variety Monsters?

At this moment, Liu Bosheng came over, patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder and said:

"You came just in time, there is news from the association."

I saw Liu Bosheng sternly said: "The association's actions are quite fast this time. Regarding your so-called divine beast energy, it has already been delivered by someone."

"So fast?" Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

It has only been three days since Lu Cheng proposed this plan.

It seems that the association is quite sensitive to scientific research competition.

Liu Bosheng nodded and said solemnly, "Come with me."

When they came to the research room, a group of white lab coats had already started the research on this new type of energy.

Looking at the golden-blue object on the metal round platform, Lu Cheng unconsciously opened his eyes.

"The branch of Xerneas: The branch from its head has extremely powerful life energy."

A small horn-like protrusion, with four colors of orange, red, purple and sapphire blue wrapped around a short section, shimmering with a sparkling luster under the illumination of the white light.

This short twig is only the size of a thumb cap, but this does not hinder the shock of the researchers.

Seeing Liu Bosheng's arrival, a researcher swallowed and said. Dao: "Professor, this level of energy does not need to be purified at all, and the reaction is extremely stable and can be directly used in experiments."

Before, Liu Bosheng and others also tried to use the Flame Orb or the Life Orb as the energy source for gigantic transformation, but the energy was relatively lacking.

However, it is this inconspicuous branch that is stronger than all known life energy!

At this time, the mushroom head held up the thick research report and said, "According to the deduction, if you inject this kind of energy into the Variety Monster, it can make its transformed form more stable."

"What about the size?" Liu Bosheng asked.

Mushroom Head showed a wry smile and said, "Perhaps because of the lack of a reaction source, even if the Variety Monster gets bigger, you can only use transformation moves."

"That's enough." Liu Bosheng said slowly, "Let's first try to inject this energy into the body of the Variety Monster."

At this moment, even Lu Cheng was a little nervous.

When he proposed this idea, it was tricky, just thinking about whether he could offer some benefits to the association.

Unexpectedly, the association is so generous, and it really gave the branch of Xerneas to Jiangnan University.

Even if it is only the size of a thumb cap, it is a real branch of the World Tree.

According to legend, Xerneas, who was transformed into the World Tree, has the ability to give vitality and life!

When everyone came to the courtyard, the slime squirmed to Lu Cheng's feet with a "hahahaha", looking at the branches in the small box curiously.

However, how can we inject energy into it?

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Lu Cheng's mind.

Perhaps, it would be a good choice to make the branches of this world tree into sprite blocks?

But Liu Bosheng didn't do that. He just took out a small can of diluted liquid and explained:

"This is the water solution after soaking the We have tested it with monocyte spheres, which promotes cell activity, but does not have other negative effects."

The Variety Monster stretched out a pair of sticky hands, took the test tube curiously, and drank the test tube directly.

Everyone nervously looked at the Variety Monster.

Along its transparent body, you can see a cloud of crystal green directly filling its entire body.

The slime turned directly into fluorescent green!

Looking at this "flashing monster", Lu Cheng swallowed and murmured, "What's the situation."

But what surprised Lu Cheng even more came later.

Slimes have successively turned into eagles and small fist stones. Without exception, they are all green that symbolizes nature!

Liu Bosheng was also stunned, and immediately took out the instrument and aimed it at the slime with a relaxed expression.

After a while, Liu Bosheng pondered: "Any item of data is normal. We didn't notice this color change before..."

After all, the single egg ball is originally green!

Lu Cheng looked at the slime with a strange expression.

My armor in the future will not turn into forgiveness green, right?


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