My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 207: National Elf Scientific Research Summit

"Dear Mr. Lu Cheng, we are honored to invite you to this National Fairy Scientific Research Summit..."

Lu Cheng looked at the gilded invitation, and asked curiously, "Are we leaving today?"

Liu Bosheng said with a smile: "Yes, I arrived at Jinling tonight, and I can see the style of the Qinhuai River."

Fang Weiyue smiled and said, "I heard that there are a lot of goldfish kings in the Qinhuai River, and they can reflect waves even at night."

Lu Cheng couldn't help but look forward to this summit trip.

"Your Variety Monster, don't worry, it's in good condition." Liu Bosheng smiled, "Lu Li will stay and take care of it."

Lu Cheng took a look and found that Mushroom Head silently raised a thumb.

After packing up the luggage in the dormitory, Lu Cheng greeted the counselor and got on the high-speed train to Jinling.

It only takes about two hours from Jiangcheng to Jinling. Lu Cheng put on his earphones and found that Liu Bosheng beside him was already asleep.

"Professor is too tired." Fang Weiyue sighed, "For this summit, I have been preparing materials for more than a month."

The National Elf Scientific Research Summit is the provincial capital for all Elf scholars in country C. It is held every second half of the year. At that time, the most influential scientific research achievements, the best scientific research team, and outstanding young scholars will be selected each year.

Among them, the gold award of the annual summit is even known as the "Naughty Thunderbolt Award" in the scientific research community of country C, and its winners will attract the attention of all countries in the world.

Various scholars, including Liu Bosheng, have already submitted relevant materials before the meeting. Although the on-site report is only a formality, it will also affect the final selection of the organizing committee to a certain extent.

After all, there was an extraordinary genius scientist who discovered the mystery of the evolution of Minas through his own research, and made the ugly fish evolve at the summit site, winning the gold medal of that year in one fell swoop.

Therefore, in order to encourage more achievements, the summit also paid more and more attention to the on-site report, which is why Liu Bosheng got ready to go to the dark.

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then said in a low voice, "The letter of recommendation also invited me, but I didn't prepare the report materials."

Fang Weiyue smiled and said, "The summit only lasts for three days, and all the groups that are running for the gold medal are too late to report. Therefore, for young scholars, the results are prepared in advance."

Lu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

When the high-speed train arrived at the station, Fang Weiyue shook Liu Bosheng gently, and the three arrived at Jinling.

As one of the four ancient capitals, Jinling has a very pleasant climate.

There was a dampness in the air in December, Lu Cheng couldn't help taking a deep breath, the fragrance of the sycamore was refreshing.

The three came to the hotel near the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. It was still early. Liu Bosheng rubbed his brows and said, "If you want to go out for a walk, you can. I won't go. It's not very convenient for the elderly to have legs and feet."

Lu Cheng and Fang Weiyue looked at each other and smiled, dragged Liu Bosheng onto the subway to Confucius Temple.

Fang Weiyue had made a strategy in advance, holding the manual and said: "We can go to the Confucius Temple first, and the Qinhuai River is nearby."

With the antique wooden buildings and standing statues, the tour guide Fang Weiyue said with a smile, "In those days, the Master was very particular about teaching without distinction. Even elves could worship under the Master's door and enjoy the same education."

"I know this." Liu Bosheng pondered, "I heard that Zhihui orangutan was enlightened by listening to the Master's lecture."

Lu Cheng was very interested in the history after the change of the world line. He really found a statue of a chimpanzee who listened carefully in the Confucius Temple, and he couldn't help laughing.

On both sides of the Qinhuai River, many elves can be seen. Mukeer, who flutters his wings, helps sell special two-tailed monkeys.

It was already night, and the two sides of the strait were decorated with lanterns. A splendid painting boat slowly passed by, leaving a shadow of oars and lights on the Qinhuai River.

Lu Cheng even saw a Laplace decorated with lanterns, swimming with pedestrians, and a long cry echoed under the bridge hole.

The three of them returned to the hotel contentedly, and it was the next day in the blink of an eye.

National Elf Scientific Research Summit.

Lu Cheng put on the suit prepared in advance, held a tie, and looked awkward in the mirror.

Fang Weiyue gently tied Lu Cheng's tie, and said, "There will be many such occasions in the future, so you have to learn it early."

Then, she took a step back, touched her chin and smiled, "Yes, very energetic."

But Liu Bosheng still wore that explosive head and hummed in a white coat, "It's bells and whistles."

"Don't worry about him." Fang Weiyue rolled her eyes at him and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

In front of the hall, many high-end cars have been parked. For this summit, the local association deliberately restricted travel.

Lu Cheng followed Liu Bosheng to the front of the clubhouse, and an eager voice came:

"Professor Liu, long time no see!"

Liu Bosheng turned his head to look, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and said, "Old Cui, it's really been a long time!"

The person who came was a fat grandfather with a rich face, with short silver hair and a very cute mustache.

"This is Professor Cui Lianshu from Shanghai Jiaotong University." Beside Lu Cheng, Fang Weiyue explained with a smile, "We were still classmates with Professor Liu back then."

Cui Lianshu hugged Liu Bosheng, facing Lu Cheng in surprise, "Who is this?"

"This is my new student this year." Liu Bosheng smiled, "you must know his name."

"Needless to say, I know it all!" Cui Lianshu smiled and said, "For such a young researcher in Jiangnan University, only Lu Cheng, who discovered the new elves, is there?"

I saw Cui Lianshu looked at Lu Cheng and said eagerly, "Young man, I read the paper on Fairy Ibrahimovic. I never imagined that there really is a Fairy-like Ibrahimovic!"

"It's really terrifying after birth, terrifying after birth!"

Lu Cheng was a little embarrassed by Cui Lianshu's praise, he scratched his head and said, "I just became a researcher not long ago."

Cui Lianshu was stunned for a moment, and found Liu Bosheng coughing heavily: "This kid is a freshman at Jiangnan University this year."

"Freshman year!" Cui Lianshu's eyes widened instantly, "Undergraduate?"

Liu Bosheng Cui Lianshu's expression looking at Lu Cheng suddenly changed, he dragged Liu Bosheng to the side and said:

"Don't fool me, if he is a freshman, can he write three papers on "Science of Spirits" in a row?"

"I read those three articles without a word, and the one about move evolution was co-authored with Su Tianshang!"

Liu Bosheng smiled bitterly and said, "I really won't lie to you, my newly released Dumb King is thanks to this kid."

Cui Lianshu took a deep breath.

I saw the chubby old man taking three steps and taking two steps, rushing to Lu Cheng's side.

Before Liu Bosheng could react, he saw that Cui Lianshu had already hooked Lu Cheng's neck and laughed loudly:

"Young man, are you interested in coming to Jiaotong University for graduate studies? I still have a guaranteed quota here!"

This Fatty Cui is actually digging a wall in front of me!

Liu Bosheng's face darkened, and he was about to protect Lu Cheng when an old man with a stern face came over.

"Professor Liu, it's a pleasure to meet you." The old man nodded and took out his business card from his arms.

"I am Miao Xianping from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the jury members of this summit."



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