My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 209: secret amber

On the screen, Lu Cheng's somewhat green face appeared.

After a round of applause, people turned their heads one after another, looking at this rising star curiously.

"I heard that this is the researcher who discovered the fairy Ibrahimovic."

"So young? Did you graduate from graduate school?"

"I heard that he is still a freshman at Jiangnan University, and his future is limitless!"

Lu Cheng got up and took the stage to accept the award in the eyes of everyone.

This link was also unexpected to Lu Cheng. After all, he didn't pay attention to these awards before.

But from the eager eyes of those scholars, Lu Cheng could still feel the weight of this award.

Lu Cheng coughed lightly: "Thank you for your love..."

In the extremely fierce competition for the Young Scholar Award, such a young junior actually won the crown, which makes people feel emotional.

The afterlife is terrifying!

Miao Xianping nodded to Lu Cheng and said:

"The proposal of a new evolutionary method, the demonstration of the evolution of the Dumb King, and the discovery of the fairy Ibrahimovic have made invaluable contributions to the field of elf evolution. The jury has decided to select the 'Most Influential Young Scholar' The award is given to Lu Cheng!"

There was a click of the shutter, and the major media were a little surprised. Lu Cheng, who had refused to interview them many times before, was so young!

"Let the editor publish a headline and let the news of this young man win!"

"Boss, I heard that this kid is actually an undergraduate, not yet 20 years old!"

"My God, has this set the youngest record for winning a summit award?"

A reporter looked at Lu Cheng in shock, stepped forward to stop him when he stepped down, and said with a shy face: "Hello, Teacher Lu, can I interview you with a few questions later?"

Teacher Lu?

Looking at this uncle, a reporter who was at least in his forties, Lu Cheng couldn't help coughing and said embarrassedly, "I have nothing to interview, you can interview my teacher."

"Your teacher?" The reporter's eyes lit up.

"That's right, Liu Bosheng from Jiangnan University." Lu Cheng smiled with eight teeth, "Thanks to his guidance, I can get this award."

Taking advantage of the time recorded by the reporter, Lu Cheng rushed back to his seat and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Weiyue laughed and said, "What you said just now was very cool!"

"It's okay." Lu Cheng touched his nose and said, "After all, there are so many occasions to win awards."

Liu Bosheng coughed suddenly, glared at Lu Cheng and said, "You kid, don't be complacent, there's still a lot to learn!"

Lu Cheng smiled and nodded.

During the break, many scholars came here, wanting to see the style of this young scholar.

Although I had heard of it, I couldn't help being surprised when I saw Lu Cheng himself.

This Lu Cheng is actually as young as rumored.

This is not a rising star, this is a rocket that goes straight to the sky, a rare genius!

"Hello, I'm Li Shuangyang from Nankai University." A young man with a mustache smiled at Lu Cheng, "I read your paper on Fairy Ibrahimovic, and now the little guy in our institute has also evolved, What a beautiful fairy!"

A female scholar in the field of social and humanities also smiled and said: "Fairy Ibrahimovic will definitely have a great impact on the coordination field. I have a hunch that there will be a large number of fairy Ibrahimovic who have received gorgeous ribbons in the near future!"

No matter where Lu Cheng went, someone would always come up and hand over his business card, which made Lu Cheng very distressed.

But I had to accept it again!

Lu Cheng politely accepted the business card. In the end, this elegant and easy-going descendant left a deep impression on everyone. Even the professors of the Imperial University were very fond of Lu Cheng.

"Don't look at whose students."

Listening to the rumors, Liu Bosheng snorted, "Do you still need the people from the Imperial College to praise?"

"You are famous now." Fang Weiyue said with a smile, "There are people who call you the 'father of Fairy Ibrahimovic'!"

'Father of Fairy Ibrahimovic'?

Lu Cheng likes this name very much, but the Nine Tails in the Poke Ball protested strongly.

The conference lasted for three days, and there were no important awards in the afternoon.

Lu Cheng took a few elves to stroll around Zhongshan Park in the afternoon, and then returned to the hotel to rest.

The content of the second day is to report the research results of each group.

The content of this day's report, in Liu Bosheng's words, is bells and whistles.

The virtual reality technology developed by Leiden Technology has been widely used in reports.

The Huaguo University of Geosciences team used the newly unearthed pterosaur fossils to restore the style of the sky overlord, and used VR technology to bring everyone present back to the era of barbaric growth, which attracted a burst of admiration.

The National University of Defense Technology demonstrated the high pulse current and magnetic field formed by the use of self-exploding magnetic monsters, which can be used in civilian applications in addition to weapons.

Su Tianshang, who was employed by Imperial University, confidently used VR technology to show the picture of the giant Ibrahimovic.

However, according to him, this is just an assumption. Ibrahimovic's unstable gene sequence just matches the extreme gigantic.

In Su Tianshang's eyes, the research of Jujuhua is the most advanced field, and this time he won the gold award.

But Miao Xianping shook his head imperceptibly.

In the end, it was Liu Bosheng from Jiangnan University who used PPT to report on Dudu Wang.

Liu Bosheng's report made everyone drowsy, but after all, it was a brand new elf. After obtaining unanimous consent, the jury gave Dumb Wang a brand new number and entered it into the illustrated book.

For a researcher, this is already a supreme honor.

In any future textbooks, Liu Bosheng's words will appear in the column of the discoverer of Dumb King, just like Lu Cheng is called "father of fairy Ibrahimovic".

Liu Bosheng, who had tears in the corners of his eyes, coughed, and couldn't help calling Lu Cheng, who was smiling, the back of his head.

On the third day, the conference announced the final gold award results.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the UU reading conference even awarded the gold medal of the summit to the mediocre "Red Flag Wizard Factory".

The master ball they developed also participated in the selection of the conference.

The master ball can theoretically achieve a 100% catch rate, but no one knows what the effect will be!

As for the outcome of the argument, it has little to do with Lu Cheng.

He and Liu Bosheng, who also won the award, happily took the high-speed train back to Jiangcheng.

"That's right." Liu Bosheng smiled and threw a piece of crystal and moist thing to Lu Cheng, "Let's play with this little thing."

Lu Cheng took it subconsciously and started moisturizing it. It was a piece of crystal clear yellow amber.

"This, this?" Lu Cheng stammered.

"This is a gadget given to me by an old friend from the University of Geosciences." Liu Bosheng laughed.

"The resin mined from the fossilized pterosaur is still sealed with a paramecia. Take a closer look."

Lu Cheng raised the amber and aimed it at the glass window. Under the sunlight, a small black shadow loomed inside the amber.

Lu Cheng swallowed.

Where is this paramecia?

A fossilized pterosaur is clearly sealed here!


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